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Everything was great - until he left!

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    Everything was great - until he left!

    Hi all! I'm new around here, so I know this is long but I thought I'd give a touch of background....

    My SO and I have been together in the same city for about 2 years (with a bit of a break). Lots of relationship ambivalence on his part in the beginning that resulted in a bit of a break for him to work on some personal issues... though he wasn't actually able to maintain distance or no contact (despite me leaving him alone), which resulted in him finally realizing he was being silly and we got back together again. This time around, things were just better than ever. We were back on for about 6 months when he flew back home with me for Christmas and met my family and all my oldest friends. Everything was stabilizing and was fantastic. We were both finally feeling really confident in everything and super in love and excited about our future.

    A week after we got back, he was offered a job about 6 hours away. It was for a four month contract, though there was the potential for him to extend for another 4 months. I knew one of the reasons he was stressed about being in a relationship was that his chosen field is extremely unstable, and long-term employment in one city is quite rare. He always expressed that one of his concerns over being in a serious relationship was that his career was so unstable he feared he wouldn't have enough mental bandwidth to devote to a relationship while dealing with constant job stress and relocation. Fortunately, the company he's going to is one of the few places that actually offers this type of stable employment, and we both really saw this job opportunity as a boon for our relationship despite how far away it was.

    In the couple months leading up to his departure, we went through everything - how we were planning to manage the distance, what our long-term plans were, how we'd close the distance. We really reached a good understanding, and when the day finally came I was confident we were on the same page. He repeatedly assured me he wanted to make this work, and that this was the most important relationship he's ever been in.

    I helped him move up there last weekend. He started on Monday... and by Thursday they not only extended his contract, but implied that they would like to keep him permanently. This really threw me for a loop. On the one hand- Yay stable employment at dream company! On the other hand - this is putting me in a position in which I will now have to chose between my life here and being with him.

    We discussed this and I expressed all of my concerns - I got pretty emotional. We discussed what would have to happen now in order to close the distance, and he started stressing out about how his decision to stay there is exactly what he always feared - that it's just adding a bunch of stress and complications to both our lives. That's when he threw me a curve ball... that now that he's at his dream company, with opportunities he never thought he'd be able to have... he doesn't feel like it's a good time for him to be in a relationship, especially a long distance one. He reminded me that he always felt uncertain about a serious relationship but just loved me so much he kept pushing himself to work through his commitment-phobia. He felt like he had really overcome it, and thought it was in the past until he moved up there, and now it's coming back stronger than he anticipated. He caveated all this by saying he still didn't want to end things, that I am way too important to him. He expressed his intense fear that he'll be too immersed in everything to be able to give me the attention he thinks I'll need. He says he is still committed to working through it, but needless to say - he hasn't instilled much confidence in me, and I'm getting concerned.

    Leading up to his move, even just two weeks ago - he very plainly expressed how he was looking forward to this job specifically because he wanted to finally be in a more stable place for my sake. Now that he's there it's a completely different story. He feels that telling me this is just being honest, while I of course am a bit hurt and surprised. It's just such a huge reversal from just two weeks ago when he was here.

    The conversation ended on a good note, and he's booking a flight to come back in two weeks when we'll talk more in person. I just hope we can work things out.

    I'm currently trying to just back off and give him some space, but it's killing me. For the past two years we've told each other everything about what's going on in our lives, and spent so much of our time together. Now he's going through some really big and exciting things and I am just feeling shut out of all of it

    We've been exceptional communicators for the past few years and have worked through a whole bunch of difficult things, and I'm hoping we can get through this too. I'm just really hoping that this is just a period of adjustment to his new job. He's just so overwhelmed with disbelief over the fact that he actually has his dream job, and I hope he's just over-thinking things. Crossing my fingers that when the dust settles and the moving van actually cools down a bit things will settle down.

    Has anyone else experienced their SO suddenly flip once they've moved away?

    That sounds like a difficult situation.
    It's weird that after a good meet-up, he tells you he isn't sure he wants to be in a relationhip.
    That's why I think he just needs to ajust to the new situation.
    He's in a new place with a new job and new people. Maybe he's just gotten insecure about some things including your relationship.
    Most of the time moving to another place with new things is harder than you might think when you arent the one who's not moving.
    It's a very emotional proces, I think.
    Give him some time to adjust to his new situation. Let him know that you're there for him.

    You have discussed a lot of plans for the future and he told you he was very excited for that all to work out.
    Plus, you say you've overcome lots of difficult situations already. That makes you strong as a couple.
    In this all new situation it might not be the best thing to talk about the future and moving there.
    Just let him adjust to his situation, chat with each other.


      Lots of people flip for lots of reasons. Hopefully you can work it out. He still needs time to break in both the new place and the LDR.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        When it's that sudden in behavior changes, I always think the person met someone new there. My LDR would used to always contact me all the time no matter how far we are: no matter if he was on winter break or just started classes. Now since he's met more people when college started again, he changed and never takes the time to talk to me anymore like we used to talk. It makes me think he's met someone over there. Maybe your SO met someone at his work he's interested in, in your case. If I were in some place new, I'd still want to keep one familiar thing I love around to at least make me feel safe even if we can't see each other.

        I don't get how people can be so into something one week then fall off the face of the earth the next week. I hate wishy-washiness and there's going to be a lot of that in LDRs if people don't communicate all that's happening. They make you think things that may not be there if they don't tell you what's going on.


          Originally posted by ldrxoxo View Post
          When it's that sudden in behavior changes, I always think the person met someone new there. My LDR would used to always contact me all the time no matter how far we are: no matter if he was on winter break or just started classes. Now since he's met more people when college started again, he changed and never takes the time to talk to me anymore like we used to talk. It makes me think he's met someone over there. Maybe your SO met someone at his work he's interested in, in your case. If I were in some place new, I'd still want to keep one familiar thing I love around to at least make me feel safe even if we can't see each other.

