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Break up - need advice

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    Break up - need advice

    Little bit of backstory:

    We met on a game via a mutual friend. I was in a bad relationship with the friend prior. My ex, lets just call her Amy. Amy became my friend, and helped me get through the breakup with the mutual friend. Amy said she helped me because she wanted me for herself after seeing a picture of me. We spent the next 8 months talking and texting everyday for hours. We became very close friends spending as much time together as possible. Apparently I didn't get the hint, but she wanted something more all a long. Amy was going to go on a date with this guy from her school but instead chose to stay home and play minecraft with me. I eventually decided to ask Amy to make our relationship something more, she said she was relieved because if I didn't ask her out soon she would of asked me.

    Break up:

    Fast foward a 1 year and 4 months. We are both 20 years old. Around 8 weeks ago she comes on skype and tells me we need to talk about something. She tells me that she has been hiding a secret from me. She tells me that she is gay. However, she mentions that she really hated herself for being like that because she knew I was right for her. She said she needed my help because I was her best friend. I told her to think about it over the week and we will break up if that's what she decided at the end of the week. A week prior to this I noticed she stopped calling me pet names like hun or babe, which has happened before during her exam week. She was studying exams so I chalked it up to her being stressed again but I can see now she was probably doubting the relationship. Anyways, after two days, we talked a bit, I asked some questions. She decides we should end our break and continue our relationship. She explains to me that she is bi because she loves me. But, she also explained that she is far from her emotions since she was abused as a child. She explains that she lost out a lot on her childhood because of that. She said she was lonely and lost. She said those feelings of being lost are coming back and she is becoming an emotional train wreck. She mentions that she is broken and doesn't want me to see her like that. I tell her she can tell me anything and it will be okay. She tells me that I must think shes a liar and deceiver who doesn't know what they want. I told her no not to hurt her feelings. She mentioned that she was scared we wouldn't have feelings for each other in real life. I asked her why wouldn't we and she disregarded my question. She never dated anyone before me, besides some guy when she was like 12. But all they did was talk on IM.

    Amy is one that hides their feelings. Doesn't cry, get angry or anything. As much as I offered to help she never would open up she just always said everything is okay. After our 2 day break , we continued on our relationship for 2 weeks. She still didn't call me pet names, and seemed very distant. I asked her if the only reason she stayed with me was because I kept talking to her. She replied with pretty much. I asked her if she was happy with me, she said she was happy but she is unsure. During these 2 weeks, her grandmother becomes hospitalized and she went to go see her almost every day. We still spent hours together talking while she studied. We spent the weekend together still and talked on skype. Everything seemed okay besides the pet names.

    After 2 weeks, on saturday, she wakes up and tells me that she doesn't feel the love for me anymore and says she has to go to her grandparents. She leaves me instantly. I message her via our couples app asking her what this is all about and to explain. Amy is very vague in her answers only saying she doesn't feel love for me in her heart anymore. I was extremely upset with her, so I mention that now I do think she is a liar and deceiver. She immediately said thanks for calling me that then signed out. That week she was battling exams and her grandma's illness. We didn't talk for 5 days, I sent her a few messages asking if she'd answer what is going on. After 5 days she said that she would answer my questions. First she tells me that she loves me as a best friend, but not romantically anymore. Then after some talking she transitions it into; she needed this time apart to be independent. She said that didn't have anything to do with the break up at all, she said she didn't want me to be trapped in a loveless relationship anymore. She then proceeded to say she didn't like me anymore and states that the loss of feelings was gradual but doesn't know when it started. She said she doesn't want to be with anyone but doesn't want to be with me.

    Then she says she lost the feelings because "perhaps" she has grown. She ended up signing out of FB saying she'll speak to me another time after I stop blaming her for all our issues. At the same time I was talking to one of her close friends who knows about me. He mentions that she hasn't been acting differently at school and that she wasn't with anyone. He told me all this because I asked if she had been okay. I told him some of the stuff that happened a long with mentioning that she may be gay. Fast foward another two days, I asked the guy friend to see how Amy has been doing. Apparently he told her everything. Amy got pissed at me saying how I shouldn't have told anyone anything and that I exposed her sexuality. She said that she cared, but after what I did she doesn't give a F___ anymore. She mentioned that I hurt her so much by doing so. She ended that conversation by basically telling me she doesn't like me at all, doesn't want me, that I should leave her alone and that we are over. She tells me to move on, find someone else and give up. She said she won't give me any answers and that she has been acting different because she doesn't like me. She preceeded to immediately block me from FB, skype, and withdrew from our couples app. She blocked me on steam which was our main platform of talking and left me on Google +.


    We havn't talked for 4 weeks now since the blow out. I sent an apology after a week stating I was sincerely sorry for what I've done and I'm not expecting forgiveness or anything. Our relationship was going along fine until her finals week came. She graduated from college shortly after our breakup. Everything we've worked so hard for crumbled down to nothing within matter of weeks.

