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Met online vs met in person relationships

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    In my opinion, a relationship is mainly built on communication and trust. A long distance relationship provides that, and also allows both partners to build trust. I like I've already met my SO because I'm so close with him, so really, I don't think there's much of a difference when it comes to the relationship.
    This little girl's heart is California bound.


      Garnet and I as most of you I'm sure know, met one another online before meeting in person. Maybe it benefitted our relationship that I had never had a girlfriend before her, and because we weren't on a dating site or chat board looking for love, we were just doing our own thing and it just sort of dropped down on us.

      I'm a real strong believer though, and I've stressed this to all the doubters I've ran into, that the fact that we met online, and developed our relationship on a more emotional level first, made our relationship that much stronger. That we weren't able to just jump into the physical to make up for any lack of compatibility we may have had, but instead just got to know each other, and fell in love that way.

      Of course, the problem with that then is that when you finally DO meet, you don't know whether the physical attraction, that spark, will be there. Before our first meeting, we always stressed this, and tried to keep it in mind, I guess just to prepare ourselves for the possibility of it. But of course telling from where we are, that wasn't a problem for us.


        I agree with Tanja also...and I love the middle paragraph of what Rane said.


          I met my boyfriend online. I've had boyfriends in person and online. The big difference from meeting someone online is that you can only communicate through words, this makes it a lot harder, but is worth it in the end. But no matter how you met, everyone on here is in a LDR now. So we're all in the same boat now


            I think that both ways have their pros and cons. I've had CD boyfriends and of course I'm in an LDR with Luke now, so I now know both sides of either way. For me, Meeting someone online just allows you to talk to them a lot easier and is a lot more relaxed than actually meeting someone in person for the first time and having to worry if they're staring at that big zit on your chin or not XD. At least, that's how it is for me.
            Either way, Once you meet your SO for the first time if you met online, you'll have both the comfort of talking in person and online =]


              Originally posted by Rane View Post

              I'm a real strong believer though, and I've stressed this to all the doubters I've ran into, that the fact that we met online, and developed our relationship on a more emotional level first, made our relationship that much stronger. That we weren't able to just jump into the physical to make up for any lack of compatibility we may have had, but instead just got to know each other, and fell in love that way.
              A wonderful way to put it!!!! ABSOLUTELY!
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                I totally understand what you're saying. Each relationship, either started CD or LD, has it's own unique challenges and comforts that. It can be hard to relate, especially when it's a relational difference and maybe something you haven't had to deal with. But all that really matters is that you understand the feeling and support them.

                I have a really weird (at least in my mind) situation, in where I met my SO and was friends with him in person, and then he left, and we became officially a couple. So we do know each other in a face-to-face sense, but we don't know each other as boyfriend-girlfriend in person. That makes it interesting, but I find it a blessing. It gave me the gift of being around him and knowing what he's like, but also took off the pressure that a lot of times is there when you're physically together and is helping me learn who he is as a person without distraction.

                It often times makes me wonder what it will be like once we're together again, what will be different and what will be the same. But I also know that I don't have to be afraid, because he's been around me, too. And yet he was still willing to put the effort into this relationship even with a whole year apart. Wow... Miracles do happen


                  We met in person and then we kept our relationship LD, I guess all the ways can be possible!


                    I met my SO online. And I'm so thankful for that. I've never met anyone that I liked (relationship wise) - online or in person - but when I started typing to my SO... it just felt different. Right from the very beginning. I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted to be in contact with her whenever possible. When I got up in the mornings I just wanted to hop on the computer and check if she had sent me any messages. And there was always something in my inbox. It made me so happy, and it still does. I also think that we are, obviously, going through the same as any other relationship. I don't see any big differences as in one kind of relationship is easier than the other. No way. My SO and I always talked for a few hours a week and got to know each other. What we like, what we don't like. We were able to fall in love with the person and not just with a pretty face and a hot body. My SO and I just really have a strong emotional bond. We really do. Arguments might seem bigger though since we can't just look into each others eyes and make up. We can't be physically there for each other. Only once or twice a year.
                    Last edited by NaNi; August 29, 2010, 01:07 PM.


