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possible to fall in love in one week?

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    I was the one who told people I dated I loved them after a few days...but we only ever last 5 months or so. I believe you can like someone a lot and have crazy lust for them. I told my boyfriend I loved him after a couple months. He did say I love you first though. We have been dating for over a year now, so try not to rush into it. Mine never worked out when I did that, I do not regret the past I love you's, I ended up learning about what I wanted and it was nice.


      Originally posted by snow View Post
      You wanna know why we shouldn't use different fonts or colors?

      This is how her posts look to me, it is a screenshot, not manipulated:

      Rules are to be followed. I don't understand what is so hard about this.
      I know you've posted that before, but I honestly think it might be your browser or computer. I can hardly see that it's a different colour at all (I''ll post a screen shot later). I think not sticking to rules that make absolutely zero sense to you is pretty normal and actually sensible. I don't understand why you get so worked up about this anyway. Like I said: Let the user know that theirfformatting is making their posts unreadable for you. If they don't change it, their quirkiness is obviously more important to them than you understanding their posts. Point taken: quietly ignore user in the future
      I don't have the patience and time, to read through long ass posts without interpunctuation or paragraphs and sometimes the spelling is so bad, I can't make out what a user is trying to say. But guess what? It's their loss, because they won't get my clever super helpful advice and they're wasting their time giving advice because if I can't understand it, I'll never even consider it. Not my loss, though.

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