    I'm very confused right now and very sad. Our relationship was pretty amazing, we would spend crazy amounts of time with each other. Not a day went by where we didn't talk. The only problem we had was her parents didn't know about me, and if she got caught with a guy they'd likely kick her out of the house. We were planning on meeting this month, but it looks like that won't be happening. I need advice on how to move past this, or how to make sense of all what is happening. I've just come back from vacation, and all the feelings of sadness are starting to consume me again just as I thought they were over. Everything seems very lonely and empty now. I spend most of my days out and about, but when it comes time to relax and sleep. Thoughts of her destroy me, no matter what I try to avoid them. I still have dreams of her. I know I need to move on, but it feels like this a terrible nightmare... It hurts me even more to think that she doesn't care at all. It's like a switch flipped and now she is totally different. How could she just throw everything away so easily without feeling any pain? Any input will be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Unknownlover; July 13, 2014, 10:01 PM.

    Good riddance. What a terrible person. I would say more, but I'm intoxicated. I will in the AM.


      Originally posted by Unknownlover View Post
      How could she just throw everything away so easily without feeling any pain? Any input will be greatly appreciated.
      There could be two reasons :

      Either she fell out of love with you and felt an impulse to get away, especially if she doesn't understand how her emotions changed (then it will be hard to tell you why).

      Or she is really struggling with her sexuality, wanted to keep you as her friend and is truely hurt that you did not keep what she said in confidance.

      Or both.

      Either way, she is a confused person possably digging into traumas of the past. She cant give you the clairity and stability you crave.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        You assume she doesn't feel pain... why? The way I see it, she opened up to you about issues she has, and you called her a liar and a deceiver, and then told someone else about the things she told you in confidence. Figuring out your sexuality is a hugely emotional process, especially since in some places it is still highly stigmatized. I can't imagine how torn she must have felt between her sexuality and her relationship with you. I also feel like asking someone else about how she's been doesn't really prove anything. I know that even at my lowest/most depressed, I tried really hard to keep up a facade at work, so people who only knew me from there would have no clue.

        As differentcountries said, either way she can't give you clarity and stability. It may be easier for you to think that she's a heartless person or that none of this is hurting her, but at the end of the day I think she is a young woman who is trying to figure out who she is and what she wants from life, and that's a pretty tough situation to be in.
        So, here you are
        too foreign for home
        too foreign for here.
        Never enough for both.

        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


          I guess the more I thought about her asking if I think she is a liar and deceiver, I believed it after a while, mainly for not telling me something that she should have told me to being with. I didn't realize that telling her friend would hurt her so much, hence why I wanted to apologize to her. That was a stupid mistake, I was trying to find answers which I wasn't going to find. I have little experience with long distance, so part of me figured that asking someone who knows her well in real life would help me fix it. I regret doing it. Maybe part of thinking she lied to me was purely out of anger seeing as how we talked so much about the future, but little did I know she had this enormous conflict she needed to face.

          However, I assume she doesn't feel pain based on her telling me so and how she acted towards me. The last few messages we exchanged seemed to be cold and heartless. Maybe I'm wrong.


            I know that there are some things that people tell you in confidence, and as people have said, maybe she really is struggling with her sexuality. And she doesn't know exactly how to move forward, as sometimes life gets hard and confusing and one doesn't always know what way to go.

            It's not right to assume though, because you don't know all of what she's going through and it could be that her acting that way could be the only way that she could do what she did - I mean sure - I don't think how she went about it was right, but maybe at the time that was the only way for her to feel like she could protect herself. Don't just assume, and sure you don't know her side of the story, but you never totally know what was causing her to act that way.

            I get that it's hard, and the way that you're feeling is totally valid. But looking at things from what you've said - she is probably feeling hurt and betrayed by you telling her friend. Maybe she'll come around, who knows, and start talking to you again and you two can talk calmly and try to work through it - if that is what you want.

            Sorry if this doesn't help any. ^_^;;


              Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
              Or she is really struggling with her sexuality, wanted to keep you as her friend and is truely hurt that you did not keep what she said in confidance.
              I get the feeling this is what's going on with her. As someone who has come out only a few years ago (me), I can tell you that admitting it to yourself is almost just as hard as coming out to other people. And maybe seeing as you were the closest friend/relationship she had, she felt comfortable telling you. You were someone she could trust and you obviously needed to know how what she was going through. Yes her keeping up the "relationship" after was not the right thing to do but I also think that she probably didn't mean to hurt you. I was with a guy before my SO and I thought for sure I was straight...turns out I wasn't. Being confused with your sexuality will seriously fuck with your head. Give her time and space. I'm sure she'll come back and apologize and explain.

              I wish I could be more help...good luck.

