At what point do you go "over the line" for your SO?
Today while I was out at lunch, I saw a friend of mine eating with someone. I ended up sitting with them for two hours, just chatting and enjoying hanging out. I didn't realize the woman my friend was eating with was her boss. My friend works at a college about an an hour and a half away (a college I have been considering), and right before we all left her boss suddenly offered me a full-time job that would not only pay well, it's also involved in my future major. (FYI, I'm taking the year off before going to college, so I won't be attending until next fall. David has already graduated college)
But almost as soon as she offered, I turned it down. Why? David immediately came to mind. I didn't want to take any time away from being able to talk to him, or be with him when he comes back. I wanted to make myself totally available, without any hangups that would prevent contact. Later, it made me think... at what point have you gone too far for your LDR? It's not like he wouldn't want me to take the job or anything. It's more that I wouldn't want to take the job because I'd want to be with him. Am I harming myself by doing that? Am I keeping myself from growing as an individual? Does it make me too dependent on him? When is it okay to "sacrifice", and when does it become destructive? Where do you draw the line?
I'm just very confused about that whole situation... aside from the fact that it was probably a too-good-to-be-true offer, have I done serious damage this time?

- Caitlin
Today while I was out at lunch, I saw a friend of mine eating with someone. I ended up sitting with them for two hours, just chatting and enjoying hanging out. I didn't realize the woman my friend was eating with was her boss. My friend works at a college about an an hour and a half away (a college I have been considering), and right before we all left her boss suddenly offered me a full-time job that would not only pay well, it's also involved in my future major. (FYI, I'm taking the year off before going to college, so I won't be attending until next fall. David has already graduated college)
But almost as soon as she offered, I turned it down. Why? David immediately came to mind. I didn't want to take any time away from being able to talk to him, or be with him when he comes back. I wanted to make myself totally available, without any hangups that would prevent contact. Later, it made me think... at what point have you gone too far for your LDR? It's not like he wouldn't want me to take the job or anything. It's more that I wouldn't want to take the job because I'd want to be with him. Am I harming myself by doing that? Am I keeping myself from growing as an individual? Does it make me too dependent on him? When is it okay to "sacrifice", and when does it become destructive? Where do you draw the line?
I'm just very confused about that whole situation... aside from the fact that it was probably a too-good-to-be-true offer, have I done serious damage this time?

- Caitlin