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It's Over!

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    It's Over!

    Dear LFAD Friends,

    As of December 10, 2013 I am no longer in a long distance with my SO. Here is what happened between us:
    I came home from taking a chemistry final and I felt so happy and knew I aced my final! My SO called me and we were talking about our day, then I asked him:
    Me:"What are you thinking?"
    Me, "Good things about us?"
    Him, "No."
    Me:" Then what."
    Him: "Guess?"
    Me: "Breaking up?"
    Him: "Yes."
    Me: Complete silence for a minute.
    Me: "Why are you thinking about breaking up?"
    Him: "Because I feel like I'm dating a teenager and you haven't done anything to prove you're changing, and I feel like I own you."
    Me: "Are you serious?" I have put so much into this relationship! From standing up and telling my parents about us to changing my attitude how I act whenever you are hanging out with your female bestfriend."
    Him: "No I had to tell you to tell you to do those things."
    Me: "I did those things on my own to fight for us and change for me, not you. I feel like I'm putting so much into this relationship and getting NOTHING BACK. I'M TIRED!"
    Him: Hung up.

    That was the end of our conversation, we have not talked since. He did text me Merry Christmas yesterday but I did not text him back. If he was a man that he claimed he was, then he should have told me how he felt instead of making me guess. Now that's some teenager behavior to me. For the past couple weeks I have been working on getting over him and moving forward. I have to admit it is an emotional ride!

    I don't think I will every be in a long distance relationship. Long distance relationships are not for everyone.

    I just want to say thank you everyone for your concern, comments, and feedback. I appreciate them all.

    Sorry to hear about what happened.



      I'm sorry, too. What a terrible way for all that to play out.


        I am sorry you broke up in such an unpleasant manner. I suppose you feel very hurt for him not seeing all your effort.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          Sorry to hear about this, I hope you move on in your own time. Feel free to message us all. We are all here for you.


            I'm very sorry you broke up that way. For what its worth, it seems like he was the one acting like a child while you were trying to better yourself. You were doing what he asked and it still was not enough and tbh I think that was just an excuse. You can do better. Delete his number, block him from everything and move on <3 xxx


              I hate breakups. My heart goes out to you.
              Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

              ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


                Originally posted by bribri2729 View Post
                Me:" Then what."
                Him: "Guess?"
                Me: "Breaking up?"
                Him: "Yes."
                This is ridiculous! If he acts this way, you have nothing to regret. I´m sorry your relationship ended this way, but I´m sure you will find someone who is worth you. Take your time to heal and then go on. Good luck with everything, hugs


                  I'm sorry to hear this. I don't know your situation but you're probably better off without him anyway. I'm sure you'll find someone else and things will get better. I had to break off a long distance relationship before and it definitely hurt a hell of a lot. I thought long distance wasn't for me either until stumbled upon the right man. You two were probably not good for each other and it happens. I wish you luck and happiness!


                    Originally posted by jana89 View Post
                    This is ridiculous! If he acts this way, you have nothing to regret. I´m sorry your relationship ended this way, but I´m sure you will find someone who is worth you. Take your time to heal and then go on. Good luck with everything, hugs
                    I agree.

                    This makes him sound like younger than a teenager, you deserve better. Guess? has got to be the saddest excuse for a thing to say to break up with someone I have heard in a while. You deserve a man, not a immature tween minded coward.
                    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                      I agree.

                      This makes him sound like younger than a teenager, you deserve better. Guess? has got to be the saddest excuse for a thing to say to break up with someone I have heard in a while. You deserve a man, not a immature tween minded coward.
                      This this this^

