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Biggest Fear

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    Biggest Fear

    For those who have met and those who haven't. What is/was your biggest fear about meeting your SO?
    You won't click
    One will love more than the other after
    One will decide they can't handle it anymore

    My biggest fear is actually all 3, but I forgot to include that. But my main biggest fear is we won't click irl.


      We haven't met. So my biggest fear will be him not liking me when we meet, because then that'll be it, it'll be over.
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        My biggest fear was that we wouldn't click or get along like we did online. I also feared she wouldn't like me or what she saw. Thankfully that didn't happen!

        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
        Married April 18th, 2015!!
        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


          Originally posted by LadyDean View Post
          My biggest fear is actually all 3, but I forgot to include that. But my main biggest fear is we won't click irl.
          I am in a new 'something'(it seems like a relationship even though she says it isn't). So, The same for me. Even though we have met irl.

          I am trying to keep a clear head. But I never have experienced this amount of passion in all of my previous relationships, like last week. LDR, or not.
          Last edited by Chris516; July 14, 2014, 10:36 AM.

          First Visit: September 2016
          Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
          Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

          John 3:16
          For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
          John 4:12
          I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


            My biggest fear was that I would be too big for him. I was obese at that time and worried he would not like that. Everything worked out great though

            Relationship began: 05/22/2012
            First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
            Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
            Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
            Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
            Married: 1/24/2015
            Became Resident: 9/14/2015


              I'm not that worried about how one or the other will feel. Both of us are mutual head over heels for each other.
              But I do have to admit a fear I have, which is us not being able to close the distance.
              Met August 2012
              Official Nov. 18 2012
              Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
              He's visiting April 7-28 2014
              I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014


                I agree with what people have said - I've not met my SO, and I'm afraid that we won't click as well as we do online.


                  Well neither of those three were my biggest fear, at least not the way they were worded. (so I chose 'nothing' even though I had some fears)

                  Before I met my SO, my biggest fears were probably more the fears of flying alone and finding him in the UK, that he would show up and everything would work okay. I know by the time the visit was going to happen, I was more excited than nervous. I would have said I had a fear we wouldn't click but I don't like that wording, I wasn't worried we wouldn't click but we were expecting to be nervous right away. We talked about what would happen when we'd meet, whether we'd hug or kiss, etc.. so it sort of calmed the fears. I could tell that I knew who he was because we talked a lot on video chat and also sent pictures of our bodies because we both were a bit self conscious about how the other would view them, although since we exchanged the photos and talked... well the excitement just took over the fear.. it's hard to remember my biggest fear.. I think by the time the first meeting rolled around, it was mostly just the journey from the airport, on the plane, to the airport.. and on the taxi ride to the train station where we met.

                  I think it's just hard to remember the "biggest fears" now because once I saw him and he hugged me, the fears pretty much vanished away.


                    I'm worried he'll decide he can't handle it, or that we won't click as well irl. I'm also worried I've found another commitment-phobe. He seems to be running right now lol
                    "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                      My biggest fear was that he wouldn't be attracted to me, that he would find me fat and ugly. I was pretty sure I would feel attracted to him right away. Which is funny because I didn't feel like it for the first couple of hours. Then is caught on
                      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                        Before we met irl, my biggest fear was that he wouldn't find me attractive. Turned out, there was no reason for any fears, because everything worked out better than expected.


                          Mine's always that I'll love him more than he loves me and that he can't handle it anymore.

                          I've had bad experiences with those.


                            Some of the fears make me so sad. Now I feel terrible opening a can of worms, but maybe it's good to confess. There are some I left out because I either forgot or didn't want a zillion options. I could have made a "something else" option but didn't think of that either. Is there a way to edit the poll options?


                              My current fear in my situation is that we won't click. My chemistry in my past relationship was amazing and I'm afraid I'll never be able to find that again. If we do click then I'm afraid that I'd love him more than he would love me.

