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The best couple of weeks of my life

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    I know how you're feeling (well everyone here does I suppose lol), I can tell you right now that it doesn't get much easier the more times you meet BUT you can learn to push the sadness away after few meetings and deal with it rather than let it take complete control over you.

    The first time Andy and I said goodbye was the worst feeling in the world, it was so unfair that we only had one weekend together when we clearly are meant to spend our lives together. But almost 3 years have gone by and we've met numerous times and we're still hanging in there so you and Denise will be fine too!

    You'll see her again soon and when you do all these tears, heartbreak and lonely times have been worth it ♥


      thanks guys....i know....currently im up at 6 am which is basically the time me and her would get up and go outside and just sit and chat....i know it will get better but right now it just sucks and its hurts


        Hang in there. The photos are so sweet, you can tell by the look you give each other.


          heh i can even tell in the pictures how much we love each other


            You ladies look so happy together. I'm glad to see you had a good trip, and I know adjusting back is hard, but now you have another trip to look forward to; and an awesome one at that with the woman you love.

            *hugs* Let yourself cry hun. Then pick yourself up and get ready for that next trip. *smiles*

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              I'm glad that you two had a wonderful time together! I love your pics You are so cute together!!

              I totally felt the exact same way when I had to leave Ken. I cried for days after, and was just an emotional wreck without him there. But you'll get to see her again in 3 months, and the time will just fly by and you'll be together again. Stay strong!!

