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My LDR - women's advice/thoughts please

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    My LDR - women's advice/thoughts please

    Hello all,

    This is my first post. I think I need to have women's opinions on my LDR. I am not sure what to think. I'm going to try to keep it as short as possible.

    I am originally from Paris and moved to California four years ago. About a year ago I was skyping with my friends from home and they were with this girl that they became friends with after I left Paris. A few days after, her and I started talking and we ended talking every single day using skype, phone, whatsapp... My friends visited me fours months later and she came along. This is when we first met and the connection was even stronger in real life. Everything went really well and she came back to visit me another time on her own for a month and I recently just visited her in Paris for two weeks. We are committed to each other. I love her, she loves me.

    Throughout this time I have decided to move back to Paris within two or three years for business reasons and to be close to my family. She always told me that she would be flexible and would be willing to move to California for a year so we wouldn't have to be far from each other all the time. It meant a lot to me. So everything was still very positive and we both knew that we will end up living in Paris.
    During my recent visit in Paris, she told me that she wasn't sure if she was still willing to move here anymore, which hurt me and made me feel like she wasn't willing to put effort into our relationship. I let it go and told myself that we would figure it out later on. While still in Paris, I also spent time with my family and friends and I still loved being in Paris. Once I came back to California, I realized that I wanted to be back in Paris sooner that I thought. I have now made the decision along with my girlfriend and family to move back in 3 months.

    I am very exited about it and thought that she would feel the same. She just told me that she has been in a bad mood ever since I left (about 2 weeks now) and that she misses me every single day. This is where I am confused because at the moment she is not excited about this new decision. She says that she needs me now, would want to come back home to me and live a "normal" relationship and that this LDR is being difficult and frustrating. I went from wanting to move back in 2/3 years to 3 months! I couldn't ask for better and this is the time I need to sell everything I have here and basically move back. It's the first time that I see negativity in her behavior towards our relationship.

    We spent 3 hours on Skype today talking about it and she says that she really loves me and was thanking me for being so nice when she's being immature (her word...). She said that she will get better soon and is not sure why she is acting this way. She also apologized for hurting me and not being excited with me.

    We never fought, we always have had great communication, as a lot of you guys I'm sure since communication is the only thing we have for the most part. So this situation makes me feel weird and I am not sure what to think about it.

    I tried to keep it short, so I am skipping a lot of details. I hope that everything makes sense. I am letting my heart talk and am not a good writer anyway...

    What do you guys think is going on in her mind?

    I am looking forward to any sorts of thoughts

    Thank you!

    I think you're being extremely flexible and considerate here, I don't think anyone could ask for anything more. LDR's can be harder for some peple than others, and can make you act in ways you normally wouldn't, but 3 months is nothing, I mean really nothing, even the most emotional, needy person should be able to deal with a dozen short weeks. As you prepare to return to Paris, pay close attention to her actions, and make her talk about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, or sets off any red flags to you. Everything is probably OK, it's likely just an emotional time for her, and even she can't explain it, but that should settle down.

    I can't tell you what's going on in her mind, but trust your instincts. If things feel weird, make her talk to you about it, don't let it go. Good luck!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Honestly, the only thing I can think of (BC I completely agree with Moon here) is, "OMG HE IS MOVING BACK HERE FOR ME!! THIS IS MOVING WAY TOO FAST!!" I know she isn't the only reason you are moving, but those words could have entered her mind. To go from 3-4 years to 3 months is quite an adjustment. Suddenly you are going to be there, in her life all the time. I'm sure it's just a shock to her system and she'll get over it and be super happy.

      If not, I would consider it a red flag. That she's hiding something, something that can't be hid in a CDR. GL!
      "You want for myself
      You get me like no one else
      I am beautiful with you

      I am beautiful with you
      Even in the darkest part of me
      I am beautiful with you
      Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
      You're here with me
      Just show me this and I'll believe
      I am beautiful with you"



        Thank you so much for your answer! I always listen and make sure she can tell me everything. Hopefully everything will work out.


          Today she said that she feels pressure because I am moving back for her even though she knows the other reasons why I'm moving back.
          She also said that she wants things to happen naturally but still wants me right by her side right now.

          This is the very first time that I am confused with my girlfriend. I don't know what to think...

          Ladies, please translation...


