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sweet little things we do for our SO's

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    sweet little things we do for our SO's

    what kinda sweet little things do you do for your SO to remind them your thinking of them?

    for example i sent my bf a pic of my newly made bed with the caption that read" clean sheets. wish you were getting in them with me tonight "

    That's so cute! A few days ago during class I drew "Paula <3s Ryan forever" and took a picture of it and sent it to him


      i send her pm's on facebook, send her text's, when im not too tired i'll think of more i have done heh


        I once had flowers delivered to my SO's house. For no special reason. She was really happy. And my SO wrote "Bexxi ♥'s Nani" on a whiteboard at uni and sent me a picture of it. That was very sweet!


          I usually send at least one text a day, sometimes funny, other time an "I love you". I've drawn him tons of pictures, I leave notes in my AIM status (or did when he had internet), I left journals and PMs for him, writing, I've looked up jokes just for him when he's had a bad day and I keep my phone with me always so he knows whenever he needs me he can call, no matter the hour. I also send random gifts I find that make me think of him, such as tea I found made for men and supposedly good with alcohol.


            I'll wake him up for work when he needs some extra help, give him random text of encouragement throughout the day. It's not something noticeable, but once you get to know him you see he has really bad self-esteem issues. To help with that I compliment him like 80 times a day xD. Even if it's just on his looks, I just wanna make him smile and see if it helps him feel better about himself. I keep him updated on current events, nerd events, and marijuana laws (big supporter of legalization).


              Hah, I send my SO picture-texts of my cleavage that say "wish you were here."
              "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


                I'm always thinking about her, so I send a lot of "I love you" texts through out the day. Also I'll text her if something funny happens that I know she'll like. I like to post our silly inside jokes, or videos I know she'll love on her facebook.


                  I'm no master wordsmith, but I always liked writing little poems, you know, something simple like ABAB, CDCD, or spelling out a phrase, just to let her know that I'm thinking about her. Even though we've ended the distance, we still have both written letters to one another and set them on each others' desk to find when we wake up. With the address and everything, "Tower Desk, Computer Room, USA". I got in trouble because I forgot to draw in my postage, I think I'mma get a fine sent. :O


                    I send him messages on facebook, send him songs I recently heard and basically fit perfectly with the lyrics. Some times I take a pic of myself and add an "I love you <3" with Photoshop. I post statues on facebook where he knows its for him. Sometimes if I had a sweet daydream I message him and tell him what happend.


                      When we were LD, we would do the thing where you take pictures of your whole day and share them, we would write each other on our private blog, the last one to bed or the first one awake would always be sure to send an email, oh and sometimes we would hold up a sign with an "i love you" or whatever written on it for a picture to send. These little things helped us a lot when we were down about the distance.


                        I send him like several packages a week. It's just a habit now.


                          I've had flowers delivered to her at school, she's in college now I don't think they allow that kinda stuff there.
                          Send her letters, started taking pictures of random stuff in my life for her, Texting throughout the day, I leave her voicemails when I know her phone is on silent,
                          Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                          Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                          Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                          Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                          Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                            when she was in Dubai and Australia a few months ago i sent her flowers to her room, currently i send her texts every morning to wish her a good day when i wake up and before she goes to bed to say good night, ive written her many from the heart PM's about how much i feel about her, occasional poem pops into my head


                              Hmmm.... I draw little cartoons of us and mail them to him.. Also I leave posts on his Facebook wall of lyrics from songs that make me think of him/us. I want to do more D:
                              One of the many things he does for me is he will randomly call me just to say "I love you" and that's it, even if we just hung up minutes before <3
                              Met: 2.20.10
                              Started Dating: 4.22.10
                              Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                              First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                              Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                              Closed the Distance: 10.9.10

