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how did you guys meet ? tell me your magic story

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    Good stories everyone


      I was going through a tough time and spent a night drunk and chatting on Omegle. During this time I was in a kind of LDR that wasn't going very well, mainly because of lack of communication, also we hadn't met in real life and I hadn't asked what exactly we were and was generally being immature. I ended up in a chat with this guy that seemed rather childish but interesting, so I agreed to give him my MSN. We talked on there for quite a while and turned out even though he was two years younger than me he was acting childish to hide bad confidence and was actually more mature than me.

      We kept talking and I started to feel guilty about caring for him and he knew this, we both tried to move on and I tried to go back to feeling what I felt for my now ex, but it wouldn't happen. After 5 months of talking he told me his family would allow him to come here on some conditions, such as talking to my mum on the phone first, and my ex knew this and was fine with it. We fixed all that and I got a couple days off work, and went down to meet him and bring him up to where I live. I was still very much trying to be with my ex, and technically I was but I loved my now SO and didn't dare to be open about it to anyone, not even myself. Fast forward for 5 wonderful days, I dropped him off at the train station since I had to go back to work, and I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out all day, since I was sure we wouldn't see each other again.

      When I came back from work the same evening my mum said that I should really hang on to this guy, not having a clue about the guy I was seeing at the time. This got me thinking and within a couple weeks my trip to him was booked, and again, my ex was fine with this. My SO picked me up at the airport and while waiting at Krispy Kreamy at Paddington for our train he said he really wished he could some day marry me. At that point I knew I couldn't stand the thought of not being with him, so I said something along the lines of "so do" and finally ended things with my ex. Over two years later it's the best decision I've ever made and I realize every day how good we go together
      We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


        We met on a free dating site. I clicked on his profile because I thought he was really cute and I think I also nudged him.
        Then he sent me an email in the site basically saying something like "Hi" and "How are you?" That was on the 10th of June 2012.
        At this point I was sick of men having had some bad experiences. I did a lot of dating during the spring of 2012, broke up with my ex in December 2011 and moved out in the beginning of the year (2012).
        We started writing on a daily basis. A week later changed emails and continued emailing. We took things slow, getting to know each other. Joking around, sending jokes etc. He made me laugh and vice versa. Every time I got an email from him I got really excited. We then moved onto MS Messenger and ever since have had a "morning coffee IM" session wether we are at work or not (if no customers/technical problems etc) nowadays it's Skype on weekend mornings though.

        Half way July we exchanged phone numbers and we were both out that night so the texts started to get a bit flirty.
        We spoke on the phone for the first time in beginning of August and I think it's the next day I was feeling like I had a bad crush on him and couldn't concentrate on anything else just thinking about him. I told him in a text and he texted me back that he was also quite smitten

        At the end of August I booked tickets to go and see him in the end of October, because I wanted to travel to him and I felt like I needed a holiday.
        And the rest is history! Our sixth visit is coming up this week. I can't wait!
        Last edited by Ahava; November 5, 2013, 01:40 PM.


          Love all the stories!

          I met my SO in Taiwan, where we were both on exchange semester last spring. I arrived to Taiwan three weeks before school started, just to get accustomed to the environment and possibly to meet new people before school starts. He came about 5 days after me, and I met him on his first day in Taiwan, in front the the international dorm we were both living in. I just came back from the city center with many shopping bags in my hands, and he was standing outside the dorms with a a few other students (one that I already knew), so I stopped to introduce myself. I was really attracted to him right away, and I can still remember how my heart skipped a beat - his smile was so warm and welcoming! He told me later that he was very attracted to me as well. We (and his friend) made plans to meet up next morning to go together to this one school dinner event as none of us had any idea where to go. At the dinner event I remember being so disappointed we couldn't sit in the same table (the seats were assigned) but I kept glancing at him (and he at me) the whole time. Within a week we became really close and always texted (or messaged of FB) what the other one is up to etc. I also invited him to my room to watch movies or just to hang out.

          Our feelings grew stronger and stronger VERY fast. In only about 10 days after we met each other there was a trip to Southern Taiwan with a bunch of exchange students and I left one day before him because he had class, and he would join the group later. I remember how much I missed him even in that one day......

          We hang out every day together and we officially started dating each other on 18th of March - 1½ months after we met. The whole semester we basically saw each other 24/7 and lived together in the same room. So making it long-distance was extremely hard!!! But we are determined this will work out!


