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Looking for a long distance relationship?

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    Looking for a long distance relationship?


    For me, long distance relationships have been a very good way to get in touch with someone. In the past however It's always been through friends I already had for a long time. I'd be interested to know if there any places anyone could recommend where I could find people interested in starting them? I'm really ready and fresh to enter a new one, I just don't know where to look for people that feel the same way. It's hard, because even if you do find someone they often don't want long distance. Anyone here know how to help?

    Nice site btw, think I'll stick around.

    You want to be in a long distance relationship? This isn't really the place to find a LDR, why not just join a dating site and search for people not near you?


      If I got to choose my distance, I'd probably pick a nice mid-range LDR. Just far enough that visas won't be a problem, you know?

      Married: June 9th, 2015


        For me, long distance relationships have proven to work really well. Of course without the distance it offers a much more possibility, but, I dunno, it's a long explanation, but I have my reasons as to why I moved to long distance ones.

        And haha, I'm not expecting to meet anyone here, I was just curious if there existed a place, and some linked me to here to ask the question. I guess I could do that, but I don't think anyone's looking for that when they join dating sites.


          try language exchange websites if you want someone in a different country, some people are willing to find love on those not only do you get to learn a new language, but you could find love.

          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


            Originally posted by CanadianGirl View Post
            If I got to choose my distance, I'd probably pick a nice mid-range LDR. Just far enough that visas won't be a problem, you know?
            LDRs are extremely hard, and I doubt you will find many people who want to be in one, to be honest. If you really want to look for one, though, I would also suggest joining a dating site where you can find someone who lives far away.
            While there are a few advantages to LDRs, I still wouldn't wish them on anyone...

            Edit: Sorry, I meant to respond to the OP's response!


              You shouldn't be searching for long distance relationships. The aim of a long distance relationship is typically to close the distance one day. It feels to me.. if someone is searching for a long distance relationship, they might have commitment issues..

              I think you should search for a partner, and if they happen to live near you, go with it, or if they happen to live far, go with it.. but don't go for someone based on whether they live near or far from you. That's just silly in my opinion... and most people don't want to be in a long distance relationship unless they meet someone who they want to be with and they will wait and be in a long distance relationship until they can close the distance.

              A long distance relationship involves a lot of effort, just like any other relationship, but sometimes it seems even more, but sometimes it is just different problems that a lot of long distance relationships have to face and overcome. Distance can make you stronger, but you shouldn't search for it. If you search for a partner who is far away just because she is far away, how will that person feel? That you want to be with them but only at a distance?

              I wish you much luck in the future.. maybe join a dating site like snow_girl suggested and try your luck out there and see who you meet. This isn't a dating site..


                Originally posted by squeeker View Post
                You shouldn't be searching for long distance relationships. The aim of a long distance relationship is typically to close the distance one day. It feels to me.. if someone is searching for a long distance relationship, they might have commitment issues..

                I think you should search for a partner, and if they happen to live near you, go with it, or if they happen to live far, go with it.. but don't go for someone based on whether they live near or far from you. That's just silly in my opinion... and most people don't want to be in a long distance relationship unless they meet someone who they want to be with and they will wait and be in a long distance relationship until they can close the distance.

                A long distance relationship involves a lot of effort, just like any other relationship, but sometimes it seems even more, but sometimes it is just different problems that a lot of long distance relationships have to face and overcome. Distance can make you stronger, but you shouldn't search for it. If you search for a partner who is far away just because she is far away, how will that person feel? That you want to be with them but only at a distance?

                I wish you much luck in the future.. maybe join a dating site like snow_girl suggested and try your luck out there and see who you meet. This isn't a dating site..
                This is exactly what I wanted to say, but couldn't find the right words. I agree 100%!


                  Just in case... I was definitely not being serious. I'd chew my own hands off before purposefully signing up for an LDR. I do like that we have a lot of written communication in some ways. Very early on, it made it easy for me to "open up". The amount of miscommunications because of text convos (and the grief those can cause) easily outweigh that benefit for me...

                  I can almost picture online dating, within your city, and agreeing to get to know each other online before meeting up. Even still, not sure anyone would agree to that. I especially agree with squeeker's point, that it would introduce a very odd dynamic to your relationship. Those times when you miss them or want to be near, but you can't would be your own doing. I'm sure you could find whatever you think is "attractive" about an LDR in a close-distance relationship if you met the right person.

                  Married: June 9th, 2015


                    I would NOT change a moment of mine and Stephen's relationship for a moment. I wouldn't change how we met or fell in love or made everything work. It's been a beautiful experience.

                    All of that being said, I wouldn't wish an LDR on my worst enemy. It's so hard sometimes when all you need is a simple hug and you can't even have that. I slump into about a week long depression after visits that make it hard to even get out of bed.

                    I don't think anyone LOOKS for an LDR. I sure as heck didn't. It was just trusted into my lap. I would've given my all to Stephen even if he were an alien on another planet because I was crazy about him. However, our relationship would have been substantially easier if he lived close.

                    My point is, go looking for love, not miles.


                      Personally I would rather have my boyfriend in my neighborhood. Some people may prefer long distance, for commitment reasons, to ensure alone time or seperate love life from work or kids. However the distance takes its toll on most people who can't see each other every week. OP may be different. Dating sites where you can specify what you are looking for may be an option.
                      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                        Since people don't generally look to get into an LDR, there really aren't sites specifically catering to it (that I've ever seen). Most of us fall into them by mistake. If you really feel like you need an LDR, there are like 786426578990 threads on here about how people met, maybe you could read through those and get some ideas.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          I guess I am confused. Why would you want to not be able to be with the one you wish to have a relationship with? I think that if you are more interested in the global interaction you can find that in any place that services the internet and has an internal chat available. SettlersOnline for instance. I play that game but not for the actual game itself so much as the friends I have made from around the globe in my "guild". You could also try SecondLife or IMVU because those games are really just about socializing and networking with other people. You could also look into some online penpal sites as well like Interpals. I also enjoy the people over in Yahoo Answers. Good Luck.
                          "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                          Benjamin Franklin


                            Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                            You want to be in a long distance relationship? This isn't really the place to find a LDR, why not just join a dating site and search for people not near you?
                            I don't think the OP is looking to get into an LDR on LFAD. But looking for advice.

                            First Visit: September 2016
                            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                            John 3:16
                            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                            John 4:12
                            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                              You don't chose to be in a long distance relationship. You pick to be in a relationship, and sometimes that means you have to go long distance.
                              So, here you are
                              too foreign for home
                              too foreign for here.
                              Never enough for both.

                              Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues

