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LDR in-laws?

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    LDR in-laws?

    I haven't met Andy's parents yet other than through a webcam and they are just the best ppl, I can't wait to meet them in person! Andy's met all of my family and they all love him
    both our parents have been very supportive from the start, we are so lucky in that way.

    How many of you have met their SO's parents? Are they supportive of the relationship or try to convince you to end it cause according to them "It can never work out".

    Post it here!

    I've just met Rane's parents on webcam and via email. I am not sure what they think of me, or our situation to be honest.

    Rane has met my mom, and she adores him.


      i met sebys mum + and gparents, wont ever get meet his dad because he died 5 years ago, but i know seby wouldnt ever let me get to meet him anyway, just like he does with his brother (long story, and i dont think hed like to have it on here). nevertheless i just LOVE his mum, she a lot like me aswell, and his gparents, though its quite hard to talk to them (both deaf). but sooo cute
      they also like me a lot and are quite supportive, though his mum is always a bit cautious when it comes to money (e.g. for flights to see me) hence why he hasnt told her about the last visit and the next one coming up in 2 weeks but yea i guess im very lucky, and he his aswell, my mum and my sis love him and my dad...well hes a dad so hes always a bit overworried about his little girl, but hes really nice to him anyway


        On my two trips to America I've met pretty much all of Jesse's relatives, except his dad, but Jesse is rarely in contact with him anyway. They all support our LDR and seem to like me. Well, I feel like they don't, but that's just cause I always feel like everyone I meet hates me, thanks to my social anxiety. :P But they're great people and we get along nicely.

        Jesse hasn't met my parents yet, but he will in about 3 weeks and 1 one day (yikes, it's getting close!). My family is awesome and they support our relationship all the way, so I know they'll love him. He's actually already friends with my mom, sister and brother on Facebook, hehe.


          His mum loves me. I'm a bit scared of her :P She keeps asking me for grandchildren etc...


            Awww reading about you guys makes me hopeful. Right now neither me or my SO have met the others' parents. My mum knows about him but doesn't approve because she thinks it will never work out. Still, she does try to be supportive sometimes by asking how he is from time to time. As for my SO's parents, I don't think I'll ever get to meet them until I actually go to UK, but because of my family situation I'm probably never going to be able to, not within the next few years anyway. Thing is, we've been going out 6 months but he hasn't even told his parents about me.


              I can understand (as a mum) why parents would feel a bit uneased with their children having an LDR...
              That's why usually once you meet they start to think differently cause they've seen that the relationship is real and the other person really exists and is who he say he is.

              After all, parents just want their children to be happy


                Like Tanja said, I've met her parents a few times, they're really great

                Her mum has only learnt English in the last 3-4 years or so by sheer coincidence! But I'm so glad she has, it's really nice to be able to talk with her

                I'm looking forward to when I can talk with her dad too, he's always making jokes about something

                And my parents can't wait to meet her either! Should be happening this year hopefully
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  I've met my boy's mum and older brother. His dad passed away almost 14 years ago.

                  His Mum is nice - don't really see that much of her as he likes to have a break from her so to speak, as she's very naggy and dependent on him. They live together as my boy can't afford to keep his house running by himself - and his mum can't afford a place of her own! Makes sense. Plus his mum can go through phases of being quite unwell, so he looks after her when she needs that.

                  His brother seems lovely but in the past, they haven't got on well. Might be due to the 16 year age difference! His brother has aggressive cancer at the minute so I think that's made my boy realise that blood is thicker than water and that his brother and mum need his support more than ever!


                    Sorry to hear that
                    Fingers crossed that your SO's brother can beat it!


                      I met my SO's twin sister a month after we started dating. We drove two hours to meet her at an Indian restaurant, and I was very scared that she was going to be mean, judgmental, and hate me! However, she was so nice, and I have met her several other times

                      When Jared and I first became official, his mother would not acknowledge that I was his girlfriend; she would call me his "phone friend" instead. She didn't want Jared to be in a relationship because she did want him to get hurt like he did in his last relationship. Jared kept on showing her pictures of our visits, and after a while she finally came around. I talked to her on the phone before I visited his home. I have met her several times since then, and overall she is very kind! I have gone shopping with her before while Jared was at work, and she has driven me to the airport before.

