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need serious advice feel suicidal

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    When she was in the uk I was having money problems and couldn't take her out much and she said it was partly to blame for breakup. Major red flag. Your girlfriend should be understanding when you have money issues and cannot afford much. There are always things you can do for free or of little cost. She sounds selfish and greedy. Do not take her back. My boyfriend is on a very tight budget and in 35 days I am going to see him. I already understand he won't be able to do much. I'm accepting and willing to pay for most everything. I understand financial issues. I love him regardless of what he can and cannot purchase or do for me. A walk is free. The park is free. If you have TV that is free. You can sign up for one free month of netflix or even redbox or even Amazon Prime and watch movies or TV shows. The library has free movies. There are thousands of free things you could do together and still have fun. Seems like she didn't want to put forth any effort. Good riddance.


      If she broke up with you because of money then it is for the best that she and you stay broken up. People that are willing to do that value materialistic things over love. If you value love over those things, then the two of you never would have worked out. You deserve to be with someone in life that puts you above money and would never put you in a such a hurtful situation. The right person is out there for you, you sound like an amazing person. I am truly sorry for your pain.
      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
      Benjamin Franklin


        Today I felt what true love feels like, I told her calmly to go be with the other guy if in her heart she feels it she should do it after explaining for her to be carefull as he is married and its not right for a married man to leave his wife just because she really likes him, im not going to take her back, atleast I dont think I will but only god knows cause I love her with all my heart. I guess pain is a must to teach me life is not about getting what we want all the time. I still want her but evrybody on here makes sense that I have to change. Maybe there is someone out there for me so I will keep ky hopes up but now that I topd her to go be with other man I think its best I dont talk to her anymore right? Atleast unless she is in trouble and needs the help right? I am not resentful person or go after revenge and I truely love her but not sure what most people have done in similar situation, im not saying im going to be friends with her just want to watch over her and make sure she is ok. Is that weird?


          Originally posted by moksaud View Post
          Today I felt what true love feels like, I told her calmly to go be with the other guy if in her heart she feels it she should do it after explaining for her to be carefull as he is married and its not right for a married man to leave his wife just because she really likes him, im not going to take her back, atleast I dont think I will but only god knows cause I love her with all my heart. I guess pain is a must to teach me life is not about getting what we want all the time. I still want her but evrybody on here makes sense that I have to change. Maybe there is someone out there for me so I will keep ky hopes up but now that I topd her to go be with other man I think its best I dont talk to her anymore right? Atleast unless she is in trouble and needs the help right? I am not resentful person or go after revenge and I truely love her but not sure what most people have done in similar situation, im not saying im going to be friends with her just want to watch over her and make sure she is ok. Is that weird?
          In this case, it sounds like a clean break would be best for you. You need to be able to mourn and heal and move on. There are plenty of women out there that put love first, and that don't believe on seeing other people while they still "love" someone else. You have a huge heart to love this big and there is that right person out there for you. Keep busy, keep healthy, maybe even do a "pay it forward" thing like volunteering at a shelter or old folks home to get some great karma going your way and take your mind off your pain. We are here for you as you need us.
          "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
          Benjamin Franklin


            If you feel suicidal over this woman, she is not worth the time of day. I don't say that with ambivalent ignorance. I say that with experience. My (ex)wife n' I were married for eight years(1992-2000), then I was engaged for four years(Nov.'02-Jan.'07) to my (ex)fiance. When my (ex)wife left me in 1997, I did go into a deep depression. But over the next three years, her 'true colors' came out, as did her lies. That she(and her family had been hiding something for a long time. So, I had no problem filing for divorce.

            Then, It happened again. When my (ex)fiance left me in 2007. I was just heartbroken. But I had a little warning, so it wasn't as hard. Because, She was emotionally abusive during the relationship, and I even left her twice. I did come back to her both times. But I was more wary of her behavior after the second time. She also lied. I even had to check out a lot of her claims. Some of them I knew without a doubt, were not true. Some of them I had to investigate further. I also got the legal permission to talk to her doctors. After one of her suicide attempts. I found her lying to her doctors about me. She was very manipulative. I have kept track of her. Because of what she did to me, and I didn't want her to be doing the same thing to other men. She got married to a man in 2010. But, She still lives in the U.S., while he lives in Canada. I warned him about how she would behave. He told me about how she was behaving. I started to realize, they are great for each other. Neither one of them has 'both oars in the row boat'. I won't even friend her or my (ex)wife on Facebook.
            Last edited by Chris516; July 13, 2014, 12:51 PM.

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


              I dont know how to update the threadbor edit it but after alot of thinking to all you wonderful people "IM NOT THINKING OF SUICIDE" nt anymore. I truely do love this woman and killing myself was only selfish, I havebso many selfish behaviours which all come from insecurities which are going away, once I made the ultimate choice for true love evrything seems to actually be getting better now. Im heart broken yes but I brought it on myself and accept responsibility for my past actions towards her, she a wonderful person but got lost along the way and it was partly my fault. Im just praying she finds her way in life as I am on my way to. Day after day my heart keeps growing as true love touched my soul and I am grateful, thank you chris for advice it was insightful.

