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Would you be mad??

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    I'm sorry to hear about your friend, that's rough for anyone... Although, if your SO has to suddenly work all day, I kinda doubt it would be a good option to tell his boss that he's not going, you know what I mean? His boss probably needs him, and he doesn't have much option but to go. I would be disappointed, but try not to hold it against him. And hey, he is making an effort to see you on Sunday, showing that he's trying to make it up to you; hang in there. ^_^


      I wouldn't be mad. Disappointed yes, but not mad. Having to work that day seems to be out of his control. I wouldn't break up with him either. He is making the effort to see you and be there for you as soon as he can, so it's not like he's just blowing you off because he thinks it's no big deal. I'm sure your emotions are running super high at the moment, but don't take it out on him. Sounds like he's doing the best he can. Hugs! Hang in there. I'm sorry about your friend.
      Last edited by itwasmeanttobe; December 4, 2013, 03:13 PM. Reason: Sorry! Didn't see that you had updated the post.


        I'm sorry about your friend and i'd be mad too if the guy i was dating was acting like he doesn't want to be there for me at all *hugs*

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
          I'm sorry about your friend. I feel that taking off work for a funeral is different then taking off work for the anniversary of a death though. I understand it is still hard on you but life goes on. It isn't like he didn't try to offer support, he did say he would see you the next day. Work sucks sometimes but understand he isn't working to get out of being with you. Is there anyone else you can be with on that day?
          I agree with Snow.
          Made it official: 12-01-10
          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
          Closed the distance: 07-31-13


            Hello everyone
            Thanks for all your thoughtful responses. Here's a quick update....

            He got off of work at 6pm last night which means he had plenty of time to make it to my house since I'm at my dads house for the weekend. He chose to go out w friends. When I told him this upset me, considering the days significance for me, he was like it's not like I have the energy to go out w friends and not with you. I'm just going to my friends house for a beer or two..... So I go to bed and wake up around midnight to see that he had snapchatted me pictures of him at a bar!!!! He didn't go to bed till 5am according to Facebook. So I'm pretty positive he won't be coming here like he promised me. How do I handle this? At what point do I stop waiting for him to wake up and call me to ask if he can come? I want to just get on an Amtrak and go home and make him realize his mistake.


              To be honest, I don't really think him working and then going out is that big of a deal. Yes, its the anniversary of your friends death but, he did say he would be with you the next day and not that night after he got off work. If he says he's going to be with you the next day then just wait and see if he actually does do that. If not, then I think you have a right to be upset.

              Met Online: 02/2012
              Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
              First Met in person: 09/22/2012
              Started Dating: 10/30/2012
              Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                Hmmm... I don't totally disagree with Kayla, but I don't totally agree, either. I can see why you'd be a bit irritated with him. I would give him the chance to see if he follows through with seeing you today, though. If he doesn't, then yeah, I'd be pretty mad, too.
                As for 'what point do you stop waiting for him to wake up' what point would you have waited til if he hadn't been out with friends? Wait til at least that point.

                A few things though, how far away is your dad's house vs. his friend's house/where he went out? Was he expecting to get out later than 6? Ending up at a bar when he planned to just stay in with friends and a couple beers isn't that out of the ordinary.. just get caught up in being with friends, and someone wants to go out, and the night evolves that way.

                I dunno.. I see why you're irritated, but I'm also not totally on board with saying that he really screwed up or was wicked inconsiderate or something. But, that also depends on whether he follows through with seeing you today.

                Good luck!