            My SO and I met on OkCupid in March of this year. I wanted to give the whole online dating thing a try. My mom actually encouraged me to do it. I was going to sign up on another website but it had a fee. I was too cheap to pay, LOL. I'm still thankful for that to this day. We both had been talking to several people, and we'd been out on a few dates but nothing fantastic.
            He messaged me first. I had been getting a lot of messages and replied very selectivity. His message was short and sweet, but got my attention. We messaged for a little bit, then he said the app was making his phone battery die. That's how he asked for my phone number. LOL It worked and we texted a lot for a few days.

            He wanted to talk on the phone but I wasn't sure how it was going to go. Actually when he asked me, I was going out to dinner. We didn't talk for about a week or so. I never deleted his number though. About a week later, I texted him because I hadn't heard from him. I'd missed him. We reconnected and haven't stopped talking
            We had our first phone call and it was amazing. We talked for 4 hours! He made me laugh the entire time and I knew after that, he was special. <3

            We texted, talked on the phone and had plenty of FaceTime for the next month. We made it official in April and had our first visit in May. Flash forward to almost 7 months later, and we're still going strong!

            He is my best friend, my love and was made just for me. <3 I feel so incredibly blessed to have found him. He makes me so happy. <3 I love him so much and can't wait to see what the future holds for us! <3


              We met playing a first person shooter, Zombie Panic! Source, in February 2012. I was a community leader for the ZPS community of my gaming community back then which required me to play a lot and keep the server going, so to speak. One day he joined the server and the first thing he heard was me rolling my Rs and he loved it! Our time difference was 6 hours back then and while it was 3am for me and WAY past my bedtime, he just came online to play. The following days he would join and see if I was online and playing and if I was he would be following me and protecting me. The first time he EVER used his mic in a game was when I dropped him some shotgun ammo and he replied with "Thank you". I was hooked. This voice was just pure gold and the way he acted was so gentlemanly. We added each other on Steam and started to talk about everything and nothing, got to know each other's fears and dreams and at some point we talked about depression which made us both realise that somehow there was this person who understood exactly how we felt. Within the next three months we talked everyday from the time he came home to the time he had to go to bed. On May 22nd I referred to myself as his girlfriend and this is where we started.

              Right now I am sitting right next to him spending the next 2 months with him before I go back to Austria and work for 7 months to have some money for our visa journey and our wedding. Life can be really good

              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
              Married: 1/24/2015
              Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                Our magical story? He wanted to get in my pants. It worked.

                The rest, as they say, is history.


                  Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                  Our magical story? He wanted to get in my pants. It worked.

                  The rest, as they say, is history.

                  Anyways, I was at a destination wedding a few months back for a good friend. My GF didn't come with me for various (lame and upsetting) reasons. The night before the wedding I was out with my friends and I got a series of texts from her which lead to a phone call where we preceded to fight about the fact that I was out with my friends. After that call I knew immediately that when I got home I was going to move out of her house. It was the last straw for me.

                  About 15 minutes later, more people that were there for the wedding showed up the bar we were all hanging out with. Almost immediately my friends niece and I were drawn to each other. Given my situation, we were a little standoffish with each other, but there was an intense magnetic field that kept bringing us together, or maybe it was the fact that she owns a blue guitar and I have one tattooed to my arm!

                  The next day we saw each other in the hotel and her family was kind enough to let me join them at the hotel breakfast. That evening at the wedding, we hit it off some more. A lot less standoffish. We spent a majority of the wedding and the night following the wedding with each other. At that wedding, I realized I had no doubts that she was the one I wanted to be with.

                  Fast forward a couple days. I arrive at home, told my GF that it was over with us, and I packed up a bag and left. It still took me a day or so, but eventually I called my friends niece. Since then we've continued to get to know each other and have developed an intense love for each other that neither of us had really ever felt before. So many things have happened since then that have made me realize, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are meant for each other. And I think she feels it, too.

                  It was love at first sight. I'm sure of it. And in 3 days I will get to see her again! :-)


                    In june I just broke up with my ex,with whom been together for 3 years and half of this time in LDR.However, for around 3-4 months I have been thinking about break up because I was feeling miserable and totally unhappy.The next day i called my friend asking to take me out because i really couldnt stay at home.He said he would be with some guy,his best friend,but I really didnt care,coz had to get out and do not think about anything.So we met,I met his friend,honestly,did not even remember his name for like half an hour,just noticed he had mohawk hairstyle and military dog tags.Next day we started dating
                    Now when I introduce him to my friends,I mention he loves poetry,gifts me flowers and carries me on hands,and then I just enjoy seeing their facial expression when they see my SO showing up and looking like a punk rebel


                      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                      Our magical story? He wanted to get in my pants. It worked.

                      The rest, as they say, is history.
                      Teee-hehehe this seriously made me LOL.
                      Hispanic men will do that to ya... at least in my experience

                      I'm one of the "older" people on this forum so my story dates back quite a while.

                      It was the spring of 1993 (yes 20 and a half years ago) I was 13 and smitten with this boy (we'll call him Joe for the story) who kept playing games with me. Joe would date me then break up with me and date my best friend's sister, then go back to me etc. etc. So I'd date other boys to try to make Joe jealous, which worked. This one day my usual group was hanging out, and a new boy came into the mix. A very cute Hispanic boy, who ended up asking me out. I said yes to make Joe jealous. Needless to say, me and the cute Hispanic boy ended up really connecting, and I didn't care about making Joe jealous anymore. Considering we were both 13, and children the relationship broke off. He was a grade behind me (even though we were both 13). A week into my Freshman year (he was in 8th grade then), my mom picked up and moved us across the state. Mind you now, this was 1993, there was no Facebook, no Internet nothing. Even phone calls were long distance, and we never had really talked on the phone anyhow, we just talked in person...

                      Over the years I never EVER forgot this boy. Katy Perry's song "the one that got away" every time it came on I thought of him. I wondered about him. What did he do with his life? Did he get married? Have kids? Why do I think about him? He probably doesn't even remember me... besides I was married and had kids and all. Although I did see him on Facebook (yes I searched him lol) but was too afraid to make contact and couldn't see any info about him without becoming a "friend". I definitely knew it was him, I'd recognize that face anywhere. I'm not sure when exactly I looked him up, it was probably one day when I was bored and started typing names in. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that lol.

                      Anyhow 13 months ago my marriage ended, but my divorce wasn't finalized until about 6 months ago. I went back to my maiden name, in real life and on Facebook. Due to the circumstances behind the reason of my marriage ending, I do not want any reminder of my ex. (and I'm glad my DD is starting to favor me more in looks too) It was bad, and still is bad and is something that I am continuously dealing with. I am just going to say that he committed a crime....

                      I changed my name back on Facebook before the divorce was finalized, and a few more people from my "hometown" friend requested me realizing I was me LOL. The day I saw the request from him come in I remember well. I was at work, and checked my Facebook from my phone. New friend request. I see his name. No way... not him... click on the request and look at his page. Yup it's him. OMG what do I do? (Yes I was acting 13 again). Accept... accept I'll accept it...(grinning ear to ear). Well we were classmates... and we do have friends in common because we grew up in the same town so that's all it comes down to.

                      Then... almost everything I post is liked by him and some comments started coming in. Am I 13 again? Because my heart is going pitter patter like freaking crazy!! I'm just going to take this with a grain of salt. I can't read into it anymore...ding... what's that? A Facebook message... "Hey text me at #####" Yes I did the 13-year-old jump up and down and screech. "OMG! He wants me to text him! HELL YEAH I'm gonna text him" That was July 16th. On July 22nd he told me "I wanna be with you let's do this" so I said OK. 3 days later I was driving to see him because I'm insane like that, and arrived at 3AM LOL. The rest is history....

                      He never forgot me. He looked for me in high school but I was gone... My mom moved so abruptly that no-one there even knew where I was, and my best friend went to a tech school so he couldn't find her to ask either LOL. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't moved and he HAD found me... but I think it's better this way honestly because we've both had life experiences now and relate to one another even more so due to them.


                        Originally posted by Rachelm920 View Post
                        Teee-hehehe this seriously made me LOL.
                        Hispanic men will do that to ya... at least in my experience

                        I'm one of the "older" people on this forum so my story dates back quite a while.

                        It was the spring of 1993 (yes 20 and a half years ago) I was 13 and smitten with this boy (we'll call him Joe for the story) who kept playing games with me. Joe would date me then break up with me and date my best friend's sister, then go back to me etc. etc. So I'd date other boys to try to make Joe jealous, which worked. This one day my usual group was hanging out, and a new boy came into the mix. A very cute Hispanic boy, who ended up asking me out. I said yes to make Joe jealous. Needless to say, me and the cute Hispanic boy ended up really connecting, and I didn't care about making Joe jealous anymore. Considering we were both 13, and children the relationship broke off. He was a grade behind me (even though we were both 13). A week into my Freshman year (he was in 8th grade then), my mom picked up and moved us across the state. Mind you now, this was 1993, there was no Facebook, no Internet nothing. Even phone calls were long distance, and we never had really talked on the phone anyhow, we just talked in person...

