Well Denise made it back safetly to Scotland a few days ago(im alright little episodes of feeling depressed but doing better, still miss her like hell
) as soon as she got back her parents decided to give her a hard time pretty much saying "have your feet gotton back on the ground yet?" in other words they were wondering if she still has her head in the clouds like they always keep thinking, the doctor gave her a blood pressure machine to monitor her pressure because it can get a little high and anytime she talks to her parents who have been non stop giving her a hard time and laying on guilt trips her blood pressure goes really high almost to the point of hypertension which is not good considering she already has a heart condition which is slowly going away and only pops with anxiety. when i talk to her, her pressure goes back to normal and slightly lower. I know she loves her parents but i dont want them to risk her health by constantly giving her a hard time for no fucking reason!!!! arrrrg!!!!

and she told me today she knows that they will not talk to her again when they find out she's gonna be moving in a few months, and knowing that i told her and luckily she agreed not to tell them anything like that until i am over there because i know it will be a bad day and she'll need me there in person, because i just know that shits gonna hit the fan as soon as she tells them. I know she loves them but if they are gonna act like that then that shows there true colors. Just wish they would lay off of her for once especially since she just got back from visiting me, they were really nice people i dont know what the hell has happened to them!
