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He's going tomorrow... When will it get easier??

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    He's going tomorrow... When will it get easier??

    Well this is it. After weeks of unconfirmed travel dates and glimmers of hope (admittedly mostly in my head!) that he may not go, my special guy is getting on a flight tomorrow lunchtime from the UK to China, and perhaps most upsettingly, with no confirmed return date!

    I saw him last week - both of us have been really busy - but with an intention that we would meet again this coming week, with him travelling next weekend. BUT he called me at work yesterday to tell me the flight had been brought forward to tomorrow, and so we wouldn't have time to catch up as he hadn't even begun to pack etc - OK so I'm gutted not to see him, but to be honest I didn't know if I could hold it together if I did, so perhaps for the best?? I've also been telling myself (perhaps wrongly?) that the sooner he goes the sooner he'll be back - his contract was originally for five months, but he's gone a few weeks later than planned, so not sure if this means he'll still be away for five months, or more like four. Is it wrong to be sooooooooo frustrated that they (the university sending him to teach) haven't told him when he's coming back??

    On the bright side (maybe?), I went to a friend's house last night for a 'psychic night' and the lovely clairvoyant told me he'll be fine, but will come back something of a changed man (I know he has some stuff to deal with, if this thing is ever to become more of a relationship than a friendship - not sure if it ever will, but he needs to if it ever will), that he won't enjoy it as much as he expected to (not like Spain where he worked previously - plenty of beer and football!!), and will come back early (she didn't know how early).

    BUT I'm still a wreck and missing him like crazy already!! OMG, he's just posted a message on Facebook telling all his blokey mates how much he loves them and will miss them (typical footbally and beery bloke that he is - I actually love that whole 'bromance' aspect of him!) - so I'm now sobbing like an idiot!! For the record he won't say anything like that to me - it's nothing personal and doesn't mean he doesn't care, just where we are in the whole 'awkward' stage of our lovely friendship, where things are getting a bit deeper and scarier. Rather than publicly, I'll send him a private text around the time he checks in just saying stay safe / I'll miss you etc - all very odd, but we both know what's beneath the words.

    So question: when will it stop feeling so painful? When will I stop wanting to get on a plane and fetch him back, or at least want to hang onto his ankles and stop him from getting on the plane in the first place??!! I know I need to hold things together while he's away - I'll be running our business!! - which is going to be tricky if I'm crying for five months!! So when will it get easier?? And what keeps you going - is it simply the wonderful memory of him being here and the even more wonderful anticipation of him coming back?? How do I look at his photo and not sob my heart out every day?? (Right now, not sure.)

    El aka 'sobbing wreck of UK'...

    It's always hardest the week or so after leaving each other. Then you settle into a routine, you should figure out how often you can talk and which devices and programs you can use. If you are both working then it will likely be more difficult to coordinate but you just do your best.. having set times to talk will help especially if you cannot talk all the time which you probably can't because of the time difference and him working. Also planning when he comes back would be the best so you can set up a countdown and countdown the days or weeks, but if you don't know the exact day, choose one of the latest possible days so if he comes back sooner you can adjust the countdown and be happy and smile about it instead of being sad because it is longer than you put the countdown! Or do whatever you like but you can get through this!

    5 months is not long at all, you know he will come back and that is a comforting thought! I think it might make it more awkward because you sound like you are in a newer stage of your relationship so maybe aren't as secure in what you are.. but you can still get through this. Talk as much as you can but try not to get too frustrated if he can't talk when you plan, especially if it's only the odd time and he has a good reason! Trust and communication are important in relationship of all kinds, especially when you are apart!

    I think after awhile when you get into the routine, and the more you can include each other in your lives still (by video chatting or exchanging pictures or videos or packages or letters and things) the 'easier' it can be.. though sometimes those things can make it harder too. I still have emotional moments when it's harder than others.. but knowing that he is out there loving me too and missing me too helps a lot too.

    If you want any other help or advice or support or anything feel free to message me and I'll do my best to help.


      I wish I could answer your questions, but WE don't do apart well at all! I live to be with him....thankfully, it's once a month usually....sometimes more. All I can say is good luck and hang in there. We are all here for support!

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        I think there are a few things you can do to make it easy on you, but there is never a sure-fire way, people just figure out routines and ways to deal with the emotions and they can only tell you what works for them, you have to figure your own way. Last time he left I did something very selfish (in a way) - I did not go with him to the airport, because I knew it would have left me crying for the whole day and I would have fallen apart. Instead I went to class and made sure to stay around people as much as I could the whole day. They took my mind off his leaving a little, made me laugh a little. Then I went home and cried for a while, and then I went out for a dinner with some friends. I was quite miserable for a few days, but we Skyped every night, we talked about the next visit, I stayed busy and around good people that understood me and gave myself time to pull together. It did get a little better after a week ...


          As others said, stay busy, don´t just sit around in tears, rather spend time with some hobbies of yours .... Time is best healer, you will still miss the guy, but it will get better and soon enough the time will come when you will start to count the days till his arrival Your separation is just for limited time period, it will be gone sooner than you think. Stay strong and positive


            Thank you soooooo much all - I can't tell you how much I appreciate your wisdom.

            It's been a tough night - too much wine and lots of tears! - and he hasn't even landed yet!! But although I expect more tears, I'm a little bit calmer this morning - essentially I know that I can't do anything to stop him going now (not that I would have done, but nice in theory) and I just have to get on with life and wait for him to come back... hoping that the psychic is right and it'll be earlier than I think! This time - not having a specific return date/time - I haven't got a little countdown widget on my phone, which feels a bit weird, but to be honest seeing more than 150 days ticking down might have driven me mad anyway. 22 weeks (-ish) doesn't sound much better, so I'm trying not to think of the duration... not sure if this is a good/bad thing yet... Plenty to do, so hopefully keeping my mind off the 'numbers' and focused on the future (with him).

