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Nicknames :)

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    he calls me "angel" or "sweetheart" or just baby. we are both south african but still live oceans away, so i'll call him "bokkie" which mean dear. or LL (lazy lover)


      He calls me "Bunny" and "Baby"


        my MOST favorite thing he calls me is "babydoll" i love, love,it! I call him superman and baby. We come up with silly ones now and then


          He calls me muffin or hun or kiddo. I call him babe or hun. I think I'm sort of like Garnet in the fact that I usually call him by his name and more often use the nickname when we are LD. But I'm going to use it more since we will be together more often!


            Although he and I have our romantic times, I've come to notice by answering this thread and the thread about songs that Belvy and I are very humorous in our relationship. He calls me Miss Cooties because he came up with this ridiculous rhyme the one night that was about Miss cooties that had a cutie. And mine, well the one night he and I were at a restaurant and they had bike brands along the bar, and he decided that he wanted me to call him Señor Ducati, although actually his name Belvy is a nickname, his real name is Andrew.



              We call each other "lover" a lot, and I call him boyfriend and he calls me girlfriend. He also calls me stupid names like "cuddlebutt" because he knows it annoys me lol

              And recently his Mom went ballistic because one of his cousins named his daughter Addison and they were just going to call her "Addie" for short. She was like "Now what am I going to call you?" to my SO (who is called Adam). In all his 24 years she has never once called him "Addie" lol he thought she was being so ridiculous and he hates it, so now I call him it =p He now calls me NiNi as a result though, which I'm less happy about....

              He only really says my name when he's referring to someone else about me ( but a lot of people know me as "The Brit") or when he's whining at me, "Nicooooooole whyyyyyy?" usually when I'm teasing him =p

              <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
              <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
              The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
              <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
              <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
              Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
              Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                i tend to call him my angel or baby. But i love it when he answers the phone to me "hey beautiful" always makes me smile i love calling him sexy bum too lol, but he mainly calls me baby, lover, or sexy always makes me smile


                  I was careful with nicknames with him at first, but now that we have been serious for awhile, we are starting to use some. That said, I guess I have always called him "boy," when the mood strikes (like in Princess Bride) and I think it is his favourite. We, of course, exchange descriptors that are compliments ("beautiful," "wonderful," etc.). I will rarely call him "lover" (I like it, but I have to know he is in a mood to be comfortable with that). Sometimes, I will use "sweetheart." Oh, and when I left, I found this quirky card from a local gift shop and it said something like "Will you be my snuggle bunny?" (Which was fitting, also, since I have a really mischievous pet rabbit that he hears about all the time). As a joke, he started signing some of his emails as "snuggle bunny," and I will call him that, too.

                  As for me, he uses lots of compliment descriptors (I know that doesn't make sense grammatically, but I think you get what I mean, anyway...stick with me...I had a lot of pie and am in a gluttony daze). Today (which is I actually why I was reminded that I wanted to post in this thread), he wanted to come up with a nickname for me that would shorten my name in an affectionate way, somehow. We finally came to one that we both liked, but he was asking my permission to use it (this was with typing, too and what he was suggesting was very pronunciation-specific). So...I kind of made fun of him for being too formal and said that I liked it and he would have to promote it a bit to me by just using it. Oh, poor guy! He can usually take a razz, but I think I embarrassed him a little--I hope he uses a cute nickname for me soon, though! :3


                    There's loads that we say.
                    Honey. Sweetheart. Baby. Baby Bear. Cutey.

                    Well that's not loads, but still.


                      Awww those are so cute everybody!!

                      Originally posted by Talent_2 View Post
                      But i love it when he answers the phone to me "hey beautiful" always makes me smile makes me smile
                      My SO does that too <3 I love it~
                      Met: 2.20.10
                      Started Dating: 4.22.10
                      Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                      First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                      Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                      Closed the Distance: 10.9.10