                        Over the years I never EVER forgot this boy. Katy Perry's song "the one that got away" every time it came on I thought of him. I wondered about him. What did he do with his life? Did he get married? Have kids? Why do I think about him? He probably doesn't even remember me... besides I was married and had kids and all. Although I did see him on Facebook (yes I searched him lol) but was too afraid to make contact and couldn't see any info about him without becoming a "friend". I definitely knew it was him, I'd recognize that face anywhere. I'm not sure when exactly I looked him up, it was probably one day when I was bored and started typing names in. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that lol.

                        Anyhow 13 months ago my marriage ended, but my divorce wasn't finalized until about 6 months ago. I went back to my maiden name, in real life and on Facebook. Due to the circumstances behind the reason of my marriage ending, I do not want any reminder of my ex. (and I'm glad my DD is starting to favor me more in looks too) It was bad, and still is bad and is something that I am continuously dealing with. I am just going to say that he committed a crime....

                        I changed my name back on Facebook before the divorce was finalized, and a few more people from my "hometown" friend requested me realizing I was me LOL. The day I saw the request from him come in I remember well. I was at work, and checked my Facebook from my phone. New friend request. I see his name. No way... not him... click on the request and look at his page. Yup it's him. OMG what do I do? (Yes I was acting 13 again). Accept... accept I'll accept it...(grinning ear to ear). Well we were classmates... and we do have friends in common because we grew up in the same town so that's all it comes down to.

                        Then... almost everything I post is liked by him and some comments started coming in. Am I 13 again? Because my heart is going pitter patter like freaking crazy!! I'm just going to take this with a grain of salt. I can't read into it anymore...ding... what's that? A Facebook message... "Hey text me at #####" Yes I did the 13-year-old jump up and down and screech. "OMG! He wants me to text him! HELL YEAH I'm gonna text him" That was July 16th. On July 22nd he told me "I wanna be with you let's do this" so I said OK. 3 days later I was driving to see him because I'm insane like that, and arrived at 3AM LOL. The rest is history....

                        He never forgot me. He looked for me in high school but I was gone... My mom moved so abruptly that no-one there even knew where I was, and my best friend went to a tech school so he couldn't find her to ask either LOL. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't moved and he HAD found me... but I think it's better this way honestly because we've both had life experiences now and relate to one another even more so due to them.
                        WOW!!! What an amazing story! That is amazing that you could reconnect after all those years. So happy for you guys! Just curious, does he have children? (if not too personal question)


                          Awwww These are all so cute to read! Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy

                          Anywho! Three years ago I picked up my life and moved to the UK for school. For 2.5 years of my time at school I was in a LDR with someone from my high school. Well, going into my third year of Uni I saw this boy in the incoming freshers and I thought he was just so cute. I just couldn't stop thinking about him even though I was still with my ex…I know, I'm awful. I got the like butterflies in the tummy feeling about this new boy, so much so that I couldn't even muster up the words to talk to him because I got so nervous. Well, things started to go south with my ex because he was a boring engineer and I'm trying to be an actress, and he told me he was happy for me to be his housewife because he knew I couldn't make it as an actress. I know…real nice guy. So right as things started going south with him, this new cute boy and I finally started talking!! All the small talk and quick chats culminated in one 5 hour text conversation, and I broke up with my ex over Skype that night. This new boy and I finally planned to go on a coffee date, and both of us were so incredibly nervous!! Our poor friends must have hated us because we kept going to them saying how nervous we both were! Well, we went on the date, and I wanted to poop my pants I was so nervous the whole time, but I really really liked him. He was so funny and nice and charming and had a cute little accent. He was just everything a girl could want in a boyfriend. So after our date we go back to the dorm where we both lived, and we sat on the floor of my room for hours talking about how nervous we both were, and how we never did things like this, and how we both really liked each other, and we both wanted things to happen. And then he kissed me, and here we are nearly 9 months later I had to move back to the US because of my visa about 7 months into our relationship, but I'm so so grateful for the time that I got to spend with him. We travelled and lived together and just had the most amazing time, and even now that we're apart for awhile, I try and remember all those amazing times, and all of those butterflies and remind myself that we'll be back there some day


