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Before Bed

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    We have a 7-hour time difference with my husband being ahead, so I sometimes get to say good-night to him when he's already in bed, which I love. It's really special to me to talk to him as the last person before he falls asleep. As he can't call me and I have a roommate and the time I go to bed is pretty much the time he gets up, we haven't done it the other way around, but I have my magnet (explanation: when I left, I gave him a magnet and kept one to myself - they attract each other and when I visited, we put them together for as long as I was there ) right next to my bed, so I'll touch that and think of him before I go to sleep...

    Song suggestion: Roxette - Before you go to sleep -- beautiful song!


      Lately, I can't seem to go to bed when I first say goodnight. I say goodnight to Michelle, and i am about to hang up, but then I (or she) thinks of something else we wanted to say. We are up for sometimes almost an hour after that.
      I went through a three month period which ended last week where we left the phone on all night.
      The last thing I do before I fall asleep is blow her a kiss.


        We're in the same time zone, but I'm an insane insomniac XP. We're almost always texting all day, so at night he calls me for a little while and we just discuss things like our days, my cramps (he hates it when I talk about my period, but it's revenge for the day he dutch ovened me so I could "prove my love to him" D:<!), how work went, politics, our hatred for Sarah Palin (he's a liberal and that bitch makes conservatives look like a bunch of ignorant morons), and the next time we see each other. Lately we've been talking about my walking. I'm currently disabled and he likes to check up on me and make a new cripple joke. It's ok, I gave him permission :'D.

        After a little while he goes to bed and I stay up another 6 hours or so @_@. It's hell when I'm there xD. We sleep in the same bed so when I'm there I usually stay up reading or with my mp3 player on. Then we wake up at the same time and I got more energy than him xD.


          It depends on who goes to sleep first. Most of the time, we usually go to sleep at the same time, and we will talk on the phone and *tuck* each other in. Often, one of us will fall asleep on the phone, in which case the other will have to wake the person up and hang up. If one of us goes to bed before the other, then we call to say goodnight

          We used to sleep on the phone together every night.....but apparently that can cause cancer so we stopped when my mom told me...


            When we are apart he is either 5 or 6 hours ahead of me. So I'm the one who puts him to sleep, and we do it everyday. Normally we skype before he goes to bed, many kisses and snuggles and love yous. Then when he goes to bed I email him a good morning email. So when he wake up he always check his mail. If by some extraordinary event we don't get to skype before he goes to bed, then a really quick phone call do (as long distance is a bit expensive). When we are together normally I put him to sleep too, cuddles hugs and kisses! Ohhhh....he is so cute when he sleeps!


              I was webcamming with mine (silently, because I had people in the room with me but we wanted to see each others' face XD) and I flipped over to the MSN window to see he had gone to take a nap, and his webcam is in view of his bed. =] So cute. I said, "aww, you're sleepinggg" and I didn't hear it beep on his side of the world, so he had left the window up so he could look up and see me I guess. XD It made me smile.


                We chat on msn most evenings and when its time for us to go to bed, we say the same thing every night.. and thats "Good night, sweet dreams and see you there" The see you there part originates from 'See you in my dreams' and it eventually got shortened to that :P
                I don't feel right going to bed without it


                  Cute We don't really do anything special. Similar to Jackie, it's usually just a 'goodnight, i love you' and sometimes a little mushier, hehe.


                    Originally posted by Earytha View Post
                    We chat on msn most evenings and when its time for us to go to bed, we say the same thing every night.. and thats "Good night, sweet dreams and see you there" The see you there part originates from 'See you in my dreams' and it eventually got shortened to that :P
                    I don't feel right going to bed without it
                    Sometimes he asks me to dream of him. =] Haha, ironically whenever he asks, I don't. XD

                    Anyway. >.>;; New issue. D= He just started his next semester of classes, and for one of the, he won't get home until about 2 AM my time. I guess I have to learn to sleep with the thought that he'll get *cuddled up* to me after he gets home, since I always leave my MSN on all night for various reasons.


                      Originally posted by Rane View Post
                      Garnet and I don't have any specific bedtime rituals, besides always saying goodnight and that we love one another before going to bed, be it over IM, or email if one of us ends up having to go to bed before the other.
                      The last one up normally sends a goodnight email which I love!

