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LDR for almost 3 yrs - 1 child - depressed

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    Honestly, at this point I think you need to put your own health and wellbeing first. You're not much good to either him or your kid if you're trapped within depression. I understand he needs to see his child, but in your shoes I'd be going back to work. Not having to rely on your mum as much, and having money to treat yourself occasionally would go a long way towards helping your self-esteem. Even if you're only working two days a week or volunteering, there's got to be something out there that gets you out of the house. If there are a few less visits because of that, it's unfortunate, but won't cause a young child lasting damage.

    You can also still be active even in a residential neighbourhood. You can take long walks and work out at home with DVDs/youtube. Exercise is absolutely key to managing depression if you're not going to go on medication.

    I have to run, but any time you want to talk, blast me a PM.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Thank you guys.
      He couldnt come see me cause his job. One of us had to work. Now that he lost his job he can come but money is another problem. I know its gonna be ok but right we are having a hard time.
      Kitten_mittens, how stories look similar and its great to be understood. I do my best to take care of myself. And some days im doing good others i totally dont.

      Since we have the baby wetry to see other other every 3 months. Last time I saw him was a month ago, I thought Id get use to the distance but its getting worse.

      Zephii and differentcountries you are right about the depression. I truly dont want my child to suffer because of me. For now I hide it pretty well but kids can feel way more than we think.

      I take all your advice. Thank you. I think I should start by learning how to drive. I lived in paris from 17 to 25 so I didnt need my driving license. The subway was a perfect transportation. Now that i moved its totally different. Driving licence here are 1500euros (1700$) thats the biggest issue.

      Thank you again guys!!!!!!


        i just saw this post, but i can relate 100% my daughters dad and I aren't together and over 5,200 miles apart. I live in the US and he lives in Chile, he rarely gets to see his daughter when i'm in the states because 1. he doesn't have a job to buy plane tickets here and 2. he spends all of the money he gets on either his girlfriend or buying things for our daughter (I wish he'd fly up here more to see her). He does see her when i'm in Chile doing my internship and he see's her a lot as she stays with him while i'm working (minus the girlfriend as i've never met her before and they've only been together for 2 months), unless my internship wants me to bring her with because they all love her there. Sadly it's looking like the next time he'll get to see her is the end of this year/beginning of next unless he decides to save up some money and come visit her here for her birthday and the last time he saw her was June 2013.

        Anyways, much to my point if you need someone to talk to feel free to pm me

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          Im just now seeing your message!
          It must be a difficult situation. How your daughter is doing? Do you think she suffers from all that?
          I hope you are good too.
          I still struggle. I may have post partum depression so I am going to see a therapist.
          Take care


            Originally posted by Jeannalee View Post
            Im just now seeing your message!
            It must be a difficult situation. How your daughter is doing? Do you think she suffers from all that?
            I hope you are good too.
            I still struggle. I may have post partum depression so I am going to see a therapist.
            Take care
            She's only a year and a half old, it isn't affecting her much at this point but it's getting to the point where it will sadly.
            Good luck and i hope you can get past the PPD

            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


              Originally posted by Riyko View Post
              She's only a year and a half old, it isn't affecting her much at this point but it's getting to the point where it will sadly.
              Good luck and i hope you can get past the PPD
              Thank you
              My son is 16 months so they are almost the same.
              I hope you guys will make it work as well. Good luck. Talk to me whenever.

