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why aren't i excited...?

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    I have never been the epitome of thin either - I was always very very busy, and it gave me very little time to work out, even though I would have liked to. Add the fact I was a college student and had a hard time being able to afford to eat healthy, I noticed I was putting on a bit of weight when I met my boyfriend for the first time. I also have skin conditions up the wazoo - I have very hormonal acne that gets out of control sometimes. I lso don't have perfect teeth, that are somewhat yellow (naturally. Always have been, always will be). All of these things lead me to being all sorts of stressed when I went to meet my boyfriend for the first time, especially since I had seen all of my boyfriends exes, and they are BEAUTIFUL, thin, with perfect teeth and skin. I know I shouldn't, but it was hard for me not to compare. But the moment I got out of the taxi cab at the hotel we were staying, you know what he did? He hugged me. Tight. And when we were alone, he wouldn't stop touching and cuddling me. You know why? Because he loved me, and I'm sure your SO will love you too. Be confident, be yourself - confidence is very attractive to a man, moreso than looks. Also, when you are emotionally attracted to someone, they tend to become even better looking in your eyes simply by association. (It was like this with my boyfriend - I always thought he looked good, but when I really bonded to him, he became pretty much the most attractive man on the face of the planet that I had ever met.) Has your SO seen pictures of you? Webcammed with you? If he has, chances are almost 100% he finds you attractive already and you have nothing to worry about.

    Also you kind of got to look at it like (sorry about the seriousness coming up) this: if you guys are very serious about this relationship, and plan one day to close the distance... You both are going to see each other at your worst on almost a daily basis, as well as your best. You'll see every aspect about each other. I absolutely believe you should lose weight if you can, just for your health, but don't do it just to look beautiful in his eyes, because he probably already believes you are. If you let him see who you are right now, in every perfection and imperfection, it'll just be that much easier when you do go on your journey to get more fit, because you won't have anything to hide anymore - you should never hide things in relationships. If he's really into the relationship, he'll love you for you, no matter what.

    As a side note: your profile picture? You look very beautiful. You have a lovely smile and an awesome fashion sense. Please don't ever let yourself think otherwise.


      I've always been the "fat friend" -- but I never let it slow me down and I've never lacked for suitors.

      I sent my SO plenty of pictures and he's always loved me for me. He actually said I looked thinner in person -- that my pictures didn't do me justice.

      I know your SO thinks and will say the same.
      Last edited by BabyGund; December 15, 2013, 06:37 PM. Reason: This is my 500th post here, woot!

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        :3 you guys are great. I know it was wrong of me to try and hide it, but i've been dumped for a lot of reasons... and i couldn't stand it if i lost him because he noticed some girl near him with a tiny waist... He has always told me, even before our friendship turned into a romance, he doesn't want a tiny girl. but its hard for me when HES SO FREAKIN SMALL! And Secrecy, I know all about looking at the pretty ex girlfriends... Although there was one girl he showed me that was just a flirtation that made me feel great about myself. I know, im awful >.> I also know how hard it is to eat healthy with no money. I've found some tricks, though. i dont think you need to lose weight, but if you're interested in at least a penny saver message me and I'll share ^^

