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that *one* girl

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    that *one* girl

    My SO has tons of female friends. That's fine. In some ways, it's nice because it shows he gets along with women as more than just people to date, and it has given him lots of practice communicating his thoughts and feelings as well as listening to others.

    But there's always that ONE, lol. That one female friend that I'm just a little jealous/wary of. My SO is awesome, and we've talked about this girl specifically, and I trust him.

    I haven't met her, and I think that would actually help me a bit. (He's totally open to me meeting her when I visit, and he's indicated that I'd always be welcome to join him with his friends. He thinks that I'd get along with her really well if we met.)

    I think I'm a little on edge about her because I'm *fairly* sure she has a thing for him. Now, that's gonna happen, people will have crushes on my amazing SO, and her having a crush on him doesn't even mean anything if he doesn't do something about it.

    I'm probably bringing past issues in, from a CD boyfriend who had a female friend that had a thing for him, and just kinda kept at it, and he eventually cheated on me, and it was this whole mess. It screwed with my trust, and sometimes it's hard not to bring that in.
    But I'm aware that I could be doing that, and I've discussed that bit of history with my SO, and he's totally understanding about how that could create "back of the mind" thoughts and reassured me that he's committed to what we have and so on. (Seriously, he's great.)

    Most of the time, this girl isn't really an issue. She lives several hours away (though she's in his town a few times a year) and the normal friend chatting is totally fine. I mean, I wouldn't expect him to tell me I can't have everyday normal chatting and stuff with my guy friends, I certainly wouldn't do it with him.

    But once in awhile, there's a reason it's more of an issue.. like this past week. He had to go to her city for a couple meetings that could result in some work, and since one of the companies he met with was paying for his flights, he didn't have a ton of choice in when they were. That resulted in a longer trip than he originally was planning, 9 days in her city instead of 4-5. He said it was a little annoying to be hanging around so long, but he figured he'd use the extra days to do some further journal article writing and postdoc applications, and catch up with friends he doesn't see much.

    The company was paying for the flight, but not for any accommodation, so he decided to crash with her and her roommate (who he's also friends with) at their apartment. He has a few friends in that city, but she's one of his good friends, and their apartment has a spare bedroom. They frequently have houseguests of several days or more, so I guess that's not that odd. And he's quite broke and trying to save money to come see me, so he just figured that'd be easy and convenient. He said he'd make sure we still had some contact.

    The girl and her roommate were both working during the week anyway, they didn't take time off, so it really does sound like it was mostly giving him a place to crash, and then hanging out together for a bit in the evenings/weekend. He and I talked about it beforehand, cleared up some questions, I wasn't crazy about it, but it sounded legit.

    And he was in touch with me, some emails, some yahoo chatting, so it's not like he disappeared or didn't keep his word. Obviously nothing like the normal amount of communication, but I didn't expect there to be, and that was alright.

    But now that it's done (he got home really early this morning, my time) I'm realizing that I was actually more uncomfortable with it than I thought before it happened, and when we had the conversation about it. Not totally sure why, and I'd like to figure that out so I can make sure things are good going forward.

    I made some extra plans with my friends while he was gone, and kept myself busy, but even still, he was just on my mind a lot and I was just... feeling some sort of negativity about it for most of the week.

    Some of it might be that feeling left out piece that we all experience in LDRs, where little simple things like the three of them making dinner and going to see a play at the local theatre because one of his friends was in it and had comp tickets is something I can't do with him, so there's that extra bit of wistfulness or something.

    I dunno.
    I think it's probably stuff I just need to work on with myself, because I really don't think he's doing anything 'wrong' and I'm just dwelling on it because it's stuff I can't have right now, magnified. It's a little different when one of us has everyday sort of plans, because we'll catch up with good Skype or yahoo chatting a day or two later, so it's easier not to get quite so down about the distance or feel left out for something like me going to a game night or him stopping by a birthday party. But with a 9 day trip, it's like day after day of stuff we can't be at with each other, and then also no skype or long yahoo chats to reconnect and make the distance feel a little smaller temporarily.

