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that always stops me from going after a guy my friend is interested in or has slept with, lol, that doesn't seem to stop my ex-"friend" though. I told her the same thing she still made out with an ex of mine because she didn't like my ex was into me and not her. she doesn't seem to care about hygiene-issues and making hanging out awkward, ha.
How to stop liking that guy your friend is into: Think of his pp being in your friend. You don't want your friend's stuff all over you do you now? I don't do sloppy seconds. If a friend has already got with a guy I could "like" that's an automatic turn off. Plus, it saves a lot of drama from happening.
Did you just seriously use the term "pp"? Sorry, but on a website catered to grownups, that is unacceptable.
Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein
but why would he lie about it? why would he go out all night and say he was a little bit bad? why has been so distant and claims its work but then can't talk to me?
but why would he lie about it? why would he go out all night and say he was a little bit bad? why has been so distant and claims its work but then can't talk to me?
Is this directed to my response? Not sure who it's replying to...
If so.. 'why would he lie about it?'
Not that I'm condoning it, but maybe because he figured it'd be easier to just go out and not tell you than explain that he wanted a night out at the club when he got free time? (Maybe he figured you might be upset that he didn't want to spend the extra free time staying home and talking with you?)
Maybe he didn't think you'd be okay with him staying out late with girls? (Have you previously expressed frustration or bugged him about female friends?)
Note, I'm not saying any of these are *acceptable* reasons to lie, just saying that there are plenty of possibilities that aren't immediately "he must be cheating."
As for why he said he'd been a bit bad, if he said it to a guy friend, it could have been a little bit braggy/showing off.
I don't know about the distant thing.
It's entirely possible there's more going on, it's entirely possible he's cooling to the relationship a bit, etc. but without knowing you or your SO it's hard to say.
If you guys have talked about it and he doesn't make any changes, it might be getting to the point where you need to determine if you can accept the talking and relationship as is, or if you need something more that he's not prepared to give. And you can be that explicit about it with him. You could have a conversation saying hey, we've talked several times about my need for more contact, and we keep failing at actually doing it.. it's really kinda coming to a head for me, I need something to change to feel satisfied with us. Is that something we can work on, or do you think we're just ultimately expecting things that are too different and should consider a break? etc.