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Update on doings

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    Update on doings

    Hey all.

    I'm sorry to have been off the forum so long, but it's been hectic. With my new job, I work 12-hour days and am exhausted at the end of the day. When I come home, all I can manage is to get off my uniform, eat a bite, and talk with my Honey, then I have to get to bed. On my days off, I have to catch up with housework, errands, and cooking. However, I think of you all often and wish I could keep up with the news here.

    My SO did come for a 11-day visit this month, and it was wonderful. We had much fun and made many memories. This time it was much harder at the airport when he left than the last time. I've come to love him more, and our time together brought us even closer. I felt like my heart was ripping out and wanted so to get on the plane with him. I had come to rely on him so much that I felt lost without him. I cried and cried. Also, he had driven me to work while here, so the first morning I had to go without him was difficult and lonely. I leave when it's still dark, so the night made it even sadder. I miss him more than I thought possible.

    Now, I'm living for the next time we can be together. I love him so much, and it continues to grow each day. I can't wait until we can close the distance.

    I'm coming to see his ways of showing love. He was so good to me while here. He noticed things I needed, and he did them. For example, he saw my oil-change light kept coming on in my car, so he took my car for an oil change. He wants to protect and provide, and he makes me feel cherished.

    We were able to laugh and have fun no matter what we were doing. It was fantastic being able to see him in my house and to feel that my house is now our home.

    I've been envious of those of you that get to see your honeys, but now I feel guilty that I'm seeing mine when some of you can't see yours. The distance can end - hang in there. It's worth the wait.

    I hope to find time to check out posts and encourage each of you.

    Hey, good to know you are doing well!

    I'm glad you got to see your SO, maybe makes working those 12 hour days worth it? I hope they treat you well and pay you good.

    I'm glad you have grown closer with your SO. I know each visit with my SO had helped us grow closer, and the time between had an affect on that..

    Stay strong, thanks for coming back to say hi.


      Yey for the update
      I'm glad to hear about your new work and your SO's resent visit. I bet you are shattered after such long days.
      Are you enjoying your new job though?
      I hear you on the loving him more and more all the time, it's the same for me. I feel more and more closer to him each new visit.
      Take care!


        It is good to hear from you be good to yourself!


          Your visit sounds lovely I too feel the loving more after each visit. Nice of you to pop in here when you have the time. Take care
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            Glad to hear you have had some time with your SO. He sounds like a great guy. It must have been nice having him around, and being taken care of that way. I can imagine how you felt when he had to leave. Do you have definite plans for closing the distance yet?


            Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


              Thanks to you all for your kind comments. To answer some of your questions:

              My new job is tough, but challenging. I'm on my feet 12 hours and have much mental stress, too, so I am shattered by the end of the day. If I work one 3-day weekend, I have off Monday and Tuesday, work Wednesday and Thursday, then am off the next 3-day weekend. Those 3-day weekends working are the toughest. I'm grateful to have a decent job with benefits, but it does have serious risks with it. I'm hoping to get something different one day, as it is easier to get a job when working a job. I enjoy parts of the job and feel good each day that I truly earned my money. It's the first time in years that I am earning money to take care of my daughter and me. It's an awesome feeling for me, but it's also scary. I'm learning there are difficult people everywhere you go, so I ignore those and focus on the good ones at work.

              I've been afraid to share many details about my job, because I didn't really want to risk someone recognizing me. I like being anonymous, but I've decided to share. I can't not share with all of you. I'm a Correctional Officer at a medium custody prison. I'm a little bit of a woman, very small and petite, so I don't look like a typical CO. I've definitely got the grit and attitude, though. I've been doing this almost two months, now, so I have a feel for the job. It's more of a mental battle with the inmates than anything. If you are smart, discerning, and observant, you can handle this job. It's scary, though, when those bars close behind you. This will always be an experience that I will carry with me, and, hopefully, I'll have some lessons that will help the rest of my life.

              I did enjoy my SO being here very much and am trying to talk him into coming back next month. I know, I'm being selfish. He has bought me a plane ticket to visit him in August, so I can meet his family. I'm looking forward to seeing his home state and meeting his family and friends, but I'm also nervous. He will be coming back here to spend most of October. Yay!!!

              We do not have a definite time on closing the distance, but we have talked about the various ways we could do that. It would not be before the first of next year, though.

              I appreciate the support from this forum, and I hope to be on here more soon. I don't think I could have made this journey without you all.


                I am SO HAPPY for you!!! He sounds like such a thoughtful, loving man indeed!
                Your job does sound very tiring, and scary, but you have certainly had quite an adventure applying for it, being accepted, and working it. Be proud, girlio!
                February 2012 -- met online
                August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
                April 2013 -- met in person
                June 2013 -- broke up
                July 2013 -- back together
                August 2013 -- 2nd visit
                October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
                April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!