    And I was just like.. very aware that it was with THIS girl, even though I get the impression there wasn't a ton of time that it was just the two of them.. the other roommate was around, they all met up with mutual friends, he went on his own to meet friends of his that the girl and her roommate don't know, etc.

    So what's up with my negativity and worry/jealousy? Wicked annoying, because I also don't WANT to be like that.

    Okay. This turned into a really long, rambly post.
    We have Skype plans for tonight and I'm excited.. and hopefully the next long trip will be one to see me and I won't have to worry about this sort of thing for awhile again.
    Last edited by silvermoonfairy3; April 21, 2014, 10:57 AM.

    We all have things that set us off. I have very little jealousy in my life, but I have got toes like everybody else, and sometimes SO step on them. I think that you should talk to your guy about your past. Make it like a project the two of you can work on together. I am sure he doesn't mean to hurt you, still he should be aware how he can ease or increase your uncertainties. How would you have liked him to act? What can he do to make you more safe?
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
      We all have things that set us off. I have very little jealousy in my life, but I have got toes like everybody else, and sometimes SO step on them. I think that you should talk to your guy about your past. Make it like a project the two of you can work on together. I am sure he doesn't mean to hurt you, still he should be aware how he can ease or increase your uncertainties. How would you have liked him to act? What can he do to make you more safe?
      We did talk about my past stuff, and that was on our minds a bit when we determined our course of action for this trip, with him offering to be in touch daily (which he was). I guess I just overestimated that being "enough" to make me feel totally comfortable.

      But I'm not entirely sure there's anything else that he can do, per se.. I think it might need to be me working on getting past the bits of jealousy and whatever. It's been getting a bit better just over time, I think.. with him consistently sticking to his word when he says he'll do something to put me at ease, and showing he's trustworthy. And I do think it'll help when I can eventually meet her, and get to kind of establish him and I as a couple in person in his life, etc.

      The bottom line is that I don't expect him to not be friends with this girl or anything extreme like that, and they've never indicated any inappropriate behavior, so I need to keep working on myself and possible jealousy issues and stuff. We're really good at communicating about that sort of thing, so I figure as long as we keep the conversation open, expectations open, needs met reasonably, I think it'll be healthy/good. It's just a process.


        I think it's great you're being so level-headed about this. It's also good that you're talking to him about it, and you're aware it could just be past demons trying to get to you.
        I also agree that it'll definitely ease your mind a lot to actually meet this girl, and get closure with that. Who knows? You might end up really liking her, and it might turn out that she just happened to come off incorrectly. Establishing your relationship in his life is also super important, of course.
        From what you're saying, it seems like you know what to do; you just need to reassure yourself. You trust your SO, so you know nothing is going to happen even if she ends up trying something.

        So just keep that line of communication open and stay positive. I doubt she'll cause a problem.


          Originally posted by Harlequin View Post
          I think it's great you're being so level-headed about this. It's also good that you're talking to him about it, and you're aware it could just be past demons trying to get to you.
          I also agree that it'll definitely ease your mind a lot to actually meet this girl, and get closure with that. Who knows? You might end up really liking her, and it might turn out that she just happened to come off incorrectly. Establishing your relationship in his life is also super important, of course.
          From what you're saying, it seems like you know what to do; you just need to reassure yourself. You trust your SO, so you know nothing is going to happen even if she ends up trying something.

          So just keep that line of communication open and stay positive. I doubt she'll cause a problem.
          Yeah, definitely.. I think I just wanted to get it all written down and say it to others who know the ins and outs of LDR!

          Where in Scotland is your SO? My best friend moved to Glasgow for school, and loves it.


            Originally posted by silvermoonfairy3 View Post
            Yeah, definitely.. I think I just wanted to get it all written down and say it to others who know the ins and outs of LDR!

            Where in Scotland is your SO? My best friend moved to Glasgow for school, and loves it.
            That's completely understandable. It's nice to be able to get your thoughts out in an environment where you know people are gonna understand where you're coming from.
            He was in Kelso for a while, but recently made the move to Newcastle, England for job opportunities and things like that. I should probably update his location. He seemed to have a pretty positive opinion on Glasgow for the most part. I'm glad your friend is enjoying the city!