                      I don't know whether you would say I met Travis online or not, yeah we added each other on Facebook, but we met in person cause he lived up the street, so I don't know what would be the more official "meeting" lol. I have mixed views on meeting people online though. I've had bad personal experiences with meeting people online and them turning out to be complete bitches/dicks/bad people in general, but that doesn't pertain to everyone, so I know that you can really get to know someone online because they can type all they want about who they honestly are without fear of being judged my their physical appearance.


                        Baby and I met in person and I think it's totally different then meeting online. as others have said meeting online you form a better communication method, whereas I believe in person couples we depend a lot on the physical, and we take it for granted. Like now that my so is gone I regret all that fighting we did over the summer before she left, and I miss every little thing about her. However, online relationships don't have that, we wonder what their so smells like, or smiles like but they're always wondering, where as people whom have meet and been a CDR then miss the simple things but probably fight more when the distance starts.
                        Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                        Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                        Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                        Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                        Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                          Originally posted by Rane View Post
                          I'm a real strong believer though, and I've stressed this to all the doubters I've ran into, that the fact that we met online, and developed our relationship on a more emotional level first, made our relationship that much stronger. That we weren't able to just jump into the physical to make up for any lack of compatibility we may have had, but instead just got to know each other, and fell in love that way.

                          Of course, the problem with that then is that when you finally DO meet, you don't know whether the physical attraction, that spark, will be there. Before our first meeting, we always stressed this, and tried to keep it in mind, I guess just to prepare ourselves for the possibility of it.
                          I totally agree. I am in my first LDR and have been for 8 months now. I've had CD relationships before but I never opened up like I have in my LDR. From day 1 I was very open with my SO and we talk about everything. In my CD relationships I was very guarded and didn't open up to any of them which made our relationships end rather quickly. My longest relationship is the one I am currently in and I've never been happier. I am in love for the first time in my life and it feels amazing. I'd rather have a long distance relationship where I am 100% happy than a CD relationship that is just blahhh. Being long distance makes you get to know the person before anything physical happens which is always a plus and it definately makes your relationship stronger. If I met my SO in person first I think we would have focused more on the physical rather than getting to know each other first, so I am happy we got the time to get to know each other as people. When we finally met in person, it didn't even feel like we were meeting for the first time. It was just like I had gone away on a trip and was coming back home. Yeah there were nerves but it was more nerves of excitement rather than nerves of "oh crap what if she doesn't like me." I think after several months of talking to someone night and day, you pretty much know what kind of person they are and that you want to be with them. The thought never crossed my mind that I wouldn't like her in person. She had her doubts but I was 100% sure. "Looks capture your attention, personality captures the heart"
                          it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                            I don't think that neither of the relationships are all that different, it depends on the people in the relationship. You can still have an awesome communication with your SO in a relationship and in online relationships you can still miss the smiles and the person and know that you are compatiable with them in person. It all depends on the people involved.


                              My girlfriend and I had met online, when we weren't even looking for someone. We started with just IM and checking out eachother's social networking pages. Then webcam chats, phone calls, letters, etc. We were together in a relationship for 6 1/2 months before meeting. I really enjoyed the fact we were 'forced' to communicate for so long to really get to know eachother before we met and had a chance to get physical and such. I really actually was thankful for many reasons including that for having a LDR instead of a NDR.
                              Even though we hadn't met yet, I could tell she was genuine, and tell how much I liked her, and came to rely on her being in my life (nightly phone calls to put me to sleep, etc.).


                                I think one huge difference between the two is in a cdr turned ldr it's more about missing the relationship. I guess when you start out in a ldr, that's how your relationship is, but for me, this whole long distance thing is like a completely new relationship with the same person. I miss what we had, I miss being able to spend time with him. It's more of the conditioning thing, not saying that it's any harder either way, but in this aspect, I think couples who start out in ldr's are more conditioned for it, they're more prepared for it since that's how it started.

                                ps. I apologize if this comes off stand-offish, I'm having difficulty formulating my thoughts tonight, I have a lot on my plate, but I did want to comment on this.


