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I just need to vent....

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    I just need to vent....

    So my bf called me this morning and said that he woke up early in the morning with pain in his stomach and back and that he took some ibprofuen and was feeling a little better but he didn't go to work. I told him it sounded like his appendix and he said he looked it up on the internet and he figured it was also.

    Well he got really sleepy and fell asleep for a couple of hours, I thought he had gone into the ER...but then he texted me and said that he had fallen asleep but his aunt was taking him to the ER.

    I didn't want to bother him, but it had been 5 hours since I had heard from him and I am in limbo here, no idea what is going on. I am freakin out. I am a worrier anyway. Then he texted me and told me that he was still in the ER and they didn't know what was wrong with him yet. But they had some pain med in an IV and he was feeling better..then about 30 min. later I got another text that said it was his appendix and it had to be taken out tonight, and he didn't know when he would be able to call me, but he would as soon as he could

    I HATE THIS! I don't know if he is in surgery yet, I don't know if he is out. I don't know how he is feeling. I don't know anything and it makes me so sad. I am suppose to be there for him...he is suppose to be under my care. I am suppose to be waiting for him in the surgery waiting room...I am so upset about this.

    I don't really know why I am so upset. I know he is going to be ok. I just hate not knowing. I look at his picture and it makes me so upset. The distance is really kicking me in the butt right now, and I hate it. Thanks for listening..

    Just...breathe and try to relax. You can vent as much as you want Try to keep your mind busy.


      Sadly there isn't much you can do. If you can keep busy with something until you hear from him that might be a good idea, that way you can focus on something else then sitting there and making up worst case scenarios.


        Argh the waiting is the worst! Is there anyone else you can call to find out - like his Aunt?


          Honey...what you are feeling is normal. You want to be by his side..and that is what we all want. He is going through something that you want to be able to support him in...vent away hon...we will all listen and encourage you!!!

          Breathe. It will all be fine.... Keep us updated.
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that. I would react the same way to something like this. Even though, as you said, I'm sure he'll be just fine.

            Do whatever you can to relax. I'd take a bath, listen to relaxing music, curl up in bed. Be sure to keep breathing slowly and calmly, and do your best to focus on other things.

            We're here if you want to talk!


              Hang in there!! Hopefully you will get word soon that he is a-okay!


                Thank you guys!!

                He just called me....FINALLY!! He is out of surgery and they said it went well. He was in surgery for about an hour and recovry about 45 min. He said he got so sick as he got to the hospital. He started getting chills and fever..and chills so violently that the nurse couldn't take his blood.
                But they have now fixed him all up..and I was worried he was alone, but his mom was there and he had a couple of friends show up. He is now in room at the hospital and he has to stay overnight.
                He is hooked up to morphine and he sounded so sleepy but i am so thankful that he called to talk to me.
                I feel much better now!

                Thanks for all of your support!!


                  I'm so happy to hear that you got to talk to him!!! It's so very thoughtful of him to call you, even while all drugged-up!


                    I really know what you're going through agentholli, and how unbelievably tough it is. About one month into our relationship, Garnet was admitted into the hospital really suddenly, and being long distance, it was hard to find out anything about what was going on besides the odd text/email from her phone. It was so early in our relationship, and not to mention long distance was just so new to me, it was hard more than anything to not feel like I'm helpless, like there's nothing I could do.

                    Are you two emailers? If not you could do the same with texts I suppose, but even though she couldn't respond, I knew she could read them on her phone, so I would email her, tell her that I love her, and that I miss her, and how I hope more than anything that everything's going to be okay. I apologized that I should be there for her, and I'm not able to, and it eats me up inside.

                    I would wake up in the middle of the night and jump out of bed just because I needed to send her another email, I felt like I needed to do something. She actually said that my timing was impeccable since she happened to be up at that time too to get it when I sent it.

                    She was in because she had a Gallbladder attack, and had to have her Gallbladder removed, but there were complications after surgery which left her hospitalized for I think it was over a week. It just seemed like an eternity.

                    I don't know, for advice, I guess just do anything you can to let him know that you care about him, text him that you're thinking about him, and hoping that everything goes smoothly, even if it is supposed to be a low risk operation, so that's a good thing. Even if he can't read them because he's busy, I'm sure when he can seeing just many scattered texts from you thinking of him, it'll brighten his day and make what he's going through a little bit easier.

                    And I guess also, just know that you're not the only one who's gone through something like this LD. But if it's anything like mine and Garnet's experience, when all's said and done, it will only have made your relationship that much stronger to have gone through it together. Be strong, and I hope everything goes smoothly for him.


                      Oho. Appendicitis. I got that last year. Had just started my new summerjob when i got stomach pain so i had to go home.
                      Stayed home a day until the pain finally moved to the right side of the stomach and my aunt drove me to the hospital.
                      When i was prepared to go into surgery my appendix burst and well the pain was unbelievable. I was lucky though.
                      If i had waited another hour with going to the hospital and i would be dead.
                      So the point was that as long as it's not burst it's not that bad.

                      Ohh and i didn't know that they used morphine still over here. I got some other stuff.
                      And off topic the antibiotica i had to take everyday the week after the surgery killed my apetite and i lost about 15 pounds since i didn't eat anything and was recovering.


                        i agree with rane on this. Try showing him your love and care by sending texts and email or call him as much and often as possible, be supportive
                        it will help him recover a lot.
                        I wish my boyfriend would have done so when i was in hospital two weeks ago, but he was on holiday in portugal and didnt do anything at all for the first couple of days even tthough he knew i was in hospital and i started to think he just didnt care and felt really down and lonely.
                        So do communicate with him as much as possible!
                        I hope he gets better soon!


                          Getting your appendix removed isn't a severely complicated surgery (in my knowledge, but I'm no doctor), so he shouldn't be in the hospital for a long time. You just need to relax because he'll be okay, hun. I know it sucks cause you can't talk to him and get an idea on how he's feeling, but there's nothing you can really do about it. I would be frustrated and worried too.

                          When your appendix bursts, it leaks something or the other that will kill you if they don't remove it. So be grateful he's in the hospital and not out!


                            Originally posted by annamorgan View Post
                            Getting your appendix removed isn't a severely complicated surgery (in my knowledge, but I'm no doctor), so he shouldn't be in the hospital for a long time. You just need to relax because he'll be okay, hun. I know it sucks cause you can't talk to him and get an idea on how he's feeling, but there's nothing you can really do about it. I would be frustrated and worried too.

                            When your appendix bursts, it leaks something or the other that will kill you if they don't remove it. So be grateful he's in the hospital and not out!
                            I, drawing from when i had it i remember it quite well since it was only a year ago and my only hospital staying, went to the hospital on a saturday afternoon. 2 hrs later my appendix burst. They did their things they had to do and i was back home on the wednesday. Thanks to it bursting i did need another extra week of recovery before i could return to work.

                            Appendicitis, i guess, is when your appendix is infected with bacteria which thrives in the useless piece of crap organ. If allowed to grow too big the appendix burst letting all those bacterias out in the body. That's what the dangerous part is because within hours they could spread fast and wide enough to threaten your life. People have died of appendicitis. But yeah as you already know no worries for you If it hadn't burst i would guess he'll be back home in about 3-4 days.


                              Oh my goodness, oh sweetie. *big hugs* Well, the good news is they know what it is, and it's something with low risk to take care of, as long as he's not dangerously inflamed.

                              Give him some time to recover, and I'm sure he'll find a way to text you or contact you. Lots of hospitals have wi-fi, maybe he can bring a computer in while he recovers. We're here for you, and I can't tell you enough how much I empathize.

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

