Originally posted by Hollandia
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What I'm saying (and I suppose several other posters) is that it is wrong to stereotype men and women through their gender, especially using such shallow two-dimensional stereotypes like in TaraMarie's original posts. So many people do not fit the gender stereotypes, even when they're 100% straight. I never dated a guy who fit those stereotypes. Either they weren't men or those stereotypes must be limited to the experience of people who believe in them. But to impose such experience as a rule you pass on to others is just wrong and harmful. The problem with generalisations like "all women want the same thing" is if there's a woman who does not want the same thing, the premise is automatically incorrect. That's logic 101 to you.
People's personalities are so much more complex than just brain chemistry. But when you observe them through he prism of "he's a guy therefore his actions mean this or his thought process is that", that's when you reduce a human being to a charicature of stereotypes. If you want to really get to know and understand your partner, observe them with an open mind. You know, science.