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Our Webcaming Dilemma

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    Originally posted by Freebird View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys! Glad I'm not the only one who finds the webcam a source of awkwardness.

    Haha, oh noooooo we don't use "regular" phone and text messages. Can't afford that! Everything we do is on Skype. And with the Skype app on our phones, calls and messages become just like regular phone use.
    haha that makes a lot more sense!! I get it now. I guess then in a way my boyfriend and I started out like that too, we primarily used facebook messaging and eventually eased into skype voice calls (I edited my last post because I realized I said video instead of voice) and in a way that is how you started out.

    I also was reading and wanted to point out that if you can, video chatting is good to be able to do comfortably before you meet up. I think if I hadn't of video chatted with my boyfriend or had done it very rarely, then I would have probably been more nervous about meeting up with him. Though I was still nervous and even if you don't video call much, it can still work beautifully. As long as you keep talking.. and maybe as others have suggested take more pictures and videos to send.

    As Lucky said earlier, and I agree with, I think that as you grow more and more in your relationship, you will realize whether or not he is the one you want to be with forever. If you ever plan on getting married/living together, then you will see each other all day every day, and so that should ease some of the self consciousness.

    But still, regardless, it's something that comes with time, and there is no rush to use video chat, you don't even have to ever. Though if you can, it really can help the distance not feel so far. Though it's a similar effect if you have just video call running while you are doing whatever you are doing, because it's like they are there even when they aren't.. well they are THERE. Just in a different country. But as long as you have a way to be connected to them it's all good.

