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did anyone judge you when you told them you were in a LDR?

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    Originally posted by bethyylovee View Post
    Ohhh yeah. I was told plenty of times that LDRs are pointless, that people ALWAYS cheat in LDRs, this, that, and the other. Well HA. HA. HA. Four years later we're happily engaged and set to be wed next December. It CAN work, and frequently does.
    LOVE this! I can't wait until this is me and my SO. It's encouraging to see couples who have made it (so to speak.) When you're in the trenches, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    But seeing success stories like this one help me. I know with enough work and dedication, any LDR can work! Thank you for the encouragement on a day that I needed it!


      It can be very discouraging when people say things like 'LDRs never work' and such. That also gives me strength in a weird way however, because I remind myself that I'm in this partly to prove those people wrong.

      Love always prevails.


        One day when talking to my BFF (who has a learning disability mind you) about my frustrations that my SO had to put off coming to see me a bit longer she asked me: "Are you going to break up with him and find someone closer?" My response "NO WAY! I love him! I waited 20 years to see him and be with him again. What's a few more weeks or months?!"


          Im one of the lucky ones were everybody in my life was totally accepting.
          Made it official: 12-01-10
          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
          Closed the distance: 07-31-13


            After I met my SO for the first time, he posted our picture on FB of us-- we got a couple negative comments like "lol its going to be so awkward when you guys break up" and "you guys are ugly af" xD For the 'awkward' comment, all our friends called him out like 'shut up asshole' or 'wow you're incredibly ignorant' \o/

            For the 'ugly' comment, my SO was telling me about it on Skype, like "babe did you see the ugly comme-- oh.. uh oh" I was like "What is it babe?" He looks and says to me, "He commented that we're ugly and I liked it on accident" I was laughing so hard xD We both liked it and decided to keep it that way to be passive-aggressive about it.


              Some people I thought would be happy for me were annoyingly judgy when I told them about my LDR, they claimed it was because I still haven't met him in person but really they were just jealous that I found someone and they're still alone.


                Originally posted by Ferniferousfern View Post
                Some people I thought would be happy for me were annoyingly judgy when I told them about my LDR, they claimed it was because I still haven't met him in person.
                It may be hard for them to phantom what you consider to be love/loving if not, well, the eye gazing and physical sexual tention when people meet in person. I myself have difficulties relating to falling in love virtually, because I am a very touchy-feely person and it is usually by touching someone that I also fall in love with them. I guess we are all different and start off at love different ways. If they are worth it you might try to discuss with them what love can be like.
                I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                  More than likely, but not very often, at least not to my face. My SO went to Nicaragua to visit family once and one of his cousins said to him "LDRs involve all four of you" or something like that...basically, the couple, and the person each one is cheating on them with. Needless to say he was pissed.

                  Most of my friends have always been supportive, and the ones that seemed to think otherwise were just like "I tried that but it didn't work. Good luck!"

                  I'm not typically bothered by it anyway. But it's totally understandable if you would be. That kind of stuff is not nice .


                    Not really much. I mean... some people are saying things like " and you are sure that he doesn't cheat on you?" , "You will see sooner or later that I was right... and you will break up" or... "How do you know you can trust him?" I'm mostly telling them that he's different to the others and that I know I can trust him. Some people seem to be judging a bit but just because they are interested, like asking me if it isn't weird for me that he doesn't speak my language and that we have to communicate in english...

                    I still guess anyway, that a lot of people seem to be supportive when they talk to you but behind your back they start judging.


                      No judging to my face because I kept it to myself mostly... I am sure there was still plenty, I would assume people was mostly intrigued but didn't dare to ask since they didn't hear it from me and technically it shouldn't have reached their ears lol (mom is bad keeping secrets and I never really treated it as such)

                      I've had a few hints thrown at me now that I am married that they could use some help finding themselves a good husband like I did or something among those lines, it's pretty funny.


                        I really didn't get any judgment from folks (to my face anyway) but everyone just wanted to make sure I was safe. The only thing my family asked was that they meet my s/o before we closed the distance which he totally did.

                        I'm very grateful that everyone was super supportive. I also the type of person who really doesn't look for approval and will do what I damn well please which may also have some impact on how those closest to me reacted to everything.


                          Of course, all the time. Some don't say it out right, but you can definitely tell their disbelief.

                          "You're so naïve; this is nothing but a fake relationship."

                          No sympathy, though. No, they're too wrapped up in their own lives to care; only judge.