                      After we had been dating two months, we drove two hours to meet up with Jared's dad. I was very afraid to that he wouldn't like me, but we ended up getting along really well. Jared's dad has been extremely supportive of our relationship. He paid for all four of my flights to Louisiana, one of which I originally paid for but he gave me a check back (I only took it so that I could see Jared again). I think that says enough... We couldn't have seen each other nearly as often if it wasn't for his help. Jared now lives with his dad, and his dad has told me that I am welcome to come over whenever I like--which I do quite a bit. I am very shy, but sometimes I feel comfortable around people right when I meet them, and Jared's dad is one of those few people. Sometimes Jared has to tell me that is he is my boyfriend, not his dad lol!

                      Jared has met my mom, sister, and a few other of my relatives. My mom likes him and lets him stay at our house when he visits. My sister likes him as well, and all three of us have gone to see movies together


                        Neither of us have meet each other's families, but both families know about the relationship. I hope that I get to meet his family and he can meet mine soon though. The last time I went to see him, I never met his family because when I first arrived we were in a rocky place in our relationship and didn't know if we'd continue. So I think he was heistant about introducing me, and I didn't push it. But the visit went great actually, and I had talked to his mom over the phone (she was so sweet and gave him some traditional brazilian sweets to give to me), so they know about me. And I kind of wanted to meet them but I was so nervous about it that when he never brought it up, i just left it alone. But when I later asked him why he didn't introduce me to them, he was like, I don't know...they asked me the same thing! Oh, how goofy he is.


                          Well, we're kind of secretive. XD Because my parents were very adamant about it not working out, being ridiculous, wondering why he would want to be with me when he had beautiful girls in California (rofl, that one came out so wrong and my mom apologized profusely for that bit XD) so I just stopped talking about it/him, let them believe it was over or mostly over. His last LDR like this, his parents and family freaked because there it is really uncouth for anyone 18+ to even flirt with people below that age, even as close an age gap as he and his past SO (three years) and even as close as we are (5). The only word for his ex that they had was "jailbait." >.>;; Sooo we kind of agreed not to tell the parents/most friends. XD


                            I've met Chris's family, but he hasn't met mine yet. Even though he was here back in July, I wasn't quite ready to introduce him to my dad. My dad is pretty much all I have, since my mom left a year ago, so unless you want to count my grandparents, and huge extended family, who live in different states, then my family is extremely tiny. I've told my dad about our relationship though, obviously, since I went to visit him a month ago. At first he really didn't like the idea at all and was very vocal about, but now he's just kind of neutral about it because he knows he won't be able to change my mind. We're planning for my boyfriend to come visit me this summer for a little while, so hopefully my dad will warm up to him. Fingers crossed.

                            As for his family.. well, I spent 3 weeks straight with them, haha. I think they like me all right, but we're not best of friends or anything. Chris has two older brothers and an older sister, who all live out of the house except for one brother, who was always in his room and I barely saw any of. His mom is really nice, but we didn't like bond or anything. I think she's kind of in denial about the whole relationship, because she had introduced me to someone as her son's "American friend," haha. It didn't bother me though.

                            I really did love being with his family, even though they might have just been neutral about my presence. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't have a really big family, and I didn't grow up with any of my (half) siblings, so it was always just me and my parents. It was really strange to be part of such a large family and actually spend holidays together without getting into some sort of argument. I can't wait to go back.


                              I've met his mom and dad, but haven't met his mom's boyfriend.

                              His mom was really cool and nice, she was the one who planned the visit in the first place. She was in an LDR with her ex (my boyfriend's dad) while he was in the military, so she kinda understood that stuff I guess. His dad was quiet and didn't really say anything, but I think that's just the way he is.

                              His grandparents, however? I looved his grandpa, so nice and quiet. I think his grandma didn't like me though x_x
                              You are at the beginning of your life, perhaps you will have many loves... but if you are fortunate, you will have only one love.

