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is there any other LDR close to you ?

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    is there any other LDR close to you ?

    Hello LDRs

    Last week I discover than one of my officemate is in a LDR too (his girlfriend is in Canada and he is in France). Its the first time I talk in face to face with someone else in a LDR.

    Do you ever met other peoples in LDR close to you ?
    no, but there were
    no, never
    I don't know

    One of my best friends is in LDR for about 2 years, and my other friend was in LDR for a few months. I also found out that my SO's parents are in LDR for their whole relationship (about 30+ years), because my SO's father works abroad and comes home only for one or two weekends a month.


      yeah, quite many actually. Can name about 7 or 8. Most people around here go travel for at least a year between high school and uni, so things like LDR happen...


        One of my elder sisters (she was 24 at the time) were in a LDR just after me and my SO got into one.

        She rushed a lot of things between her and her now ex-SO from Germany, even though they had only known each other for a few weeks (practically two) then within a month or two they got engaged - even though she didn't want a relationship with him before they got into one, but he bugged her so they did. Then on their first visit, she ended up getting pregnant in September, only to lose their baby in December because of her heart condition. After that, their rushed relationship broke down very quickly. They would argue non-stop, she expected him to find a job and a place to close the distance. He would then talk to other girls and would not talk to her for a week or so. Overall, they didn't really have the best foundation to commit to an LDR imo. They were very immature about how things would work and rushed into too much, and that building a strong committed relationship meant you should have got to know how each other before you take that step. They lasted about a year, and then she found someone rush into things again.

        Thankfully, my LDR is nothing like hers. Our relationships are two different complete contrasts which I'm thankful for.


          That I know of now no. Like I see people on Facebook who I met down at Disney who are also in LDR And my roommate down at Disney was in A long distance also for 4 years but I think they broke up.
          So only me as of now it's hard cuz I want someone to talk to about it and relate to


            Pretty common among my friends and colleges actually, but people tend to close distance really quick. One of my friends brought her English gf to Norway, but it did not work out. Another friend moved to England to live with his Italian gf, they are getting married in the fall, she used to be an exchange student in Norway. Several of my friends move or have people move to them nationally because of love. But the LONG TERM LDR, that stay LD for years on end, no - no one I know of, exept my ex protect councelor. She lives in Norway, does projects in Africa and fly to her husband in the US, she is tough as nails. I used to think I could never do what she does, but here I am doing it :-)

            ps. Come to think of it, some friends of mine were actually LDR 4 years, because he studied in the US while she had a job in Norway. At least they knew the end date! And married during, too.

            Sadly, too I know of a few international relationships where they married to close the distance in Norway where the guys moving struggle because it can be hard to learn the language (especially if you don't know English or German), get a job (we don't have many jobs that don't require education, and it is hard to be your own man here because of the byrocracy towards small businisses) and make friends with us shy Norwegians.

            Most of the polyamorous "couples" I know are CD. I know a guy who has two long-term international LDRs going, with a German woman and a French woman, he has a CD relationship as well (with a German woman). He sometimes talks about moving to Germany or France, but he is quite happy in his own company, and he travels a lot anyway, so I don't think he will do it. I can't really discuss LDR with him much because LDR seem to suit his needs well, wheras for me it is more of a struggle - even though I am quite happy with our current solution, I also sometimes dream of that one day we, in the words of my SO, "don't have to count the days".
            Last edited by differentcountries; June 1, 2014, 11:20 AM.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              One of my friends from college is actually on this site... she found me and told me after she joined. :P

              Another of my friends is in a (short) LDR.
              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                Many of my classmates are LDR. All but two others ended theirs over the previous three years (those still together have all married) but they're around. I'm the furthest from my husband and also see him the least so I bite my tongue when they're complaining how they haven't seen their SO in three weeks when I'm on my twelfth week :P
                In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
                In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
                -- Maya Angelou


                  Yes, my brother's girlfriend moved from here (Sweden) to Japan to study. Arts I think. Yokohama Design College. He was originally going to go with her, but he couldn't get the money together, so he had to stay home. He told me that they would break up if he couldn't go with her, but I told him that I didn't think they should. That an LDR is possible and at least try is. Turns out they did. She's been there for over six months now I think and it's scheduled to be a year. Possibly more.


                    I don't know any quite as far, but many of my friends have been in an LDR at one point. Our university has a work-study program, so people move to new places within Canada for a term for work and come back to study and often make connections. My little sister was even in one for a few months, between here and New York.

                    Married: June 9th, 2015


                      One of my close friends is also in an international LDR. We talk about it a lot and support each other on bad days. Can't wait to meet her SO next year
                      My cousin was in one at one point too because his girlfriend went to California for 10 months, but unfortunately their relationship didn't make it. The time difference and being apart was too much for them.


                        My sister is in an LDR


                          There used to be..
                          Friend A: was in a relationship with a guy in the next city (30 min. drive) - not an LDR but an inconvenience for her - but the relationship didn't work out because he was not the right guy for her.
                          Friend B: was in a LDR with a guy who was working in Alberta (neighbour province to BC), though I think they met in BC. - They are now married and expecting a baby!
                          Sister: was in a LDR with a guy when she went to the university of Toronto for a year and he was still in BC - Then she transferred to UBC (so had a shorter distance - same province)and graduated from there but before she graduated, they broke up. It wasn't the right relationship for them I guess.

                          And with people I met online, I know a girl who goes to my university who is in an international LDR with a guy in the USA so that kinda counts, and that is still going on.


                            I don't really have close friends or family who are in current LDRs. A girl from my study group in Guatemala got together with her boyfriend the same semester we were there so they've been LD for the last year - though she is moving back there in a few days. Other than that friend...I know 2 couples who were long-distance before they married. Both couples' marriages are at least 15 years so their experiences are past but they've been a huge support and are very encouraging!
                            When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
                            no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


                              twin sister

                              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                              Married: 1/24/2015
                              Became Resident: 9/14/2015

