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    WHAT DO I DO!?

    Okay so i'm 16 years old, going to be 17 in 5 months.. I recently went on a cruise for a week, and got back a few days ago. On the cruise I met this boy named Sebastien, he's French Canadian and lives In Montreal. He's 18. On the cruise for the whole week we basically acted as a couple, fooled around and got to know each other and he made me feel like no other boy has ever. There was such a connection, the type I can't ignore and we both agreed that we wanted to keep in touch and that we weren't just gonna forget about each other. He's planning on coming down to New York to see me but only time will tell if that actually happens. I'm already missing him.. We talk everyday via Skype and Facebook.. We can't really text or call because of the extra money it would cost for the long distance. We both talked about how If only distance wasn't an issue, we would wanna be together because of our undeniable feelings for each other. The question is, do you think that a long distance relationship could work? He already calls himself my boyfriend and we both said it would kill us to know of any other girls or boys in the other one's life. We wanna be together but it would be so hard with me not driving yet, and he's in College now, not to mention my school year starts soon. What do we do?

    There are sooo many young long distance couples on this site, and they make it work! Read through their stories, take things slow, and just enjoy that you've found someone you connect with so well. Welcome to the site!


      I'm pretty sure a majority of us wouldn't be here if we didn't believe long distance relationships could work It sounds like you guys are sill in that 'honeymoon' stage and that's great! Just my advice is don't make any promises to one another just yet, take things slow and if after a few more weeks you both feel that what you feel toward each other is worth it, then really sit down and have a discussion about how you want to take this relationship and how you'll deal with the distance. The suggestion to read through this forum is a good one, you'll find alot of useful information.


        Long distance relationship does work.
        I'm kind of living proof of that. Did have to make some sacrificies but that's part of every distance ending.
        If you feel like it's worth it and that your feelings are as genuine as you say they are then just bite together and work hard.
        LDRs are never easy. Sometimes less hard. But the reward at the end of the line is worth every hardship.


          Originally posted by Rach321 View Post
          There are sooo many young long distance couples on this site, and they make it work!
          Originally posted by Rosebud View Post
          I'm pretty sure a majority of us wouldn't be here if we didn't believe long distance relationships could work
          Originally posted by Swederica View Post
          Long distance relationship does work.
          I agree with everyone who commented before! Also don't give, so you will come across people who say 'it will never last' or 'it isn't gonna work so don't try' but they don't know that much about LDRs. Yes it is challenging regardless how far and how big of time difference you have from your SO, but it is possible! Don't give up!
          About your dilemma coming this September. I'd would first tell each other your schedules, so you can plan from that when you'll both be free to talk on skype. And who says you are just limited to that? Nu uh... You can always write emails as frequently as you want to each other.

          If you are wondering about my LDR...
          Me and my SO are 8,000 miles apart and we are coming up on our 10 month anniversary. We haven't met in person yet... but we are planning to. We are only able to skype on weekends, but we write daily emails to each other to fill the gap.

          "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
          "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
          "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

          Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


            We're all living proof, the alumni here more so as they closed the distance.

            Since your ages are so close together I wouldn't count it as a problem (in the US a lot of states have the age of consent as 17, some 16) and since it's LDR it's not like you're going to be sleeping together all the time anyway. So are you guys official?

            College and school in general is always a big factor for younger couples, but they do manage it with visits during breaks or even trying college transfers to make the miles of distance that much smaller. It's hard, but people have made it through and so will you, that's why we're here. We're here to make sure you do and get the help you need to do it.


              I'm 16 and in a long distance relationship, and even though my situation is different than yours (I met and was with my boyfriend for 6 months before he moved), I know for a fact that your relationship can work even with the distance. You just need to persevere, and you'll go through struggles and hardship, but if you know that this boy is worth it, then nothing else matters.


                I agree with everyone above, this wouldnt a LDR forum if we wouldnt believe in it workin ^^
                I have been in a LDR at the age for 15-16 for 9 months but it didnt work due to us bein too young not havin any money at all to see each other (considerin I was in Germany and he was in Australia) plus it just ended in nothin. lol
                Anyways I dont see the distance between you too THAT big considerin some of us (including me) have to get over an ocean somehow.
                You can basically just take a train from Montreal to NY etc
                And I think since you've been on the cruise, and you say yourself it clicked from the beginnin you can be sure it'd work, if you both want it to


                  Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly! take the risk


                    If you love each other, you do your best to make it work. Things like not driving and whatnot can be overcome. That's why there's public transportation and school breaks, my dear.

                    Keep in touch - give yourself ways to keep the relationship active and healthy. Make sure you give yourself enough personal alone time as well. And I would sit down together, talk, and decide on when you're going to next meet up. You'll need to talk to your parents, of course. They'll probably want him to come to you first. And just take it a goal post at a time.

                    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                      Follow your heart and take a risk. LDR's do succeed.
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        A long distance relationship can work, but you have to believe in it!


                          You could always get a phone card. I know most 711's..gas stations sell them, international phone cards they're anywhere from 2-10 dollar s and they buy you a couple hours of international calls. I use them to call my mom in France off my Florida sell phone, doesn't cost me an extra dime. I know that in NY metro pcs just explanded there and they have a program that for 50 dollars, you can get unlimited text local long distance international voicemail etc. all unlimited, very convient. I would get it but my mom and I don't talk that often so I just stick with the phone cards, they're a lot cheaper if you buy them from a gas station, don't buy the ones from walmart or any big stores. those will cost you a lot of money!
                          Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                          Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                          Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                          Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                          Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                            LDR do work!!!!!!!!!!!! For example, I married my LDR and there are others here that either married them or live with them. An LDR will sucess when you love each other and work for your relationship, and this 2 ingredients are the same ones you have in a close distance relationship. The reality is that in an LDR you have to sacrifice some things temporarily, like the physical things, but as long as you keep your eyes in the goal, of being together eventually, you can have a happy and loving relationship