            I think i know how she feels. My SO is moving here, and sometimes i feel icky thinking about him leaving EVERYTHING in an instant for me. But i know im just a plus to the situation. It's sort of like a guilty feeling. But if she used the word "pressure" she may just mean just in keeping everything the way it is, while making a big change. I think she's scared of what things will be like.


              Just reasure her that your relationship will not change a bit, you are just gonna be there instead of far away. I think itll be just fine
              Made it official: 12-01-10
              First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
              Closed the distance: 07-31-13


                I understand how she feels, as much as I would LOVE to have my guy here, if he told me today that he was moving here soon, I know I'd be in a panic. Let her have a little space to digest it all, and I'm sure it'll be OK
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  Ask her to clarify what she means about preassure. Tell her you can take stuff slower/differently if it makes her feel better. Have you discussed things like if you will be living together, living close by, just in the same city and so on? And what are your/her expectations on how/when to be social and so on? Be sure to let her know she will not need to be everything to you. If you plan on doing other things beside her (and work), be sure to tell her about it.

                  I think I can understand where she is coming from. I am having my SO come here in 6 weeks, for 10 days - if I knew he would stay for a long time/forever I would be happy but also a bit scared. I don't know him that well yet, and I am used to my life here, and would be ancious as how to include him and also have my own space. At least you have a job and hopefully a life of your own, too.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    Thank you all for the answers.

                    The reason why I am confused is because she says that she wants me now and is sad and would love to come home to me but at the same time it looks like she is scared now.
                    I am not just moving back for her and she knows that. Paris is where I was born and raised, its home to me. My family and friends are there. And she knows all that. This is why everything seems to be perfect to me. Its not like I am moving for her and dont know anyone there.

                    She wants me to land at her house and live there at first until I get my own place even though I told her that I could stay with my parents and friends.


                      Originally posted by fab View Post
                      She wants me to land at her house and live there at first until I get my own place even though I told her that I could stay with my parents and friends.
                      This is where you have to think, because she is not thinking. She is scared you are coming, but want you superclose? It is better to start off at a friends's house and perhaps move to her or your own place when you have settled.
                      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                        Love doesn't always make sense; she both wants you there AND is scared, it happens Sometimes it's completely illogical, and you aren't going to get it figured out in your head. C'mon, you're French, you're supposed to know this stuff OK, I'm just teasing you, but I think you need to try to stop figuring her out for right now, and just let it be. It'll become clear once you get home, and you spend some time together, and her emotions settle down. Be patient for a little while longer.

                        Don't stay with her though, definitely stay with your parents and friends. It might turn out to be a little too much for you both, at first.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          Hi guys,

                          I wanted to give an update as I still need advice/help.

                          Things got a little better since I last wrote but this morning things went south on the phone. She said that she is really having a hard time having a relationship with a "phone and a computer" and that the LDR is really hard these days for her.

                          She talked about how she is still not thinking about me moving back in 3 months because it seems far. She still doesn't feel excited about it yet. She mentioned being scared because it is basically going to be a "new" relationship once I move back to Paris. She said that she doesn't feel like putting effort into writing each other on whatsapp or spend too much time on Skype cause she feels bad about not being able to do other things she would like to do( not work related but things on her own such as relaxing, taking care of herself, bath.. this type of things...).
                          Basically she did not have a single positive thing to say besides the fact that she is still in love with me.

                          I told her that I am here for her and she can always call me if she needs to talk but for now I'm going to step back and let her figure her things out.

                          To me, she seems lost. What do you guys think?

                          All we wanted this whole time was to be able live a regular relationship. It's about to happen and everything seems to be falling apart.
                          Again, everything has always been great between us. Everything went down this month after coming back from visiting her in Paris.

                          I asked all the questions that crossed my mind, including if she had met someone else. She said no. We also have a lot of common friends so I would know if that was the case.

                          Has any of you been through a similar situation where things got complicated before living in the same city?

                          I am not sure about what I should do right now. It really came as a bad surprise.

                          Thank you in advance.


                            All we wanted this whole time was to be able live a regular relationship. It's about to happen and everything seems to be falling apart.
                            Again, everything has always been great between us. Everything went down this month after coming back from visiting her in Paris.
                            Have you specifically told her this? Be very sure you are both on the same page...sounds like you are ready to move forward and she is not..IMHO


                              Hi Elizabeth,

                              Yes, we talked about it. She says that she needs me by her side and wants to come home to me. Well, not today on the phone but that's what she says when she talks about how 3 months is a long time to wait.