              "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
              Married April 18th, 2015!!
              Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                Well, her friend of 8 years knew before me. Which upset me when I found out, she didn't tell me but assumed she was bi by dating me. Amy apparently has known she was gay since she was 5, we are both 20. I don't understand why she'd pursue me if she already knew she couldn't fix it.


                  Originally posted by Unknownlover View Post
                  Well, her friend of 8 years knew before me. Which upset me when I found out, she didn't tell me but assumed she was bi by dating me. Amy apparently has known she was gay since she was 5, we are both 20. I don't understand why she'd pursue me if she already knew she couldn't fix it.
                  As Mims said, sometimes coming out to people is the hardest thing - sure I'm straight, but I have friends who are Gay and I've talked to them about it. Maybe she trusted you but not enough to tell you. And she probably did because she was trying to not show that she was the way that she was - who knows.

                  She is probably really struggling trying to come to terms with who she really is. And maybe, she thought - that by being with you it would change who she was. You never really know. I do agree too that she probably saw you, after getting to know you, as someone she could trust with her secret - and by telling the friend - even though the friend already knew - it was betraying that trust. That could be why she's so upset right now. Who really knows.

                  I am really sorry that you're going through this though.


                    Honestly, I wouldn't read into it. If she thinks she's gay, believe her, and believe that's the reason. She's probably struggling with it a lot.

                    As for her "knowing" when she was 5, so why pursuing things with you.. any number of reasons. Sometimes people sort of know, but don't want to admit it to themselves. Sometimes they know but think they can change it by falling in love with the opposite sex.

                    My sister-in-law's dad is gay. He got married, had a kid, and then finally admitted to himself that he was gay, and divorced her mom.

                    A woman I used to work with dated men all through college, had a steady partner for years, married him, and then same thing, realized she was gay. I knew her during the process of getting a divorce from him and it was the most difficult thing she'd gone through because she loved him deeply. They got along very well, and everything was "right" with the relationship.. except that he wasn't a woman. He was looking for something he'd done wrong, or some way to fix it, and that wasn't the issue. It was just that they had incompatible sexuality.

                    These things happen. It sucks, but it's better in the long run. Good luck.


                      I fear not being able to talk with her ever again seeing as how she cut me out of her life. Even if it is just as friends.


                        You're probably not going to understand this because you're not gay yourself but as others have said coming to terms with your sexuality is the hardest thing you will ever have to go through. I realised i was gay when i was 11 and because i knew people didn't like you if you were gay i tried to make myself straight by dating guys and of course that didn't work. it was an impossibly hard task even admitting to myself that i was gay because i hated myself for years because i wasn't normal and nobody liked me because i wasn't straight. when i first discovered this i told my best friend at the time and of course when we stopped being friends she told everyone my secret and outed me to pretty much my whole town. if there is anything worse with coming to terms with being gay it's being forced to come out and tell otehr people that. so although you didn't mean any harm by telling her friend she might be gay i can completely understand why she's reacted like this. if she forgives you it will take time because this is a huge betrayal of trust even though you didn't mean for it to be.
                        Give her time and hope she can forgive you, only then can you go back to being friends. I know this is kinda harsh but i really known exactly how she feels and it took me years to forgive the person who outed me.
                        my girls <3

                        Josie (SO)
                        Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                        Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                        Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                        Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                        Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                        Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                        Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                        All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


                          I'll play advocate here: all points made about exposing the girl's sexuality are valid and the guy posting recognises that. From what you've said, fella, it doesn't sound as though it was malicious and you opened your mouth without thinking, wanting answers.

                          Of course, there are two sides to every story but I can only go on what I've got in front of me and, for me, the 'outing', if you like, is an excuse. Not to say that it wasn't a real issue for her (I'm sure it was/is) but it doesn't sound as though it's the central issue. I think, sadly, she has outgrown the dynamic of your relationship (you say that you were due to meet and from the way it was described, it sounded like that was going to be the first time?). Having finished college, she will have reached a real crossroad in her life and I daresay that may have sparked some evaluation of different facets of her life and she just hasn't had the courage to say it.

                          Unfortunately, though, you haven't got the answers you need and that is very, very hard. Whatever that answer/rationale is, it's difficult to have that going round in your head. For now, with no means of contact, all you can do is wait and see if time eases whatever the problem is enough for her to re-instigate contact with you. I hope that you can be friends in time.

                          Look after yourself.


                            The problem with all of this is that there are so many things that could be bothering her there is no way to tell. And no the outting wasn't intentional at all. I even told her that in my apology. This is pretty much the first major thing that has happened in our relationship, besides one time we didn't talk for 30 minutes because she upset me. I feel better having gotten the opinions and advice from a few different people. I will probably never truly know what the issue is unless she decides to talk to me for whatever her motive is.


                              Part of me feels she is also scared of meeting due to her family issues. Our original plan was she was going to get a job, I'd finish school. She'd visit me for the summer and I'd move to her city. She ended up not getting any of the jobs she applied for, so she didn't have the excuse of using her job to visit me.

