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What do you do for you?

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    I like crafting, I knit and crochet a lot and lately I have been sewing quite a bit. I also like to paint though I mostly do that when we are together (like now), he gets my creativity flowing I guess. And it's easier to get material here, cheaper too. I also like cooking and baking and the last couple days I've looked in to mixing drinks just because. At the moment I'm also helping out with his mum's small holding and that takes up quite a bit of time while he is in school too (I'm unemployed here) which is rather nice, it also allows me to bond with his mum a bit more
    We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


      I watch a lot of movies on Netflix, some TV programs, and YouTube videos. Often, I will just have it on as background noise, while I do other things. I have several writing projects going, and am thinking of making a Facebook page to share my poetry, and perhaps illustrate it with my art and photography. I also read, and meditate. Lately, I have also been redecorating my apartment. But, to be honest, I spend way too much time on Facebook. I really need to change that.


      Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


        Between work, family, and my SO, there isn't that much free time. When I have it, I watch some tv, play with my dogs, or listen to some music. Fun times


          I take pictures, it's the first thing I've ever actually been quite good at, which is pretty cool. Yay. And it's also pretty much the only time I ever get away from the screen. And I just started drawing again recently, there's this book "642 things to draw" and I'm just going through that chronologically.
          Last edited by BagOfPenguins; February 21, 2014, 09:45 AM. Reason: grammar.. -.-


            I love weight training, reading and crosswords when I want to unwind. When I have access to supplies, usually when I go back home for a visit, I'll paint and sketch. Painting always gets me in that super zen zone. Just me and the thing I'm trying to make real. When I'm not a full-time student, I like volunteering. Had a super sweet opportunity last summer with the local hospital, helping out with the medical imaging department once a week and also running the gift shop (completely solo!) on Sundays.

            Married: June 9th, 2015


              i forgot singing! i love youtube karaoke!!! sometimes if i'm brave enough i'll record it and upload it! (:


                There's not a whole lot I do just for me these days. For a little while I read a lot, but I go through phrases with that. Sometimes I can read 3 books a week, sometimes I won't touch one for months. Recently I started playing my flute again, which has been really fun. It's something I've always loved doing and had stopped for a while.

                I might steal the recipe book idea too! We have like 8 cook books in my house so it's hard to find specific recipes, especially since I get a lot online. I like doing things like that, so it could be fun
                "You let me in your heart and out of my head."

