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He has never come to visit me!

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    He has never come to visit me!

    Hello guys

    I don't know what to do, or think, I feel so anxious these days, so sad, confused, mad!!!!!!!!!!!! and I feel like I'm going crazy.
    My SO and I have been together for almost two years now. In those two years I've visited him twice. First I spent Christmas with him in December 2012, I was there for a month, and it was our first meeting!!! I paid the first flight, because I wanted to do it, he just helped me pay my travel insurance for that time, and of course when I was staying at his place he paid most of the food, didn't let me pay anything, he was a wonderful host.

    Then I visited him again for summer, in July 2013, and I spent 3 months there with him. This time we both shared expenses... he paid a bit more, most of the cost of the flight ticket. We had been surviving to this long distance relationship so god so far, I've sent him so many presents, we chat so often in skype, spend quality time together, we got our long distance bracelets too!!!! I can just feel our relationship became stronger.

    This year, we had agreed he would visit me in Mexico for the first time, I think it's time, and it's fair since I've already flown to see him twice. I would like he would come for easter vacation (in April) it's when I'll have two weeks free, and it will also be my birthday. He says at the moment he doesn't have any money, and it is difficult to buy him a ticket... These days I've been telling him to buy the ticket so much, because right now there are some deals. 600 euros, for a round trip, and normally tickets are 1000 euros! I also told him I would help him pay the ticket with 200 euros, it's not so much, but it's what I have. And of course when he is here, I'll be in charge of paying for food and entertainment as he did.

    He says he has no money for the ticket, but I don't know if that's really true. Today he said something like "I'm not sure if this is a good idea", and he made me think, he doesn't really want to come!!! I feel bad cuz almost everybody here, who is in a long distance relationship, all your SOs have traveled to see you...
    Some people call my country "third world" and sometimes I think he's afraid of visiting the "third world"... it is so pretty here, and honestly I can't wait for him to know here, try the food from here, meet my family, my friends, etc.
    I know I should be more patient, but I can't wait to see him. We've been arguing for 3 days! he says I've been putting so much pressure on him with this, and now I don't know what to think or do. I don't want to force him to come and see me, I want him to do it because he wants to!
    But I know that if I don't mention the topic, he will just forget about it, cuz he's a person who doesn't like to plan things... and I don't work like that... I always like to have a plan, work on it, stick to it, and achieve it! if there's no plan, I feel like I'm dead, you know...
    It's like days are passing without knowing where I'm going, or when I'll see him again.

    He wants me to move with him by August, that's great, I want it too, but do you think is it cool to move, when he never visited me before????
    Do you think I should keep insisting on making him come in april??? or just forget about the topic, don't mention it and let him come when he wants to come???? :/
    I sound like a psycho , and I've become so nervous, I get anxiety and sometimes out of the blue I get depressed. When I am working, I don't feel it, but when I am at home, goshhhhh, I just think of him, the distance, and it kills me.
    Last edited by jess_mp; January 26, 2014, 02:50 PM.

    Yes, you should keep insisting he visit you, it's only fair. Mexico is indeed a beautiful country, with amazing food, and beaches to die for, but unfortunately the news of the ongoing drug violence in several places are all that's shown in world news. He really might be scared to go there, and if the only info he gets is from the news, you can't blame him.

    If your area is safe, you need to make him aware of the differences between all the areas in Mexico, sometimes Europeans don't always understand how huge countries are over in the Americas, and that something happening in one city or state, has no bearing on the other ones. He needs to get over it and come see you, I think he'll love Mexico once he gets there, but understand that it will be drastically different than what he's used to, I don't necessarily mean the "third-world" aspect either, it's just so different from Europe in every way But, those differences are what makes life interesting, so yeah, I'd keep pestering him about it. He might surprise himself and fall in love with the place. I know I'm looking forward to going back there one day!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by Moon View Post
      Yes, you should keep insisting he visit you, it's only fair. Mexico is indeed a beautiful country, with amazing food, and beaches to die for, but unfortunately the news of the ongoing drug violence in several places are all that's shown in world news. He really might be scared to go there, and if the only info he gets is from the news, you can't blame him.

