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Taking a break?

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    Taking a break?

    Hi all,

    Well, I"m kind of a little depressed because my boyfriend and I had a serious talk the other day about our relationship. Ever since he started working his demanding job with stressful hours and doing online grad school and ever since my job picked up speed, we have been struggling (since about September).

    Since September, we have had a rough patch and maybe 2 huge fights. Even though we moved on from the fights/rough patches I still always felt as though the issue was not getting resolved and I felt like we were drifting. This is really sad to me because we are honestly a fantastic couple. Anyway... this past weekend a few hours before I left, we had a conversation that actually got to the root of everything. It was a generally calm conversation. Pretty quickly he said, "well what would happen if we took like a break?" I think he wasn't expecting me to be so responsive to it, but I was. He told me how a break *could* be good, but he couldn't do the holidays without me and how he doesn't want a break and how I'm the first girl he's ever loved, etc. When I left we decided we would be together for Christmas, as planned, and then decide about the break. THe break would entail us still talking and stuff but without the added stress of "when the next time we will see each other is" ... side note, I am the one always making the trips to him since his work schedule is hectic. So hearing that hes "stressed" with guilt about how I'm always there was kind of annoying.

    I FINALLY told him how my father has been pressuring me to get more of a committment from him. However, we are only 23 and 24. He still lives at home, I'm just learning how to budget. He says that he respects my father, but thought he would have understood why my boyfriend would want to be financially sound first. My father also thinks my boyfriend is not committed to me because even though I have offered to move up to him to close the distance, he says no because I will not be able to survive the high prices in NYC and he would prefer that I set myself up for my future so that down the road we are a better couple because we both did what we wanted when we were young. For example, I am thinking of studying in Spain, and he was like "if you want to go you should go. we would take a break until you got back, but go because if in 5 years we have a child, you wont be able to go to Spain."

    Anyway, I'm obviously hurt and upset. I'm wondering if we just freaked ourselves out a little because this was the first time we discussed the *ACTUAL ROOT* issues: he can't give me more time, hes stressed blah

    Yesterday (the day after this convo) we talked a little bit. He sent me like two texts. He went out with his brother for his brother's birthday and I didn't hear from him like I usually do on his drive home from work. I texted him saying I was going to bed and then he said he loved me and would talk to me today...

    I guess I"m a) venting and b) asking if you have ever taken a break in this kind of relationship and c) if this ever works out favorably.

    Thanks so much for reading all that!

    To be honest I think breaks are a waste of time and they can really ruin a relationship, make things way more complicated, ectect. I've always viewed breaks as a cop out too. You're supposed to work things out together as a couple, not split apart for a while. What happens when things get hard again? Are you gonna take another break?

    I think you both need to understand that life is getting busier. View it like you both are working towards a future for the both of you. Maybe work out a time that you two can just sit down and talk for an hour-two, no distractions ectect. I get that its hard to adjust when you're used to talking to each other all the time but just try to make it work!

    As for your father, just ignore it. All parents act that way at one point lol
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      I have to disagree with Black. Sometimes time apart can be really helpful. I think that as long as you two have a really thorough discussion about why you're breaking, what you intend to accomplish from it, and maybe some rules/boundaries, it can be really beneficial and strengthening for a relationship. It seems like a break would be so that you two can enjoy your lives and do what you want to do before settling down. I think that's a healthy reason! You two will still keep communication and be in each others lives, so it isn't a cop out it just sounds more like you'll be taking things slower (which is great since from what I can tell you two just got in a relationship not so long ago). Good luck!


        I don't belive in breaks. Especially when things get rough, you need to know if you are together or not. You will need the tie between you if you are going to make it!

        It is possable to arrange to do things differently. For instance, when me and SO found we both grew more busy, I made the suggestion we could Skype less (not less frequently, but less time each day). Sometimes we still skype as much as we used to, but it does not feel as an obligation to do so. That meant for instance that he was able to put in a lot of effort for his exams this fall. We also text a bit more, to make up for lost Skype time. If you discuss things, you may be able to find something that will work for you. Focus on what makes you connect.

        As for financial/practical stuff for both visits and possably closing the distance, there is never a right and a wrong, just different plans that may work out or not. You are an adult, it is not your father's job to watch over you anymore like you were underage. This is between you and you SO.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          Totally agree with BlackHalloween. You just have to figure out how to cope with being busy. And I also agree with ignoring your father.


