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PMS an excuse?

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    Oh the joys of PMS! I cry more than usual, go from mad to sad to happy in a matter of minutes and don't forget about the food cravings! I get really snippy and short with people too. My family and my SO can vouch for that. LOL
    Damn hormones! I'm looking into birth control as well. From what I've read once you adjust to the pills, they can really be helpful. I'm trying to decide if I want to try a shot or a pill I take everyday. Too many options!


      I highly suggest staying away from the BC that involves putting foreign objects in your body... you know, like nuvaring and stuff. Ive heard of a lot of medical problems coming from things like that. :/


        I'm terrified of BC in general. The effects of BC are so broad and differing between women. There is also *always* some kind of negative side effect it seems like. I've been putting off BC for so long I think it's time though, my periods are going to ruin my life if I don't start regulating them somehow. I'm so glad I'm not alone though LOL!


          Originally posted by lilcupcake View Post
          I highly suggest staying away from the BC that involves putting foreign objects in your body... you know, like nuvaring and stuff. Ive heard of a lot of medical problems coming from things like that. :/
          While I definitely don't want to say that those problems do occur, I want to point out that you tend to hear a lot when things go wrong, but not really when things go right. Those problems do occur, but statistically they don't occur very often at all. It's one thing to be aware of potential problems and how to deal with them, but if this sort of BC caused more problems than solutions they wouldn't still be on the market.
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            Originally posted by Ejoriah View Post
            While I definitely don't want to say that those problems do occur, I want to point out that you tend to hear a lot when things go wrong, but not really when things go right. Those problems do occur, but statistically they don't occur very often at all. It's one thing to be aware of potential problems and how to deal with them, but if this sort of BC caused more problems than solutions they wouldn't still be on the market.
            I'm with Ejoriah on this one. I was also terrified to start BC because I had heard so many horror stories of women who suffered horrible side effects from it. For me personally, starting on BC was a great decision. I haven't suffered from any negative side effects, and the pill has actually helped clear up my skin and made my periods lighter.
            Granted, there are women out there who have had problems with BC, but like Ejoriah said, the statistics of those are quite lower than those who've had success with it.
            I'm sure you could find the right choice of BC if you discuss it over with your doctor


              I don't remember the name, but i know there was one that was recalled. I really just get the heebies jeebies thinking about something in my cooch for months like that lol. and the process of getting there doesn't fly with me. I have no experience, obviously, but i imagine it would hurt.


                First of all sorry you´re going through this. It was nice reading all of the responses very interesting information right there.
                I know I go a bit crazy during those days my boyfriend always tell me "yes! I have survived another period!" :P


                  Originally posted by lilcupcake View Post
                  I highly suggest staying away from the BC that involves putting foreign objects in your body... you know, like nuvaring and stuff. Ive heard of a lot of medical problems coming from things like that. :/
                  I put off birth control for years for fears like that. Then because of stomack problems, all of a sudden i could not take pms medicines like i used to. I endured almost a year with horrible periods before deciding to go for it. Now hormonal iud is not fun to put in, but also not as bad as i expected. I read up on it before. It is supposed to be the best option if you bleed a lot etc.The plus is also it is the safest birth control there is. I have had a week of adjustment issues but now i hope to just loose my periods altogether. It was wonderful the day after putting it in my period just stopped . Sometimes you have to try and see.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

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                    PMS absolutely does exist, just not in everyone. When I PMSed, it was very mild, and it usually just came with my feeling fatigued, crampy, and if it was anything emotional, I wouldn't really BECOME emotional easier... My emotions would just get worse if I was ALREADY emotional, if that makes any sense. I'd say see if you have PMDD, and maybe you can get on some birth control pills to help. Sometimes birth control makes PMS symptoms WAY WAY worse, but sometimes it makes it WAY WAY better too. (In my case. I actually took birth control more for the health affects, not just for anti-babyness. I've been taking it for almost two years and it's really been a big help.)

