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Haven't Heard From Him In a Week

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    Wow, that's really distressing he's up and practically disappeared like that. I hope you hear from him soon, honey.


      Oh no. That sounds really horrible. I hope he can contact you soon and can give a very good reason why he hasn't been able to do it. Sounds already pretty scary that his family members haven't heard of him either...

      I wish you strength in this situation. Hugs!


        Hmmm that is really worrying, maybe you should concider going to the police? I hope he's safe and sound, I would be going mad if I was you! Let us know if you hear from him *hugs*


          Oh honey my heart goes out to you....I wish you much strength right now...
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            I still haven't heard from him. . . .I sent his sister another message asking

            "Do you think your brother has forgotten about me and maybe moved on to someone new? im scared but think about that the more I dont hear from him."

            and she replied "I don't know "

            and I asked her "Have you heard from him yet?"

            and she answered "No"

            I don't know what to do anymore, I don't even feel like his family would be honest with me if they do know something, not to be mean but his family is very creepy at times his mother was the first and what I thought only one to make me creeped out (Michael -My SO- and her tend to get into arguments from time to time.) I never thought his dad would start to act very strange with me and not even give me any information on how I can get a hold of him.

            At this point I don't know what else to do but cry. This has NEVER happened before. I sent him one more message on facebook even though I know he has not been on. and I basically told him the 4 thoughts I have on what I think is going on and if I do not hear from him soon I will take this to the Canadian authorities because I have the right to report anything that is out of the normal. I'm scared everyone I'm scared of any possible thing that's going on and the more I feel like his family looks at me like "GO AWAY ALREADY" the more I feel lost and confused. Please keep my situation in prayer everyone because this is really hurting too much and I need to know whats happening.


              I can not believe his family could be so mean that they wouldn't let you know if he's ok or not... Would they? Because if that's the case then it is just sick to keep you worrying like that. Have you tried messaging any of his friends on Facebook? Someone MUST know something about him.

              Do you know what school he's in? Could you call them and ask about him? I would probably take this to authorities by now, although maybe you should mention to his family that you're going to go to the police. If they are holding information back from you then that should snap them out of it at least - and tbh, if my brother was missing for 3 weeks an no-one would know where he is I would've gone to the police ages ago, it's weird that his sister would just say he hasn't heard from him and that's that.

              My thoughts are with you and your SO ♥


                I sent his friend one more message but last time I talked to his friend he said he didn't hear anything either. He doesn't go to school at the moment so there really is no way for me to call a place where he might be. I'm getting really sick to my stomach and as hard as it is for me to say this but I do believe (NOW) that his family would be that sick to have me worry. Its ridiculous but honestly its twisted! His sister had replied to my status post on my facebook because my friend had said she thinks his whole family is playing games and lying to me and his sister said

                I'm not lying about not talking to my brother! Honestly Amanda, I haven't. I have already told you what I know, he is visiting family, friends. But as to why he hasn't talked to you, I don't know why.

                and then she sent me a message just now

                [HIS SISTER]

                I really wish i did hear from him, I miss him. I do think him going down there is a great opportunity to stand on his own to feet and a good break from the family. As you know there was the fighting going on. I do know he has been working a bit.... maybe hes just been busy??? partying maybe??? I'm only assuming ...... I think its strange he hasn't called you.... I hate to see you sitting here wondering. If I do happen to talk to him the first thing out of my mouth will be, " call Amanda" . I'm sure when he gets home and has long distance he will call you and if he doesn't then hes a jerk!

                [MY REPLY]

                I don't think you were lying to me. I believe your dad knows whats going on and he doesn't want to be honest with me. People on my end believe what they see I haven't told anyone anything other then how I have been talked to by your dad and how strange it has been and that this is not normal. I did not know about any fight recently. The only fighting I knew about were at the house but that was before they left to Lethbridge. I'm sorry if you took it that way, and I'm sorry for being a annoyance if I have been but your the only one out there that has information or that I can talk to. Your dad no longer communicates with me because I have called him and he hasn't answered. I guess too me its hard for me to believe he is this heartless because he has gotten close to my family because my family has been welcoming to him and offered him places to stay and chances at music venues etc out here. Even just a vacation. He has built a strong relationship with my cousin and started with my new friends, we have been strong for almost two years (Oct 4th will be two years). So it makes me very confused as to why the silence just happened when the last thing he told me was "I love you babe and I will call you when I get minutes". and that was it.

                [HER REPLY]

                your friend does think there is lying going on and games being played.. I want you to know that i am not. I was talking about the fighting before he left. Its been a good break for both him and my mom. I think the only reason why my dad doesn't answer is cuz he doesn't know whats going on in micheal's head either.( he says he s coming home then hes not.) But i don't know cuz I haven't asked him. I'm only guessing. I hope my brothers not that heartless....... You arn't being an annoyance. I just don't want you think I'm hiding something from you or lying.


                  Well she sounds true and I really hope she is... although that means that either your bf is ignoring you out of the blue or something has happened to him. Both options are awful

                  I hope he'll realise soon he needs to contact you somehow if he is ok, I really feel for you in this situation and I wish there was more I could do to help! Stay strong and don't stop trying to reach him *hugs*


                    Oh no I would be totally freaked out if something like that would happen to my and my SO. Do you know anyone else in the are who could physically go there and see your SO? Do you have any chance of going there yourself? What about sending a letter to the address? A letter that doesn't look like a letter from you?

                    If I wouldn't hear from my SO for several weeks I would hop on a plane and go to knock on his door, but I guess that's a bit easier and cheaper for me.

                    Oh sweetheart. I really really hope you hear from him soon.


                      Oh believe me I would do all of those. His dad refused to give me the address or phone number to where he is and I said what about his grandmothers address so I can send him a letter and his dad was going to then he said that wouldn't be a good idea. I haven't replied to his sister yet because I don't know what to say to her I'm thankful that I have all of you as support I don't know what I would do. Our two year anniversary is October 4th. . . . I don't even know if he will ever call me again at this point because he is not someone to do this and that last things his dad was telling me that Michael had said was that Michael kept saying that he needs minutes on his phone. Do you all think it could be that he has been trying to get minutes so he can call me? I know his dad told me when he was first up there that he was telling his friend (His dads friend where Michael is staying) that he told him that michael needs this to get on his own etc. What I think is maybe he took all forms of communication from me and maybe told this guy to not let michael call anyone but him. I don't know how much it is to call America from Canada but it was expensive before I had long distance calling. I don't know he just hasn't been online at all.


                        I just replied to her message saying this

                        Amy your the only one this entire time in our relationship that I felt like I could open up to about us and it not being judged I have explained to my friends and family that besides Michael your the only one I was close to, I was close to your dad but I feel like that has changed since this silence. Is there anyway I could maybe get the number to where he is so I can call to talk to him? I understand the whole long distance thing but I just need ONE conversation with him to make sure he is safe and understand whats going on and what we plan on doing from here.