            He brought up the topic of a break, but then stepped back?
            Well to me it seems that he doesn't want a break, what he wants is for you to understand he is busy and feels bad when he can't spend time with you when you're there. That's a normal reaction and I can understand him. He has to work, he has a lot on his plate and he would like to give you all his attention, but he doesn't have the time for it. So I think what he really wants is you to understand that for some time visiting is either gonna be hard OR you have to understand that he is busy and to reassure him that he doesn't have to spend all his time with you / you're fine the way it is now.
            I think the issue is much more that he is too stressed out with everything that is going on in his life AND trying to make you happy while you're "always there". Reassuring him that it's okay for you if he's busy and comes home tired (if it is) would probably help.

            I don't think long breaks help. Taking a day off because you just need to calm down is fine.

            Relationship began: 05/22/2012
            First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
            Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
            Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
            Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
            Married: 1/24/2015
            Became Resident: 9/14/2015


              I agree with princessmaria, I think a short break can do wonders for a relationship. You'll either miss the person and realize how much they mean to you OR you'll realize you aren't meant to be.

              I'm a bit confused as to what kind of commitment your father wants from your boyfriend for you. Your relationship is still fairly brand new (well IMP) and I think talking about moving is still premature. Take your time and dont rush.


                What bothers me most is that he seems to treat you like a helpless child. He thinks you "wouldn't survive" NYC prices? what? You're 23, people your age have moved out before and been fine, I understand his concern that it's more expensive in NYC but surely he could offer his help and advice instead of saying "nope" to the chance of having a close distance relationship... Also he says that he wants you to go to Spain, but then said you would "take a break" while you're away... again, what? To me that almost looks like he's trying to blackmail you not to go. "Oh you can go to Spain, but we won't be in a relationship while you do."

                Honestly, breaks make me uneasy, especially in this case where you're taking a break instead of addressing the issue. Taking a break won't make the issue go away, so it wouldn't actually change anything. You might miss each other and be so happy to get back to each other, and for a while you'll be able to overlook the underlying issue, but it will rear its head up again if you don't talk about it and resolve it.
                So, here you are
                too foreign for home
                too foreign for here.
                Never enough for both.

                Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                  Wow everyone, thanks so much for all of your thoughtful responses. I really appreciate it.... I actually see that there was a mistak in my profile. We have been dating since August 2012 not 2013. So for over a year.

                  He texted me this AM and it was just basic small talk. Then he asked why my day was bad yesterday (I had told him I was going to bed early) and I told him it was long and that I was sad about our conversation. He responds, "ugh"

                  Uhhhh? Should I wait this week out to discuss it or should I try to discuss this with him tonight. I really do not want a break at this point...



                    I think you need to talk to him about it. IF you are to agree on a break, then you have to figure out what actually that break entails, how long it is for, what you are or are not allowed to do... But I would also try to be honest with him and tell him that you don't want a break, you want to get to the bottom of the underlying issue.
                    So, here you are
                    too foreign for home
                    too foreign for here.
                    Never enough for both.

                    Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                      Imo,there's taking a break because your relationship honestly needs a break while one or both of you can assess your feelings about your partner and relationship,then there's running from the issue. I think you all are just running from the real issue as suggested by the poster above me. I think you both need to sit down and talk about the real issue and either come to a compromise or walk away. No amount of having a break is going to fix this problem. You both need to face it head on and deal with it or it's just going to fester and over time cause a big rift between you. As for your dad,you're an adult and you know whether or not your SO is giving you the kind of commitment you need. He may not think it's enough but to be completely honest it's not his problem or his business. I could see it being his business if you were an underaged teenager in a relationship,but you're not,you're a full grown adult so he needs to leave that for you to worry about. Whatever you decide,good luck.

                      ♥ In 666 Ways I Love You & My Heaven Is Wherever You Are. I'm For You. ♥

                      We Met: June 9,2010
                      Back Together: August 1,2012
                      First Visit: September 21,2012 - September 29,2012
                      Second Visit: January 13,2013 - February 24,2013
                      Engaged: January 17,2013
                      Closed The Distance-MS - AZ: June 15th,2013
                      Moved To FL Together: November 14,2013
                      We Got Married! - July 3,2014
                      SO Graduated College - August 7,2015
                      Moved to Ky - August 10, 2015


                        You are all so right, thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I'm really hoping that we just had a momentary freak out and are currently sorting through everyting and will get the opportunity to talk this out and have a real change- FINALLY!! We def need to BOTH change a few things in our relationship...

