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Am i overreacting about this or should i be worrying? (Advice please!)

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    Am i overreacting about this or should i be worrying? (Advice please!)

    My LDR Boyfriend hasnt been on since Wednesday, he had his ipod taken away and we were microphone chatting on our 3DS When his mom said he had too go to bed.
    He hasnt been on ANYTHING since.
    3DS, Instagram,Twitter etc. Do you guys think im overreacting? i miss him SOOOOO much, this is the longest me and him have never talked.
    Did any of you go through the same phase? Did it turn out okay?
    Also, how do i get my mind off of him. Thanks! (:
    Yes! Calm down!
    Nope!l i'd/have done the same!
    Over the top reacting, he has a life other then you!
    NOOOOPEEE you should be worrying!

    Is he a minor? Or under her roof that pays all the bills? If so, it is her call and you would have to wait to till the way paying the bills says it is okay. I hope it is soon for you.
    "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
    Benjamin Franklin


      Originally posted by IKitKatOliviaz11 View Post
      My LDR Boyfriend hasnt been on since Wednesday, he had his ipod taken away and we were microphone chatting on our 3DS When his mom said he had too go to bed.
      He hasnt been on ANYTHING since.
      3DS, Instagram,Twitter etc. Do you guys think im overreacting? i miss him SOOOOO much, this is the longest me and him have never talked.
      Did any of you go through the same phase? Did it turn out okay?
      Also, how do i get my mind off of him. Thanks! (:
      If he's still living at home, still having his mother controlling him to the point that she tells him when it's time to go to bed...I have to wonder just how old he is. If he's a minor, still living at home, he doesn't have much to say about it.

      When did you start this "relationship"? It might even be too soon to call it a relationship. Anyway, don't panic if you have a few days between chats. He might be busy. That happens all the time with my SO and me. Sometimes we just need a bit of space. Sometimes he's busy.

      As for how to get your mind off him...stay busy and enjoy your own life. School, job, hobbies, friends, family, the gym, or whatever you like. For me... other than my "dreadful" Facebook addiction that takes way too much time ... I enjoy dancing, reading, music, meditation, Netflix movies, and learning Tarot.

      You will find that the busier and happier you are, the better you will feel, and the more you will have to share with him, when he is able to get back with you.


      Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


        If he is young enough that his mom took away his iPod, then she was probably pissed to catch him still communicating on his DS and therefore grounded him from all electronics and forms of communication. Clearly you'll just have to calm down and wait for him to be allowed to use electronics again.


          Did you meet him online, and how long have you been talking would be my first questions. Is he really in this committed to you, or are you two just casually talking?


            wait your relationship began 7 days ago ?


              Originally posted by itsjen516 View Post
              wait your relationship began 7 days ago ?
              Whoa! Seriously, only a week ago? That's not even a relationship! If this is the case, unless we are all not getting the whole picture, you need to GET A LIFE! Is it possible that he is really not that into you, maybe even running scared, and it isn't all his mom's fault? Maybe you need to slow down, just be friends, give him some space.


              Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


                Okay first I will echo what the others have said and don't panic. And also I realized that your profile does say the relationship only started 7 days ago.. so keep that in mind.. you might miss him but maybe he's not as into you.

                I did vote for the "nope i'd have done the same" because I know that feeling of panic if you are talking to your love and all of a sudden couldn't. Although I am not the type to make a forum post on it, I get worried. But like others said, you need to find other things to do. And also, reading other's posts, I realize, yes you two are young and he was maybe disobeying his mom by talking to you on the DS and so his mom took away all electronics.. so it seems he is fine. But slow down and have patience.. find other things to do. If you miss him, write him a letter, either by hand or by typing, and save it and maybe if you want to you can show him sometime if you want to. But don't worry. I'm sure he's fine.

                I will add that when my boyfriend and I first started talking, before we were officially together, his family had extreme financial issues and there were times his internet would just cut out. Most of the time we had a bit of a warning but it was still so helpless getting cut off from the conversation without proper closings and promises to talk the next day. So I get why you are upset. Because you have no way of knowing what he's up to and you've likely been talking every day since you met/formed your relationship, and you also haven't had to deal with anything like this, and you haven't been together long enough to know the protocol.. how long his mom would usually ground him for, and maybe you are feeling a bit uncertainty about your relationship because you are just starting to get to know each other.

                Any way, just relax and don't panic, okay. Things will be okay, I'm sure you will hear from him soon. And if not, just try and focus on other things because if for some reason it is more than his mom taking away his electronics, you might need to move on from this. But just don't panic now.. it's not been a week yet.


                  I think that no matter what the situation, you need to calm down! You can't know what's going on right now and will drive yourself crazy with "what if's" and "whys."

                  As others have said, if he is a minor then his Mom has final say in what he does and does not do. He could have been grounded off of his electronics or could be busy with things. I'm assuming the two of you don't communicate any other way because you could always send a snail mail letter.

                  Your relationship is also brand new. We don't know your background so it's difficult to know if that's the date you officially became a couple or if that's when you started talking. Taking things slowly and really acknowledging the status of your relationship is what needs to happen first. By you freaking out this soon, it doesn't seem like you have a good foundation. Until you hear from him or a ton of time goes by without you hearing from him, place your focus on something else! You shouldn't be sitting around waiting to hear from him all the time. Enjoy a hobby, spend time with family and friends, and if you're in school or working, focus on that. I hope you hear from him soon but keep in mind that he could have lost interest and is taking the coward's way out.
                  Our love story:
                  Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                  Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                  Reconnected: August 2012
                  Began dating LD: November 2012
                  Engaged! March 2014
                  Closing the distance: December 2015


                    If your relationship began 7 days ago and you haven't heard from him since Wednesday which was 4 days ago including today that means you were in a "relationship" for 3 days before he stopped talking to you? Are you sure he's not just ignoring you trying to make you go away? I don't know but it just seems fishy to me.

                    Met: 8.17.09
                    Started Dating: 8.20.09
                    First Met: 10.2.10
                    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                      I'm nosey I want to know what ended up happening


                        ^ Me too