            It just feels really... bleak and empty (does that make sense?)... with him not just down the road. And I feel like that empty space which is inside his home and all the places he normally is, is inside me too - thinking about it as I type I guess all I can do is try to visualise filling that space with more of the love I have for him (plenty to use!). Isn't it mad that not seeing him for weeks when he's here (local) due to our respective commitments feels really different to not seeing him when he's further away - why does distance make such a difference?? I guess the one thing that hit me last night (and upset me) was that I can't get to him quickly - I mean I'd fly to China in a heartbeat if he needed me, but it's not the same as a ten-minute drive...

            From his side, it's not started well though - poor old thing! - as he's broken his laptop on the way out!! Obviously from my side it means Skype/ email is going to be a no-go until he gets a new one (and can hopefully download the software out there!), but from his it means no Football Manager 'game' or TV/movies to keep him occupied - I have visions of him staring at a blank wall, not knowing what to do with himself!! May be back on a flight before the week's out... fingers crossed!

            Thanks again all - I'm sure I'll be back, but for now it means soooooo much to me that there are people 'out there' who 'get it'...

            Lots of love...Elen xx


              Hi Elen

              First off, welcome to LFAD!
              And secondly I wanted to make a suggestion.
              When I was waiting to meet my SO for the first time I was a huge fan of the countdown widgets. I loved being able to see the seconds tick by knowing "I'm (insert number here) seconds closer to being with him!"

              However when i came home he and i hadnt set a date to see each other again :/
              We had a rough estimate but no specific date. Unfortunately that estimate was 4 months off :/
              Much like you I didn't think I could handle looking at 10+ weeks of counting down. So what I did (and this is the suggestion haha sorry it took so long to get here) was start little countdowns for upcoming things I was excited about. A birthday, a holiday, the premiere of my favorite show. Little things I was excites about, and that could also give me something to watch on my countdown thinking "once this event comes and goes my SO and i will be (insert days here) closer to each other!"

              Maybe that is something you would like to try out? I know it gives me something positive to help keep myself distracted.

              I hope this helped
              Last edited by blueorchid1; February 24, 2014, 04:57 AM. Reason: i really need to learn to proof read! :)


                Originally posted by blueorchid1 View Post

                I hope this helped
                It definitely did - thank you!!

                One of the exciting things we're (fingers crossed!) looking forward to is moving to Spain permanently when he gets back - just as friends (!!) and business partners. He was out there before Xmas and loved it, but I've never been so I'm planning a short break with my daughter and a friend to explore in mid-May. I calculated this morning and it's 13 weeks away, so definitely something to countdown to!! - and when we get back then, if the original contract is anything to go by, it should only be a couple of months or less until he's back (well over half way!!). We also have an event planned for our business in early May, which is a bit scary (lot of pressure on me) but very exciting as it'll be great for promotion and building our brand which we need, so also one to consider. I'll keep a look out for smaller ones too...

                Elen xx


                  Originally posted by ElenW View Post
                  One of the exciting things we're (fingers crossed!) looking forward to is moving to Spain permanently when he gets back - just as friends (!!) and business partners. He was out there before Xmas and loved it, but I've never been so I'm planning a short break with my daughter and a friend to explore in mid-May. I calculated this morning and it's 13 weeks away, so definitely something to countdown to!! - and when we get back then, if the original contract is anything to go by, it should only be a couple of months or less until he's back (well over half way!!). We also have an event planned for our business in early May, which is a bit scary (lot of pressure on me) but very exciting as it'll be great for promotion and building our brand which we need, so also one to consider. I'll keep a look out for smaller ones too...

                  Elen xx
                  I'm currently counting down until the day of a concert that I'll be going to. Only like three more weeks?
                  And plus only two weeks until my birthday.
                  Its lucky for my that each event after that is only about twenty day, so it makes me feel like the time will fly by!
                  And as it is already, May isn't too far off


                    Originally posted by ElenW View Post
                    just as friends (!!)
                    Elen xx
                    Aren't you a little too invested in this "just-friends" relationship? Do you have a realistic idea of what his expectations and intentions are? I do recommend you read this -


                      Originally posted by OperaDiva View Post
                      Aren't you a little too invested in this "just-friends" relationship? Do you have a realistic idea of what his expectations and intentions are?
                      Thank you for your concern, but in simple terms it's fine. He's been deeply hurt in the past and so is really struggling to trust again - he now trusts me and values me as a friend, but that's as far as he can go at the moment (with me or anyone else), and I don't want to push him further until he's ready. To be honest, I would be thrilled just to have him as a friend for the rest of my life - anything else is a bonus! - but fate is meddling here (we both feel it) and we want to see where it takes us. Neither of us have 'expectations and intentions', other than to live in the sun with people we care about and run our business successfully, but (apart from the complete heartache of missing him at the moment!) I'm happy to be on this journey with him, even if it takes a little longer than my impatient heart would like at times - to paraphrase L'Oreal 'he's worth it'!

                      On a little ray of sunshine today: he arrived safely last night and emailed me earlier - he's still having 'tech' problems, but hopefully it'll be sorted out in the next few days, so we can revert to our usual daily 'waffling session' (chatting, nothing to do with food - weird English thing!). Amazing how a simple 'see you soon' can brighten your day...

                      Elen xx


                        I am happy that you don't see this as "meddling" no two situations are the same and if you have discussed this with him in an open way it makes sense to do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Just the way you write it sounds like a classical excuse by a man who doesn't want to commit and wants to keep you "on the back burner" so to speak. I do recommend the blog though!

