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How often do you see each other ?

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    Originally posted by milaya View Post
    He works for 5 weeks on a ship and have 5 weeks off - so there's 6 weeks between our visits and then we're together for 4 weeks.
    40% of the year When I move to Japan, we'll get to spend all his vacation days together, so 50% of the year.
    wow your gonna move to japan! thats actually amazing im legit in love with japan! like everything about it the people the way they live the food!!! only thing i dont like is the transportation ahhaha im to scared to be shoved in a train ahaha


      Originally posted by emsimes View Post
      We usually see each other 2-3 times a year. It's really hard, but completely worth it.
      We've currently been apart for 6 months now, but I will be flying out to him in 9 days, and then I'll get to spend 3 weeks with him!! <3
      aw thats nice enjoy it !!!


        we see each other every 4-6 months or so... we always see each other for Christmas and usually once in the spring/summer. Occasionally he or his parents decide to fly me up for an extra week or two, though, which is really nice. One summer I went up in May for a week, then they flew me up in July for two weeks, then I came back in August to attend school. That was a great summer.

        I haven't seen him since August 13th now ^^; (*shakes fist at Canadian immigration*) we'll be together on Sunday and he'll be here 13 days counting Sunday. Then we don't see each other again until May 10th/11th.


          Roughly once a year.


            Once or twice a year. It's definitely worth it The amount of months apart varies though.. the shortest time apart was 4 months and the longest 8,5 months (which I'm currently in right now)


              Originally posted by itsjen516 View Post
              wow your gonna move to japan! thats actually amazing im legit in love with japan! like everything about it the people the way they live the food!!! only thing i dont like is the transportation ahhaha im to scared to be shoved in a train ahaha
              Glad to hear that you love Japan. If you ever get the opportunity to visit, let me know We're looking at houses in Kyoto.
              The amount of people on the trains are exaggerated. I've only experienced a very full train once... and I've been to Japan more than 15 times (and one of those times I lived there for 6 months). Just avoid taking the trains around 6 pm, then there's no problems. Even sometimes the trains are totally empty XD


                Originally posted by milaya View Post
                Glad to hear that you love Japan. If you ever get the opportunity to visit, let me know We're looking at houses in Kyoto.
                The amount of people on the trains are exaggerated. I've only experienced a very full train once... and I've been to Japan more than 15 times (and one of those times I lived there for 6 months). Just avoid taking the trains around 6 pm, then there's no problems. Even sometimes the trains are totally empty XD
                oh really lol from videos I seen of they have people getting shoved into trains and someone's job is to squish people in Hhahh and I'm wayy to cluster phobic for that and I will visit Soon I hope I'm just to poor now lol
                I want to visit the Disney there so bad even if I just lived in Disney for 6 months lol I'm sure the one on Japan is different. My boyfriend went though and he loved it


                  The way things are right now, we can only afford to see each other once a year.... But we video-chat as often as we can!


                    My SO and I are shooting for 3-4 visits this year. He is coming in March for 6 days and I'll be going home (we're from the same hometown) and then to Hawaii with him and his family the last week of May through the first week of June, so two weeks together.

                    Beyond that we have talked about him coming up around his birthday in October and me going home around Christmas. We will figure out what we want to plan for in time due to factors like him being in school in October and the fact that it will easily be double the cost for me to go home for Christmas. He did say that if it's too expensive or I'm not able to go home then, he would like to come up. He wants to come 2-3 times this year so we will see.
                    Our love story:
                    Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                    Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                    Reconnected: August 2012
                    Began dating LD: November 2012
                    Engaged! March 2014
                    Closing the distance: December 2015


                      FYI - the move closer to him didn't happen. I just couldn't justify taking the position with the salary cut just to be closer to him. I found a new position here where I am that is actually an increase in salary but I think we would still see each other every 6 months. Next visit is already on the books for April, woot!

                      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.