      If your area is safe, you need to make him aware of the differences between all the areas in Mexico, sometimes Europeans don't always understand how huge countries are over in the Americas, and that something happening in one city or state, has no bearing on the other ones. He needs to get over it and come see you, I think he'll love Mexico once he gets there, but understand that it will be drastically different than what he's used to, I don't necessarily mean the "third-world" aspect either, it's just so different from Europe in every way But, those differences are what makes life interesting, so yeah, I'd keep pestering him about it. He might surprise himself and fall in love with the place. I know I'm looking forward to going back there one day!
      Aww Moon! thank you for your sweet reply. I live in a city called Puebla, where there's no cartels, no violence, it's quiet. It has ancient houses and buildings, cobbled streets and beautiful churches and pyramids. I've told him this, but yeah, you might be right, he might be getting so much info from the news. At the moment there's so much violance going in some other places in Mexico, it's crazy!!!
      I'll take into account what u say, and be aware that this is not what he's used to. I just want to make him feel comfy here, and safe of course. Thanks for commenting on my post.


        It is fair he comes to see you. I have no idea if he can afford it, can you talk about money a bit more perhaps? Then you might get an idea of how much he can set aside.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          First off, I wanted to say, my boyfriend hasn't visited me yet either. He has a very deep fear of flying which he is getting help for. Sometimes I feel like people around me (family,friends) might think he doesn't care.. sometimes I wonder if I could move to be with him when he hasn't come here. He wants to come to Canada, but his fears as well as his dad being alone in the UK (their family is badly separated) so it's put more pressure on us. And on top of that is that we don't have much money at the moment, long story, and we're working on it. He will come eventually but when he is ready, either when he feels like he can tackle the 9hour flight or if we have enough money for him to travel another way, or break up the flight. But we'll see. I just wanted to post so you know you aren't alone.. hang in there and I hope he can visit you soon.


            He needs to come to your country.

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


              This thread is making me want to travel to Mexico


                I agree with Moon. I have been to Mexico a few times in the past. I went to the more tourist areas of Acapulco, Cancun, and the Riviera Maya. I looooooooooooooooved going there. To listen to the news in USA today, I would be afraid to go back right now. All we hear about are the tourists getting kidnapped and to avoid certain areas, that is enough for me since who is to say I end up in "safe" area that gets targeted anyway? It is not worth the risk to me. My SO said the same thing, we would love to go to Mexico someday together but until these reported "risks" are no longer there we would wait. My SO is from the Netherlands so I guess maybe the news here ( I am in NL right now) is telling them similar stories and might explain why your SO feels this way a bit. I can understand his hesitation and your feelings as well. All this being said however; If my SO lived there, I would ultimately still go.
                "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                Benjamin Franklin


                  My bf is Mexican and he lives in a safe city, and I never once hesitated to go there!

                  The thing is, that it is different if you go as a tourist or if you'll be or stay with locals! Because locals do know where to go and when! They would not put themselves into danger! And of course, stuff can always happen, but stuff happens everywhere!

                  I think he has to come visit you and meet your family and friends! I do not think that Puebla is very dangerous, I have a friend there and been there myself.


                    You should definitely insist on him coming for a visit. In my relationship I´m the one coming more often; the upcoming visit is gonna be only 2nd time my SO comes in here. But still, he was here, met my family, friends etc. I suspect him of thinking I live in a very backward country at first and when he came, he was very impressed and he loved so many things in here. I believe it would be the same with you guys. Just stay strong and don´t back up. Good luck


                      I really don't think you are asking for much. I would keep insisting and let him know it's a safe area..etc.


                        Originally posted by Ahava View Post
                        This thread is making me want to travel to Mexico
                        This so much

                        And on topic: I also think you should try to find out why he doesn't think it's a good idea, there could be many reasons, some acceptable, some not to much. find out what the problem is and then decide if it's something you can deal with or something that can be changed or a bigger problem.


                          Add me to the people who want to visit Mexico because of this thread

                          Maybe you should have a conversation with him where you tell him how safe your area is, as other people have mentioned. I think it's only fair that he travels to you too.
                          So, here you are
                          too foreign for home
                          too foreign for here.
                          Never enough for both.

                          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                            Originally posted by Ahava View Post
                            This thread is making me want to travel to Mexico
                            LOL You're welcome to Mexico Ahava!!!!
                            We'll have tacos, nachos, beer , and fun amigo (or amiga)


                              Awww thank you all for commenting, you make me want to NOT give up on this dream I have. During all this time I dream about my boyfriend visiting here, and me feeding him with tacos lol I want to climb Teotihuacan pyramid with him, and feel the good vibe of being there with him, on top of a huge pyramid.
                              Anyway, as you said I'll keep insisting and talk to him about money, and safety, etc.
                              Thanks to the ones who think Mexico is a nice country, that makes me feel better!!
                              I really hope he gets him a flight ticket very soon!!!