                      Our jobs are newly full of suck, and making it so we don't pass during the day/night. I had gotten really spoiled seeing Rane everyday and almost always getting to IM and say goodnight. Days we can't are just totally depressing.


                        Well, I'm 5 hours ahead of Alex so I'm the first to bed. I often end up staying up until 1am talking to him XD Which isn't very clever considering I have to be up for school by 6am. Our goodnights aren't very long. Its normally just a "well, i gotta hit the hay" and then goodnight's and I love you's. We used to take AGES to say goodnight, but we've gotten quicker ever since my dad caught me online at 3am and took my computer for a week. That was a very lonely week So now we say goodnight quite quickly.


                          Originally posted by polkapiggy View Post
                          Well, I'm 5 hours ahead of Alex so I'm the first to bed. I often end up staying up until 1am talking to him XD Which isn't very clever considering I have to be up for school by 6am. Our goodnights aren't very long. Its normally just a "well, i gotta hit the hay" and then goodnight's and I love you's. We used to take AGES to say goodnight, but we've gotten quicker ever since my dad caught me online at 3am and took my computer for a week. That was a very lonely week So now we say goodnight quite quickly.
                          I feel you! I got my phone taken for a week for staying up late. And then I got put on a strict fifteen minute policy. And then I got allowed unlimited time on the weekend... which translated into me staying up til 4 some nights. XD And yeah, I get till midnight now but they don't seem to care if I go thirty minutes or so over. =P But I kind of miss the days of staying up til like 5 and getting up at 8. >.> Haha.


                            My SO works midnights, and I work mornings so this is how it normally goes...He'll call me on his way to work to give me a quick goodnight, I love you, sweet dreams. He wakes me up for work with a good morning, I missed you and we'll talk for about an hour before I have to get ready for work. When I get out of work I call him for his goodnight, I love you sleep sweet, and then I call him to wake him up for work with a good morning and we talk for about an hour before he has to get ready for work. Mind you we text and email all day, but to me the phone calls are what makes my days MUCH easier without him her.


                              George and I have an extreme ritual... almost about everything.
                              Dinner on Wednesday's, Madlibs on Monday.

                              Whenever it comes to being tucked in, George and I chat all night long online, then we'll call one another whenever we get into bed. I HAVE to talk to George before I go to sleep. It's... this must. If he's going to be out late playing guitar with a friend, then I enjoy receiving a message or a phone call whenever he gets home, no matter the time or day. I feel that I should be the one who cares for him and knows where he's at, for no one else seems to really care, even though he might care about them.

                              Our nightly phone conversations can be 'more chit-chat', or just simple 'good nights' and 'I love you's'.
                              We actually end each phone conversation with, "I love you more." and fight who can say it the fastest... and then hurry and hang up. :P

                              I do dream about George, especially on days I've studied a lot and we haven't had the time to chat.
                              ... It will just be dreams of us walking together or us cooking breakfast in the morning. They bring tears to my eyes with the realness and clarity of the pictures, but I do know that they will come true one day.

                              Last edited by Jennifer&Georgex3; February 3, 2010, 07:29 PM.


                                Originally posted by JoMarie View Post
                                My SO works midnights, and I work mornings so this is how it normally goes...He'll call me on his way to work to give me a quick goodnight, I love you, sweet dreams. He wakes me up for work with a good morning, I missed you and we'll talk for about an hour before I have to get ready for work. When I get out of work I call him for his goodnight, I love you sleep sweet, and then I call him to wake him up for work with a good morning and we talk for about an hour before he has to get ready for work. Mind you we text and email all day, but to me the phone calls are what makes my days MUCH easier without him her.
                                Nice! My SO is on rotating days and nights. When he is on his...err "lunch break" around midnight we'll give a quick call to say our goodnights too! When he gets home is about the time I'm about to head out the door for class so we just send quick little text with our goodnight sayings. Even on crazy busy days we'll do a quick g'night ^.^. When he is on days we say our goodnights through webcame before we even get ready to sleep because we are never quite sure when his landlady will cut the internet :P