          I don't get how people can be so into something one week then fall off the face of the earth the next week. I hate wishy-washiness and there's going to be a lot of that in LDRs if people don't communicate all that's happening. They make you think things that may not be there if they don't tell you what's going on.
          I don't think the OP's SO found someone else he's interested in. Lol. I wouldn't plant that idea into her head. I think he's just overwhelmed with starting a new job and trying to adjust to everything, which is completely normal and expected. Plus he's thrilled to have the job of his dreams--good! OP, you mentioned the two of you are excellent communicators--just let him know you are there for him if he needs to talk and you support him 100%. I'm sure once things settle down and he gets into a routine, everything will go back to normal (:


            Originally posted by RachelAnne View Post
            I don't think the OP's SO found someone else he's interested in. Lol. I wouldn't plant that idea into her head. I think he's just overwhelmed with starting a new job and trying to adjust to everything, which is completely normal and expected. Plus he's thrilled to have the job of his dreams--good! OP, you mentioned the two of you are excellent communicators--just let him know you are there for him if he needs to talk and you support him 100%. I'm sure once things settle down and he gets into a routine, everything will go back to normal (:
            lol, I hope that's the case for the OP that he's just settling down but for me my LDR met new people and I suspect he likes either one or more of the new girls he met because he didn't answer to my sexy pics like he used to and I don't know what guy in his right mind would ignore sexy pics especially when he claims he's into me unless he's with another girl there.


              Aww, thank you everyone! It's really nice to know you all read through that long long post.

              I'm definately not concerned about him meeting someone else. Sure, he might meet someone else but I trust him 100% to at least not cheat. He's honest when he says he's weary of a relationship but wants to get better at it - and he's mentioned several times that getting involved with someone else certainly isn't going to fix that issue at all! He's tried in the past to play the field a bit, and just kept getting wrapped up in guilt... he's self-aware enough to realize that any messing around is just going to lead to more stress and frustration - only with someone he doesn't know as well me.

              That being said - he definately could meet some amazing lady and end things with me, but I don't think he would pursue another girl without breaking things off first and being a gentleman about it. One of the things I love about him so much is that he really prides himself on his honesty and loyalty. Lucky for me the industry that we're in is about 90% male too, so I'm not as concerned as I would be otherwise.

              I guess I'm a bit concerned over the fact that he's a bad multi-tasker (which seems like a common issue!) He has a hard time thinking about things that he's not actively doing at the moment - but in the past year or so I've seen him really dramatically improve. His fear over being in a serious relationship really comes down to this issue - that he doesn't trust himself to not mess it up by getting too involved with what he's doing, and he's terrified that those habits of his will end up hurting me.

              I compare him to a bit of a mad-scientist inventor - who will spend days locked up in his basement working on his time travel machine and forget about the people in his life that care about him. It's not that he doesn't care himself, it's just that he feels most driven to attach once he's worked towards whatever project he's working on, and then when his mind is clear of that he focuses 150% on me. But it's difficult for him to do both at once, and he knows that this is not a good trait to have to maintain the type of relationship he wants, and it's something that is endlessly frustrating to him and he's trying to improve.

              Unfortunately we're both concerned that this new job is going to be his ultimate time travel machine... and he might be so wrapped up in it for so long that he can't focus on the relationship at all. I think that's my biggest fear, and his too... but I think we'll just have to see how it goes. If only my darned magic 8 ball wasn't completely dysfunctional!

              Needless to say, I did finally hear from him tonight, and it sounds like he's spent all weekend moving all the boxes from one relative's house to another's that is closer to work. Today he spent most of the day confirming a long term car rental, and doing more driving back and forth. He was so relieved that after tonight he'll finally be able to breath and think about "life and reality", and settle in a bit. It's been an extremely stressful past few weeks, so I'm just going to let him calm down a bit before broaching the subject again.

              Until then, it's just going to be all positive support and good vibes from me (even though I'm a bit terrified and anxious.)


                Originally posted by RachelAnne View Post
                I don't think the OP's SO found someone else he's interested in. Lol. I wouldn't plant that idea into her head. I think he's just overwhelmed with starting a new job and trying to adjust to everything, which is completely normal and expected. Plus he's thrilled to have the job of his dreams--good! OP, you mentioned the two of you are excellent communicators--just let him know you are there for him if he needs to talk and you support him 100%. I'm sure once things settle down and he gets into a routine, everything will go back to normal (:
                I think this is great advice - one of the big issues I've been dealing with is that I get really caught up in my own stuff regarding this and sometimes come off as far less than supportive. I've been getting a lot better at being positive, but it can be pretty hard especially when it's so new! If I were him I certainly wouldn't want my bf calling me every night wanting to know why he hadn't heard from me. That would be so stressful if I had a ton of other things on my plate!

                I'm definately not that bad... but still.


                  Originally posted by ldrxoxo View Post
                  lol, I hope that's the case for the OP that he's just settling down but for me my LDR met new people and I suspect he likes either one or more of the new girls he met because he didn't answer to my sexy pics like he used to and I don't know what guy in his right mind would ignore sexy pics especially when he claims he's into me unless he's with another girl there.
                  A nice set of photos can go a long way, but guys can get tired or busy, too. It is ok to adress that and say: I would like go be able to flirt with you more, like we used to. Accusing someone of cheating should be justified, not just because they have changed lately.

                  In the case of the OP, I hope her SO gets settled and then they can talk about new routines.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

