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First Sight of SO

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    First Sight of SO

    The first time I saw my SO was the happiest moment of my life.
    Waiting patiently for a year to see him in person.......I still just couldn't believe it happened. I was in such a close distance to him.
    The biggest smile of my face appeared, and one popped up on his instantly.
    Looking at him for the first time, I knew everything was going to be ok. No, everything was going to be marvelous during my visit.

    How did you feel the first moment you saw your SO?
    Met August 2012
    Official Nov. 18 2012
    Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
    He's visiting April 7-28 2014
    I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014

    I was lucky that I met my SO in person for the first time!! I was living abroad and working in FInland We met at Majava Baari in Kallio, the blue collar district of Helsinki, Finland. I used to live in Kallio and I adored it!! It was located near EVERYTHING, including cheap beer! LOL. He was there just because he was bored one weekend. He lives in a town 2 hours way from Helsinki. I'll never forget how I walked up the hill and there he was standing outside the bar in his long black leather trench coat and black scarf; long blond hair shimmering and flowing in the wind, He smiled and I was in love immediately!! I observed him for a bit and I saw--what luck!!--he is alone! So I started to talk and he was nervous at first with English but he was open and warm. We had this instant connection that to this date I cannot explain. 2 weeks later we spent 2 weeks together which was supposed to be only one day. He took me shopping to buy clothes because he didn't want me to leave. This was two years ago. We stayed connected across oceans as well, the connections stayed strong.


      We met for the first time via friends /holiday, we had no contact prior to that. He was very in my face and irritated me. I found him handsome and to me that was just trouble coming my way. I knew he was going to hit on me, and he did for three days before I caved in. So I would say the first time I saw him I was scared! I was so not looking for a relationship. I knew I was interested when I started posing on the beach. He would skip his work to watch me LOL Everything went so fast after that. I spent four wonderful days with him in December. He is meeting my husband for the first time in 5 days
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        I drove 6h to see my SO for the first time, crazy I know but totally worth it!! I had an awesome weekend, and been In love ever since. He was already waiting for me as I parked in the Hotel after been lost for around 20 minutes. As soon as I parked and gat out of the car he hugged me and gave me the biggest kiss, and whispered in my ear ( you are gourgeus!!) And that's the best weekend of my life so far!!


          I spotted him right away as I walked though the doors at the airport. He was standing there smiling. He hugged me and tried to kiss me on the cheek but I'm not sure where it landed, LOL.
          I can't remember exactly what we said. (I was a tad nervous). Even though it felt a little weird seeing him for the first time in the flesh it also felt really good.


            The first time I laid eyes on my SO I was blown away! We met at a drive in restaurant when I was almost 21 and he was 19. Talk about tall, dark , and handsome! He was 6'4" brown curly hair, hazel eyes and has this deep sexy voice, smooth as silk! Well that was a long time ago , but I never got him out of my head, so when he found me online last year we picked back up better than when we left off. Ill never forget that night and I still see him that way even though were both much older now.........


              I had taken the earliest train down to Helsinki-Vantaa airport to meet him and even took the earlier bus even tjough i would have to wait nearly an hour longer. As it turned out the flight my SO was on was early, and he would have had to wait if i had taken the later bus i was ment to take (not that itmade waiting any easier). Since my SO was travelling wih hand luggage only he was one of the first people coming out to arrivals, he looked so tall, lost and utterly petrified It probably didn't help that he didn't really see me until i was hugging him. Forgot to look down, as usual...
              We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                We knew each other in person before dating. I remember thinking he was cute and super goofy but that we would never be anything more than friends.

                Now that we are long distance each time we see one another after a long separation it's just awesome. We both get huge smiles on our faces and both get super nervous even though we have known each other for so long.


                  The first time I saw him in person was actually a little awkward He came to one big city close to where I lived, I was there because I was taking a university exam. But it took little longer than expected, so he had to wait for me for about an hour, and when I finally came to him, we didn't hug or kiss or anything, I just remember that I said "how long have you been waiting"? It was awkward at first, but then he just grabbed my hand and everything was great since then


                    I also met my SO in person first. I was at a really bad point relationship wise, I was just fed up and thinking I would not open up for anyone in a really long time. So when I first met him I pretty much thought "oh, he's interesting, I miht sleep with him.." but turns out he is so much more than just interesting And about 5 minutes after we first started talking this girl walked up to him and kissed him, so my friend who introduced me to him (just like "heyyy look who I just met I think he's cool"), asked if this was his girlfriend. And he said somewhat grumpily "no, my ex.." this is probabl the thing I will remember most about it, but the funny thing about how it all turns out is, I just love teasing her with it


                      We had met and been talking online for 7 months previously, started dating maybe 3 months before the first visit. We were both trembling from being so excited; the car pulled up to his driveway, and I jumped out and rang the door. I waited for the longest 30 seconds. For me, what was running through my mind was like, "wow, after this our relationship is going to be at a different level." It was so nerve wreaking and exciting at the same time. Finally he opened the door, and we shared quick "hi"s and hugged each other. It was kinda awkward for a few seconds before the hug, but right when he hugged, everything felt right. I remember saying something stupid like "wow, you're real" xD it was unforgettable.


                        My SO sort of managed to sneak up on me... We planned it all out, the meeting spot, his van from the airport and were texting back and forth during his ride over. There was a long break in the text messages, and I was using that time to calm myself down. Telling myself that this week is going to go well, of course he'll like me, yada yada. I get a text finally. "I'm here!" I was shaking like a leaf when I opened the door. The very first thought I had was "Wow, so that's what 6'4 looks like...". Man, I was insanely nervous. Things were awkward (which was probably my doing) until he planted one on me during the movie we watched that night .

                        It's kinda funny to look back on now! He was so smooth that week, but now I know he's a big (endearing) goof.

                        Married: June 9th, 2015


                          When I saw my SO at the airport for the first time, I felt like throwing up all over myself - I was that nervous. I stayed that nervous for the first few hours.


                            I just remember feeling so relieved to see him at the airport, I was so worried he wouldn't find me, or we wouldn't recognize each other, or I'd somehow get lost in the airport Silly me.
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              I was waiting for him at the airport, and, like Moon, I was worrying about crazy things. I had a huge fear that his plane would crash. When he came walking toward me, with that special, confident stride of his, and I saw his eyes, I knew the week would be terrific; all the nervous butterflies flew away. We hugged and kissed, and I grabbed hold of his arm. I hung on to his arm the entire week. It was a special feeling that can't be described in words to see him that first moment.

