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Opposing sides?

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    Hmm, we're ironing them out slowly, but the most obvious one is planning.

    Obi plans all the small stuff but I'd just rather see where the wind takes us. He's very anal about the fine details, likes to be early all the time (except picking me up from work >.<) likes to know where we will be and when if we're planning an outing, and he wont leave the house with me until we make a plan. Sometimes I'll be like "let's go to the city and do something. We'll figure it out on the way" but he wont budge until we have a plan - often it wastes a lot of time and we both get frusterated, sometimes to the point where we don't end up doing anything at all.

    I don't plan the small stuff, and that irritates him. I really don't care if I don't know what meal I'm interested in ordering before I get to the resturant, if the movie hasn't been decided or if the plan changes halfway through. I'm laid back. I know I'll have fun, because it's about the people, not the activity, most of the time, but he doesn't get that.

    On the other side of this, I like to plan the big stuff a long way in advance - Kids, buying property or cars, what country we're in and when -I want to know. I like to have a basic five to ten year plan, and a reasonable back up plan as well, and I like to know roughtly what it will cost me. Obi doesn't like to plan the future (which is probably how I, with the lower income and more commitments, still managed to get my arse to Canada for the first meeting before he got to me). Last night we had a big discussion about when we're having kids and when we're going to Oz, and it was like pulling teeth. He's like "I might not know I'm ready for kids until a month or so before we start trying to have them" and I'm like "uhm no, it doesn't work like that." Some things don't happen unless you make them happen, and other things... well they just need planning!

    We annoy each other!

    Cool thread
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I am a talker througher till it is worked out...he likes to sleep on it...
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Hmm.. I'm not really sure yet. Our music taste is somewhat different but there are still bands we both listen to, he is just more on the metal side and I am more on the mainstream side, haha =].

        And he smokes, his little brother smokes and his friends smoke. I hate people that smoke (though my best friend does it as well xD). He said he would to quit if I wanted to, but since we're only dating for 2 months I told him he didn't have to. As long as he keeps it down when I'm around. And if he ever wanted something serious with me like living together, then he should quit =P.


          There aren't any really *big* things that we argue about, but we disagree on a few things:

          - I don't see why he has to have as many guns as he does (he has two rifles and is looking to get a shot gun). It seems impractical, as he doesn't hunt and he wouldn't use them to protect himself. He just likes to shoot stuff. It's not a big problem, but I don't see why he wants to get a new gun when he's already got two.
          - He doesn't do this so much anymore, but he has smoked pot in the past and I just don't like it. He's done it once since we've been together. (in Amsterdam, so I guess he felt he had to for the experience)

          But we're pretty okay even on these things.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            our biggest one has to be religion. I'm a christian and he is Jewish. and then there's money issues, he's an accountant and im a student. it causes some pretty wild aruments at times but we get over it pretty fast. and of course your typcal small things like movies, or music.


              These are not things that we would never agree on but we are very different in some ways and yet more similar to each other in so many things...

              He's an adrenaline junkie (used to ride bulls in a rodeo) and I'm risk averse (always drive under the speed limit).
              His job can get him killed and I work from home.
              He sleeps six hours per night and I'm happiest with ten.
              He's very romantic and I'm practical.
              He speaks his mind and I need to think it over.
              He feels the heat and I feel the cold.
              He's an optimist and I'm a pessimist.

              yet, we bring out the best in each other.


                He loves the limelight and loves to be the center of attention whilst the mere thought of being on a stage in front of people gives me the shakes.

                He loves to sleep in a cold room whereas I have to be cuddled up in a tonne of blankets.

                He has a lot more self confidence then I do, I'm always doubting myself

                He overthinks EVERYTHING and reads more into things, whereas I'm more chilled out

                He also likes to spend money on whatever, whilst I'm more cautious. One thing we've argued about, he was talking about taking me on vacation, I have no means to pay half so I refuse to go, but he wants to pay for me. he thinks, as the man, he has to provide for me, whilst I have a firm belief of paying my own way. I know its nice of him to offer, but I would feel we were less of a team if he spends more money on me then I do him. In short, our definitions of "team" are completely different.

                <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!

