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How often do you see each other?

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    How often do you see each other?


    Just wondering, how often do you see each other? Is it regularly arranged or just when you get enough money/spare time? And do you tend to make it equal who travels?

    We don't keep track who does what or who goes to who. We will squeeze in as much time as we have in our work. He travels a lot for his work so if he is in nearby countries, he will try to take a couple of days to skip off to meet me. For me, I will crazily work my butt off to earn some time off and save them so I can fly to see him.

    So far, we have been meeting once every 2 months.


      We´re lucky living only 6 hours away and cheap train tickets for youth under 26. So we try to see each other at least once every month, and since we are both students we normally manages to make it a long-weekend.


        We will have managed 6 visits by the end of this year. The longest time apart was three months. Honestly, 6 visits was hard. I sacrificed a lot to do it, and I'm almost positive we won't be able to pull off the same next year. We don't have a schedule for visits. We just go by time off and money. I also travel more than him. Some of our visits we drive and meet halfway, but I've been to Edmonton 3 times this year and he has been to Indiana once. I get almost triple the amount of time off he does so it is just easier for me to go to him.


          We arranged it so I came within my time off from school - first time in the easter holidays (11 days), second time in my summer holidays (75 days) and now that college is almost done I am here for 3 months. However, once I'm back I am going to work and will not see my man for atleast 6 months (more like 10 though).

          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
          Married: 1/24/2015
          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


            We see each other at least once a month. Because he works and I am still at school, I have the more flexible schedule. Last semester, I had both Friday and Monday off, so I could visit him for 4 days at a time. This semester I just have Fridays off, so I usually fly over Thursday night and leave Sunday night. Last semester we just booked tickets 3 weeks in advance. This time around all our visits are planned until next January. I will be seeing him on Nov. 7-10, then Nov. 27 - Dec 1, and then Dec. 18-Jan 20. I'm the one doing the traveling because, as I mentioned, he works. Also he has his own place and I share my apartment with another person. And, he has our cat so it makes sense that I go visit her too .
            So, here you are
            too foreign for home
            too foreign for here.
            Never enough for both.

            Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


              We should have a section 'Statistics' on this forum.
              Where we can have this can of information tabulated according to distance (Within country/continent/world).
              Stuff like 'How often do you Skype?' and 'How long do you see each other?' and 'How long have you been LD?'

              Would be so interesting!!

              Anyway: we have a max of 10 weeks in between visits, but our distance is huge..


                My SO and I see each other twice a year for about a month or two. The first year was only a few weeks because we didn't want to overstay and wear out our welcomes with the families. Anyway, our longest visit together was 83 days long this past summer. I went to Sweden and stayed with him and his family. It was so fantastic spending practically three months with him. We both loved it. Now, he will be coming here at the end of this month and staying until the early part of January. This will make his third trip here, and I have been there three times already (not this year but in total). Hopefully, this will be our last visit and I will make my permanent leap across the pond sometime in 2014. Keep your fingers crossed!

                To read our love story, click here.


                  Twice a year up to now. Our time apart has varied from 4 - 9 months in between visits though. Now that I'm at uni, I hope we can manage to see each other over the semester breaks for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, that's all up to money..


                    Currently, he's working full-time and I'm a student, so I visit him between semesters and he'll try to save up vacation days to see me. We used to go 4 months between visits, but lately it's 6 months. I go to school in a smallish city in Canada, but he lives in beautiful California, so I travel to him the most. Sometimes it's cheaper to split the cost of one-way tickets, or instead of paying for airfare, the other person helps with expenses during the trip.

                    @Safihre: That sounds like a sweet idea! Has it been mentioned to Michelle in the site suggestions section?

                    Married: June 9th, 2015


                      We usually manage to get in two visits a year (that overlap over the new year as well), with a timeframe of around 3 months or so.

                      I'm in Sweden on study abroad and my GF moved here with me so our distance has gone down to about 100km for 5 months or so. We get to see each other most weekends, maybe more but the travel costs add up.


                        Twice a year. Only during summer and Christmas. I'm still in nursing school so I still have some holidays where I can visit. He's a police officer, so it's hard for him to get days off. I've visited him three times now, 4th visit during Christmas again. He's only visited me last October. We only schedule our visits during my holidays.


                          We started dating while I was studying/researching in his country, which I extended to be with him so for the first 4-5 months we saw each other every weekend, him coming to me because I had my own apartment (since we lived in different towns). Now that I'm back in my country, it's been 3 months since seeing each other and I'll go visit for 10 days starting Nov. 20. After that, money-wise it'll make it hard to plan anything but I think we'll have 3 visits of varying lengths in 2014.
                          I already set aside two weeks in April for visiting since it'll coincide with our anniversary and then hopefully for the month of July before I (hopefully) go to grad school. He can't travel to me because of costs, he makes a salary relevant to his country for his job which is miniscule compared to US expenses. We are planning to file for a visa and for him to come visit the US for about a month in December 2014 and we will both be saving up for it.
                          When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
                          no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


                            technically we are in the same town every 3 months. My son is in year round school and gets 4 breaks a year. SO lives in the town we grew up in, so i go visit family. Depending on his work/school schedule we may see each other 1 day, or more if we are lucky.
                            everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


                              School is what prevents my SO and I from seeing each other as often, school and work on his part. We see each other every 4-6 months for a month at a time. It's really hard, but we can't do anything about it as long as we're in school which for me will be another 3+ years. We're just hoping I can transfer to his city in the summer or fall.

