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First Sight of SO

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    I met him at the airport and I was nervous. I wish I could say that when I saw him all that disappeared, but that's just not true. I saw him walking towards me and just kept thinking "oh my god, oh my god, this is really happening." I stayed in that state until we got back to our room and then other feelings took over

    Met online: 1/30/11
    Met in person: 5/30/12
    Second visit: 9/12/12
    Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


      It had been a long and tiring day. I had left home at 11 am with the intention of landing in Helsinki at 7 pm, but there had been a strike, cancelled flights and a huge mess at baggage claim, so not only did I land at 11:30 pm, but I had to wait three hours for my suitcase to be delivered. All this time, he was waiting outside. My phone didn't work, the Helsinki-Vantaa airport doesn't have payphones, I hadn't brought my laptop and neither of us was sure the other was on the other side of the arrival gate. Eventually I think I even forgot about him, I was so exhausted. Then I remembered and asked someone if it was possible to exit and then come back in to wait for my luggage and they said yes.

      I feel like I've told this story a thousand times on this forum

      Anyway, the first sight: I walked out the door and stopped to look around and there he was, looking so familiar and yet so strange. I'm not proud to confess that I had flown to a strange country to stay with a guy I had never skyped with. All I had was pictures. So he looked like himself, but the fact that I could see him moving was a bit confusing. One of the first things I thought was "Oh wow, he's tall". And the first thing I said to him was "Oh wow, you're tall".
      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


        Originally posted by TwoThree View Post

        Anyway, the first sight: I walked out the door and stopped to look around and there he was, looking so familiar and yet so strange. I'm not proud to confess that I had flown to a strange country to stay with a guy I had never skyped with. All I had was pictures. So he looked like himself, but the fact that I could see him moving was a bit confusing. One of the first things I thought was "Oh wow, he's tall". And the first thing I said to him was "Oh wow, you're tall".
        We hadn't Skyped either prior to the first visit so I can understand you on how weird it felt to see him moving


          Well then we're both crazy ladies What if our SO's hadn't been the people on those photos??

          It never struck my mind how reckless I'd been until I started visiting this forum.
          I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


            Originally posted by Ahava View Post
            We hadn't Skyped either prior to the first visit so I can understand you on how weird it felt to see him moving
            I never Skyped with mine either before seeing him and I had only seen a few pictures. At the time I was too nervous to talk to him on the phone or Skype, so we had hardly ever heard each others voices either. We recorded some little messages to send each other a few times but that was about it. It was extremely weird seeing him in person for the first time, because I had never seen him move or talk. I remember thinking that he sort of walked a bit like a penguin, it was adorable. TwoThree, I thought that mine looked so short.. He is only a little taller than me. I never told him that though. How bizarre it was at first, being with someone so familiar yet so strange.


              Originally posted by roosie View Post
              I never Skyped with mine either before seeing him and I had only seen a few pictures. At the time I was too nervous to talk to him on the phone or Skype, so we had hardly ever heard each others voices either. We recorded some little messages to send each other a few times but that was about it. It was extremely weird seeing him in person for the first time, because I had never seen him move or talk. I remember thinking that he sort of walked a bit like a penguin, it was adorable. TwoThree, I thought that mine looked so short.. He is only a little taller than me. I never told him that though. How bizarre it was at first, being with someone so familiar yet so strange.
              Every time I see my SO since it's not so often.. usually about 6 months in between.. I looked at him and thought "damn you are skinnier than last time, how is that possible!!" LOL of course it isn't it's just that US guys aren't normally as fit as Finnish guys so I don't normally see guys that tall and thin. Also we normally type so talking to him in person is strange because he think I speak too fast at first until a few days after we are together and he gets used to me and then I can stop talking to him like a child. This boy has studied English his whole life and I would say he communicates (in writing and reading) about 40 percent of his day but the speaking part takes some warming up so that is weird!!


                Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
                Well then we're both crazy ladies What if our SO's hadn't been the people on those photos??

                It never struck my mind how reckless I'd been until I started visiting this forum.
                That would have been freaky!
                I got LOTS of photos from him though and we had spoken on the phone.
                Quite reckless yeah, and I would never want my own children to do anything like that.


                  I too had tons of pictures, including a few of him wearing things I had sent him in the mail, but yeah, if I have kids and they get themselves in a LDR that starts online, I'll insist on skyping with those people myself
                  I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                    TwoThree, our paths are crossing in very similar ways again Add me to the "no Skyping" club, all I had was the picture on our company intranet, and a couple that he sent that were all kind of old.

                    He told me he was short though, and maybe compared to those giant Vikings, he is, but I was pleasantly surprised that he was average height, about 5'10.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      I perved on my GF's butt...

                      She also said that I was shorter than she expected


                        Originally posted by Moon View Post
                        TwoThree, our paths are crossing in very similar ways again Add me to the "no Skyping" club, all I had was the picture on our company intranet, and a couple that he sent that were all kind of old.

                        He told me he was short though, and maybe compared to those giant Vikings, he is, but I was pleasantly surprised that he was average height, about 5'10.
                        HAHa I am laughing because Finnish people are so modest, he would never say he is "tall". My SO is 6 ft 4 and he says "Oh Im not that tall am i?" Geez man, you could pay basketball and make a million.. of course you are tall!! No matter how good they are at something, they are always "pretty ok" LOL Have you heard that term yet?


                          Originally posted by TexastoFinland View Post
                          HAHa I am laughing because Finnish people are so modest, he would never say he is "tall". My SO is 6 ft 4 and he says "Oh Im not that tall am i?" Geez man, you could pay basketball and make a million.. of course you are tall!! No matter how good they are at something, they are always "pretty ok" LOL Have you heard that term yet?
                          Yep, that and "not bad". If a Finn tells you something's not bad, that means it's one of the best things on earth
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            He was sitting in a horrible blue recliner, watching Boy Meets World, and working on his engineering homework. At the time, he was the older brother. Yes, of my boyfriend. Later, after we started dating he confessed that when he found out we're the same age he started planning ways to get me & his brother to break up. Eventually he decided that his brother would take care of that on his own (which he did).

                            Seeing him for the first time after the text flood of December '10, though, that was awkward because we had said so much to each other - but had spent hardly any time together alone.

                            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                            Progress: Complete!

                            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                            Progress: Working on it.


                              I'd seen glimpes of him, but he came over and said hi to the randomer I was talking to at a halloween party. I liked him because all he had on top was a furry vest and I got a nice view of his rugby-toned torso It turned out he only vaguely knew the person I was talking to, but he used them as an excuse to come talk to me

                              He'd been eyeing me since I entered the party, so he saw me first!

                              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Moon View Post
                                Add me to the "no Skyping" club, all I had was the picture on our company intranet, and a couple that he sent that were all kind of old.

                                He told me he was short though, and maybe compared to those giant Vikings, he is, but I was pleasantly surprised that he was average height, about 5'10.
                                Moon, this got me curious as to how your relationship started? I don't think I've ever read the whole story. Earlier I was under the impression that you had met (face to face) at work that maybe he was over in the States working or something.

