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Is leaving the second time easier or harder?

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    leaving is always just as hard, at least to me, seby is better at handling it, but it breaks his hard seeing my like i am when one of has to leave..its worst the last night before saying goodbye...
    But oh well seeing as it doesnt affect him as much, i think its different for everyone.


      leaving is always really hard and i sometimes think it even gets harder, at least to me, my boyfriend handles it a lot better than i do, but it breaks his heart seeing me like i am when one of has to leave.
      Its always worst the night before we have to say goodbye and i cant stop crying and i start to fear the moment we have to part , its really very bad :/
      but seeing as it doesnt affect seby as bad, i guess its different to everyone..


        For me it is harder the more often i saw him. I am at the point already, that i can start crying right when i am there, even though i always tried to keep both of us up with jokes. But i guess it is about the person anyway. A friend of mine said it was easier every time.


          D: ..... most people are saying just as hard, harder etc... I was sooooo hoping it would say easier since my first time leaving I cried for forever and didn't want to let go of him and even after I was alone at the gate, on the plane, home I still could cry at any second if I thought about it too much...
          I'm trying not to think to much about leaving this second time since I'm not even there yet but I can't help it.... I have a feeling its going to be even worse since I know what its like to come back home without him. Q_Q
          Met: 2.20.10
          Started Dating: 4.22.10
          Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
          First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
          Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
          Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


            I'm fortunate enough to now knowing how that feels.
            But from what i've experienced i would guess that the first couple of times it will be very hard and then after a while you get used to it i suppose.


              It is always devastating. But I think that if the time between visits is shorter, that is what makes a difference in my sadness.


                I've seen my SO about ten times or so, and to be honest, it never gets any easier for me. I always cry like a baby, and have a thousand tissues in my bag. He always gives me a hug and tells me not to cry, we'll see each other soon. But it's very hard not to cry, I can never do it.
                Sorry, I bet that wasn't helpful at all.