                            Originally posted by lejon View Post
                            WOW!!! What an amazing story! That is amazing that you could reconnect after all those years. So happy for you guys! Just curious, does he have children? (if not too personal question)
                            He does, but their mom (who I also remember from our "hometown") won't let him see them because of some disagreement they had years ago... he has 3 boys


                              Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
                              In june I just broke up with my ex,with whom been together for 3 years and half of this time in LDR.However, for around 3-4 months I have been thinking about break up because I was feeling miserable and totally unhappy.The next day i called my friend asking to take me out because i really couldnt stay at home.He said he would be with some guy,his best friend,but I really didnt care,coz had to get out and do not think about anything.So we met,I met his friend,honestly,did not even remember his name for like half an hour,just noticed he had mohawk hairstyle and military dog tags.Next day we started dating
                              Now when I introduce him to my friends,I mention he loves poetry,gifts me flowers and carries me on hands,and then I just enjoy seeing their facial expression when they see my SO showing up and looking like a punk rebel
                              THIS is awesome!

                              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                              Married: 1/24/2015
                              Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                                Originally posted by Rachelm920 View Post
                                Teee-hehehe this seriously made me LOL.
                                Hispanic men will do that to ya... at least in my experience

                                I'm one of the "older" people on this forum so my story dates back quite a while.

                                It was the spring of 1993 (yes 20 and a half years ago) I was 13 and smitten with this boy (we'll call him Joe for the story) who kept playing games with me. Joe would date me then break up with me and date my best friend's sister, then go back to me etc. etc. So I'd date other boys to try to make Joe jealous, which worked. This one day my usual group was hanging out, and a new boy came into the mix. A very cute Hispanic boy, who ended up asking me out. I said yes to make Joe jealous. Needless to say, me and the cute Hispanic boy ended up really connecting, and I didn't care about making Joe jealous anymore. Considering we were both 13, and children the relationship broke off. He was a grade behind me (even though we were both 13). A week into my Freshman year (he was in 8th grade then), my mom picked up and moved us across the state. Mind you now, this was 1993, there was no Facebook, no Internet nothing. Even phone calls were long distance, and we never had really talked on the phone anyhow, we just talked in person...

                                Over the years I never EVER forgot this boy. Katy Perry's song "the one that got away" every time it came on I thought of him. I wondered about him. What did he do with his life? Did he get married? Have kids? Why do I think about him? He probably doesn't even remember me... besides I was married and had kids and all. Although I did see him on Facebook (yes I searched him lol) but was too afraid to make contact and couldn't see any info about him without becoming a "friend". I definitely knew it was him, I'd recognize that face anywhere. I'm not sure when exactly I looked him up, it was probably one day when I was bored and started typing names in. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that lol.

                                Anyhow 13 months ago my marriage ended, but my divorce wasn't finalized until about 6 months ago. I went back to my maiden name, in real life and on Facebook. Due to the circumstances behind the reason of my marriage ending, I do not want any reminder of my ex. (and I'm glad my DD is starting to favor me more in looks too) It was bad, and still is bad and is something that I am continuously dealing with. I am just going to say that he committed a crime....

                                I changed my name back on Facebook before the divorce was finalized, and a few more people from my "hometown" friend requested me realizing I was me LOL. The day I saw the request from him come in I remember well. I was at work, and checked my Facebook from my phone. New friend request. I see his name. No way... not him... click on the request and look at his page. Yup it's him. OMG what do I do? (Yes I was acting 13 again). Accept... accept I'll accept it...(grinning ear to ear). Well we were classmates... and we do have friends in common because we grew up in the same town so that's all it comes down to.

                                Then... almost everything I post is liked by him and some comments started coming in. Am I 13 again? Because my heart is going pitter patter like freaking crazy!! I'm just going to take this with a grain of salt. I can't read into it anymore...ding... what's that? A Facebook message... "Hey text me at #####" Yes I did the 13-year-old jump up and down and screech. "OMG! He wants me to text him! HELL YEAH I'm gonna text him" That was July 16th. On July 22nd he told me "I wanna be with you let's do this" so I said OK. 3 days later I was driving to see him because I'm insane like that, and arrived at 3AM LOL. The rest is history....

                                He never forgot me. He looked for me in high school but I was gone... My mom moved so abruptly that no-one there even knew where I was, and my best friend went to a tech school so he couldn't find her to ask either LOL. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't moved and he HAD found me... but I think it's better this way honestly because we've both had life experiences now and relate to one another even more so due to them.
                                I love that it's like those things that are just ment to be

