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    when you first scheduled to see your LDR SO, did you tell anyone? & if so - who?

    though i am of age, i'm struggling to let my parents know what I'll be doing next month - which is going to see my S/O but my brother knows. i feel they would stop me bc of their concerns but i do understand.

    oops I am not 28. i am actually 23. typo lol


      Do you live with your parents? It is probably a good idea you tell them you are going away incase you were to get in an accident or something so that they'd know where you are. Just tell them, you are old enough to stand your ground, if they disagree with your choices they can't stop you from going.


        Since we had already met in person before we became LDR we planned on Spending time together soon after back home I still lived with my mom and dad and I asked them if he can come and they were fine with it as long as we didn't sleep in the same room lol


          i do live with them for now
          i told them i would be going to see a female friend who had moved from miami.
          my brother will know exactly where i am. i just cringe at the thought of telling them bc i don't want them to worry or bash my relationship..


            did you meet before you told your parents or after? i honestly want to tell my parents after meeting him.. not sure if that makes sense


              I told my parents about my relationship before I went and told them I would go and see him in my easter holidays, so they didn't have to worry about me not going to work or college for the time I was gone. They suggested he would come here first, but I simply told them there was no way for him to spend extra money on a hotel room, when I can stay with him for the time being. They understood and since it was my own money I spent on the ticket, they couldn't exactly say no.

              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
              Married: 1/24/2015
              Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                I don't think it's a good idea to lie where you will be say something happens you brake a leg get in a car crash your mom and dad will be worried sick wondering where you are


                  You say you're 23.... Not telling your parents where you are going (to meet up with a boy) is a very "teenager" thing to do. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one.

                  2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                  Progress: Complete!

                  2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                  Progress: Working on it.


                    I'm with lyonsgirl on this. Why would you even hide it? Wouldn't it be worse if you didn't tell them and then they found out about it? You're an adult, do the right thing.

                    "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                    Married April 18th, 2015!!
                    Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                      When I went to meet my SO for the first time, my parents knew where I am in case something happened and they also knew I am going to meet someone, but they didn't know I'm going on a date with my boyfriend... Actually, it was funny My dad asked me what we were doing and I told him we were just walking in the park and then went to McD for a meal, he started laughing and I told him "well, and where did you take mum for your first date?", and they were like "oh wait, so it was a date???"

                      And I'm with Mims and Lyonsgirl here. Why wouldn't you tell them you are going to meet a boy?


                        I can understand not wanting to tell. It's hard at first, but I agree with the others that you should tell your parents and deal with whatever they dish out. I met my SO in person a year and a half ago, and it was hard telling my family, even at my age. I worked up to it and didn't simply dump the news on everyone. As old as I am, my mother had some concerns, but it worked out. Now, my family is very supportive. If you handle it with maturity, they will take it better. Lay out your case showing that you've thought it through and are being careful. Maybe they could meet your SO via Skype or something similar beforehand. Good luck.


                          thanks for understanding. i needed to read something relatable. my parents are insanely strict and have previously said that LDR do not work because my brother was thinking about pursuing one. so ever since then I came to the conclusion that if i entered one then they wouldn't know until later. they are strong believers whatever they put their foot down in and apart of me feels like i should not involve them in my business until after i meet my SO so they will know how serious i am. They will know where I'll be but not specifically who I'll be meeting


                            they will know where i am, just not specifically whom i am meeting.


                              Have you ever watched the show "Catfished"?

                              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                              Progress: Complete!

                              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                              Progress: Working on it.

