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It's so hard

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    It's so hard

    Why is it that some nights are so much harder than others?
    Tonight's one of those night's for me. I do just fine all day, and then when he goes to hang up our Skype call I start crying. I just couldn't help it! I miss him so much. He's my best friend, love of life, and he's about 20,000+ miles away. Not even just another time zone, he's in a different day.

    I want so badly to just lay next to him with my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. I miss his smell, and the touch of his hands, and I just want to snuggle up next to him in bed.

    I'm so tired..... I haven't been able to get like any sleep since he left, which isn't good considering I just started a new job. And I'm lonely. I caught myself flirting with a guy at work today. I was so disgusted with myself. I don't have any interest in the guy at work, but I... idk. there's no excuse.

    this LDR thing is so hard. and things keep happening to keep us from making any plans for my coming to be with him. It's so hard to be patient. I know I love him, and vice versa. I just hate feeling so alone. I've felt this way most of my life, so I really have hard time with it coming back.
    "God I'm evil!" ~Me
    "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

    Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.

    I know what you mean. It's just like certain days there's some kind of spark or something that just makes it so much harder than it was the day before. I wish I had advice for you, but honestly, I really don't. I go through the same thing and it's the worst feeling in the world. I know how you feel to miss everything about him, I miss everything about my bf also. I guess i realized that yesterday when I skype camed him and he had just woke up and I saw his bead hair... something that i never thought of until I saw it last night (or his morning) and thought wow, I forgot all about that, now I miss that about him too! I guess my advice is just keep your chin up and stay strong through it.



      I know what you mean! Some nights when I hang up on skype with my SO I just feel so empty, and alone again. I don't know why it's harder some days but it just is. I wish I could just be with her, its been 6 months since we were in each others arms and it feels like forever, and it's another 3 before we will be able to touch again, I really can't wait. We are best friends, and I love her so much.
      Originally posted by TristenLove View Post
      He's my best friend, love of life, and he's about 20,000+ miles away
      When did he leave? Where is he exactly? Wow 20,000+ miles! I thought our 11,000+ miles was far enough!

      I hope you can find some people here to help you or to talk to when you are lonely like that. I come on here a lot when I am missing my SO, and I am on here a lot! I don't know of any ways to make it easier though. It's just so so hard, harder than I thought it would be!


        I understand those good days and bad days. Sometimes when I'm talking to my boyfriend and we start to get off the phone, I just start to break down randomly. I don't know why either! But I've learned to calm down. I know he's all mine and I'm all his


          I understand about being on a different day. We always joke that sometimes we are closer because if he stays up at least we are on the same day. It's horrible. If you are having trouble finalising the next visit then, if it helps, write down your frustrations. Instead of what I'm missing, I write down what I'm thankful for, there is always something and the list is surprisingly long when you put your mind to it. Puts me in a better mood and gets me through those awful dark times. If you are really having trouble and its more than just missing him, you may need to talk to someone about it. Not sleeping makes me crazier than anything else.


            I understand what you're going through.

            But to take a quote from The Dark Knight

            "The night is always darkest before the dawn,
            and the dawn is coming"

            That was it was for me. I was in the state you are in now and i'm sure that your dawn will come soon.


              BoogleBee- He's in Dededo, Guam. I may have been blowing the millage out of proportion, I don't know. lol.
              "God I'm evil!" ~Me
              "Yes you are. Now shut up and kiss me." ~AJ

              Everyday apart is one day closer to being together again.


                I've also had some of those hard days lately.
                Spending my days with friends, feeling happy, then returning home and just feeling like crying myself to sleep.
                The only thing I sometimes take comfort in the famous saying: one day without him might be hard, but it also brings me one day closer to when I can be with him.


                  Oh hun, I feel you. My Matty lives in a completely different day almost 10k miles away, and it's a completely different day there most times, too, in Australia.

                  Those hard days happen. Just remember that it's ok to feel a little sad, but then it's time for you to focus back on the positives. Give yourself some time and some space.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    Originally posted by milaya View Post
                    one day without him might be hard, but it also brings me one day closer to when I can be with him.
                    thats what Im tryin to tell myself whenever I feel down and than I start dreamin away of how I'd lay next to him holdin his hand, or I just recall fun moments we had so far, things we went through and things he said to me
                    I usually when I dont talk to him much I cant sleep well, and for one week I tried to basically daydream about him and us before I went to sleep, and I tell you it has been the best sleep I had in months. And the other day I could fall asleep on him whisperin to me that he loves me <3 Theres only one thing more beautiful and amazing than that and that would be him havin right next to me.
                    So try that maybe Think of things that made you smile, things he did, things he said, and dream away


                      he's about 20,000+ miles away
                      Uhhh... the world is only 25,000 miles in circumference at the equator. So 20,000 is close to 5,000 miles. If ya want to get really technical... the maximum distance possible in an LDR is 12,500 miles, anymore would be less.


                      Being in an LDR similar to yours (8,000 miles and 15/16 hour time difference), I can relate. All you want to do is spend everyday with your SO, but things come us (like university for us) and reduce our chatting time. What I would suggest is that you two could writing emails to each other if you aren't already. You can tell each other what is on your mind, what is going on in your part of the world and discuss plans of meeting in person too.
                      Just please don't give up! Yes it may hurt somedays, but when you two are together everything is perfect.

                      "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                      "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                      "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                      Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                        When my so went to visit her college town I was a wreck but I was decent her first actual week up there, I've been upset all day cause she's in town now and we were supposed to spend today and tomorrow together and last I heard from her she was "laying in bed" and now I haven't heard from her. I've been up all day cleaning and I've been looking forward to this for like 16 days!
                        Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                        Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                        Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                        Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                        Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                          I understand this sooo very much. Some days are just easier than others. I hope you start to feel better...and your day goes better...just believe in the love.
                          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                            The nights are always the hardest for me. During the day I go about my life and text/call/email/MSN him depending on what's going on in both our lives. At night, the world is silent and I just miss him so much. And you have to just let yourself know that it's OK to feel like that - just as long as it's not all the time. Becuase if it was all the time then you might need to talk to a friend about it - see if they can help keep your mind occupied. If you're having no trouble doing that on your own, then don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll get a little bit easier every day and every night.


                              In those days usually I would have looked up for any possible contact with him. Look at pics, videos, etc. Think about the next time you will be together!

