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The Men of LFAD

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    Originally posted by Chillosaurus View Post
    It did. Your question was after the differences to "normal friendships". My answer was that usually friendships are based on common activities, but these unions are formed because of common goals, and with the focus on self-improvement.
    "Common goals" and "self-improvement" sounds like the slogan for a 1920's gentlemen's club, or a feminist 70's camp before all the frission took place. Well... I asked if these groups happen mainly online, and since you don't answer me with and are also a bit dismissive about activities, I assume they are online-based.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Originally posted by AussieAmericanGirl66 View Post
      I'm inclined to agree, unfortunately. I was hoping to get some real insight, but it does seem to have devolved to a stereo-typical battle of the sexes. Don't think I'll invite my SO, after all.

      As I have said I have no interest in participating in the knitting club. If however any man/men would like to discuss things with me my PM inbox will be readily available. (as long as there are less than 25 messages in it apparently)


        Originally posted by freakydeakydutchdude View Post

        As I have said I have no interest in participating in the knitting club. If however any man/men would like to discuss things with me my PM inbox will be readily available. (as long as there are less than 25 messages in it apparently)
        Hey there fellow man and fellow countryman!

        I get where you're coming from. I wouldn't have no interest in participating either if I knew beforehand what I've gotten myself into. I guess I'm just stubborn as hell to keep staying here and keep arguing.


          When I read this thread I think of this song. Ironically enough these guys are just the bandmates hashing out stuff over a meeting. I must be tired but i find it fitting.

          "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
          Benjamin Franklin


            Why don't we start over? what do the other men think about the difficulties of long distance?

            I know for me one of the biggest things for me is trying to find things to talk about


              Originally posted by iamjzhou View Post
              Why don't we start over? what do the other men think about the difficulties of long distance?

              I know for me one of the biggest things for me is trying to find things to talk about
              Doesn't your woman find things to talk about for you?

              I must say that I've always been quite content with being by myself ever since my childhood so I don't really get frightened or upset or distraught when I am alone. These days it's so easy to communicate over long distances thanks to the internet. I can chat with my girl on the other side of the planet or voice chat or even video chat. Therefore I don't really feel alone when she is not around. We're pretty much in contact all day long and can speak to eachother whenever we want to. I don't feel the need to talk continuously though. I'm perfectly happy not saying anything for hours at a time. I know this can freak my girl out but that is something she'll have to get used to. I don't talk continuously when I'm sitting next to her on the couch either.
              Last edited by freakydeakydutchdude; April 11, 2014, 07:29 PM.


                Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                When I read this thread I think of this song. Ironically enough these guys are just the bandmates hashing out stuff over a meeting. I must be tired but i find it fitting.

                I hesitate to reply for fear of risking any more repercussions (or is it concussions), but wasn't able to give you any rep points, told to spread it around. But that song did seem to fit this situation. Anyway, now I have a good song to add to my Heavy Metal Play List. And now I think I'm going to bow out of this convo. For a while at least.


                Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


                  Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
                  When I read this thread I think of this song. Ironically enough these guys are just the bandmates hashing out stuff over a meeting. I must be tired but i find it fitting.

                  Ohhhhhh Shinedown! I used to listen to that band a lot as a teen! Good times, good times.

                  Originally posted by iamjzhou View Post
                  Why don't we start over? what do the other men think about the difficulties of long distance?

                  I know for me one of the biggest things for me is trying to find things to talk about
                  I only have that problem when my SO is in a shitty mood and doesn't seem to be interested in talking about anything.

                  My biggest difficulty is the silence. With that I mean the periods when we don't talk, either because we're both doing something different or because one of us feels the need to retreat and get some space. I can't help but overthink during such moments.

                  It's worse when my SO and I end a conversation on bad terms. Then I usually keep thinking about what she might be thinking. I keep asking myself questions; What have I done wrong? What should I have done differently? Can I fix this? Does she think about me right now? Is she still mad? What is she doing? When will she talk with me again? Will she still be angry when we're gonna talk again? It's quite maddening sometimes.

                  I also find it really difficult when I see my SO is suffering (she's going through a rough patch right now). She's not really the kind of person who can be supported with words. Often when she's feeling down, she retreats back into her shell and just doesn't really want to talk. I know that all she needs is someone to give her a kiss and a hug and take her out to do something, an actual activity, outdoors, away from the computer. It's something I really want to do but just can't because we're LDR and our communication is limited to texting and Skyping.


                    How often do you get to be with eachother?


                      Originally posted by AussieAmericanGirl66 View Post
                      I hesitate to reply for fear of risking any more repercussions (or is it concussions)
                      Don't feel that way! You should be able to speak your mind, like anyone else. As long as you're not actively provoking anyone you should be fine, at least as far as I'm concerned.

                      Originally posted by AussieAmericanGirl66 View Post
                      But that song did seem to fit this situation. Anyway, now I have a good song to add to my Heavy Metal Play List. And now I think I'm going to bow out of this convo. For a while at least.
                      I love metal. I live for metal. Metal is in my heart and soul. Metal is the bomb. And before you think it; no, I don't look like a typical skinny long-haired metal guy, I used to though.


                        Originally posted by freakydeakydutchdude View Post
                        How often do you get to be with eachother?
                        You mean physical?

                        Sadly I haven't been physically together with my SO yet. But we plan on changing that this summer or during the autumn break in October.

                        And you?


                          Originally posted by Luc View Post
                          Don't feel that way! You should be able to speak your mind, like anyone else. As long as you're not actively provoking anyone you should be fine, at least as far as I'm concerned.

                          I love metal. I live for metal. Metal is in my heart and soul. Metal is the bomb. And before you think it; no, I don't look like a typical skinny long-haired metal guy, I used to though.
                          Thanks. I'll try to avoid antagonizing anyone. Anyway, I'm just following the thread quietly, pretty much, just replying if I feel like I might have something of value to say.

                          I'm sure I don't look like a typical metal woman, either. Actually, one of my sons got me into it when he was 17, back in 1989, Metallica. He's still a metal head, and one of my nephews is, too, so I get music videos from them.
                          Last edited by AussieAmericanGirl66; April 11, 2014, 09:45 PM.


                          Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


                            Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
                            "Common goals" and "self-improvement" sounds like the slogan for a 1920's gentlemen's club, or a feminist 70's camp before all the frission took place. Well... I asked if these groups happen mainly online, and since you don't answer me with and are also a bit dismissive about activities, I assume they are online-based.
                            I indeed haven't responded to that part of your question. Both happens. For instance there is a men's program at church called TMIY.


                              Originally posted by iamjzhou View Post
                              Why don't we start over? what do the other men think about the difficulties of long distance?
                              I don't want to think /search for any difficulties.
                              I know for me one of the biggest things for me is trying to find things to talk about
                              How often do you communicate?

                              I love those moments when we just stare at each other on skype and it is like in really life, only that we'd like to be able to be physical, but it is great to feel that this strong attraction is there. The quite moments are as beautiful as those, when she opens up to me and shows me that she really cares about me and wants me to be part of her life this way.


                                Originally posted by freakydeakydutchdude View Post
                                How often do you get to be with eachother?
                                Trying to meet two times (~2*7days) before I have to leave to another continent (and she comes with me for four weeks). That will be in four month. It's about 3 month since I had to leave her.

