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Loads of things in common, or opposites attract?

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    Hehe, so my SO put it this way one night =) We were on the beach when he said, we're like the oppisite sides of a coin. We have a lot in common, a lot of the same values, but we definately see things differently. So we balance eachother out =)


      That's funny how theres different proportion between similarities & differences and still all these relationships work somehow

      Toby and I ... well, first thing that connected us was music and whiskey. then beer. then Ryan Adams - who is OUR man - his songs and poems. we also know that we are both super-annoying and i am/he is the only person on earth that can put up with him/with me. we both need our own space and we don't open to people very easily... but then again we both have pretty entertaining, and expanded social lives.

      but then again... he plays computer games, i dont. he likes reading books about history, i dont like history at all. he thinks about problems, id rather talk about them... i like planning, he doesnt... and there is lots and lots of cultural differences .... hes laid back, i stress a lot... he likes watching australian football and i only enjoy it when hes playing.

      im romantic, he can be but is too lazy to.... and all that other stuff...
      but we know one another better than anyone else.... and we still have feelings for each other (or at least i do for him...). so thats the beauty of it!


        @Jackie - Lol! you 2 sound a lot like me and Tanja!

        Originally posted by uk_girl View Post
        We're extremely similar.

        We like similar music, we both enjoy socialising, going out to clubs and bars, we both LOVE football (soccer...quite rare for a female) and we both have the same stupid sense of humour. We're really good friends as well as being bf/gf and I think if our relationship doesn't work out, then being close friends would be a given...obviously after a few months to get over the split! Lol.

        I hope he knows how lucky he is with that one!

        Originally posted by Tanja View Post
        Like Andy said we don't have that muc in common when it comes to hobbies etc but when it comes to really big and important things we usually are on the same line which to me is the most important thing. We do argue about loads of little things but in a cute way lol and I love our argues especially when I'm right

        Erm, what on earth are you talking about babe?
        In a relationship with

        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

        My Albums:
        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
        My dog Sam ♥


          Extreme opposites my boy and I, which makes our relationship so exciting! We have those little arguments Tanja mentioned and its fun to have them isnt it?
          It has also been great being different because we have helped each other grow, well he has helped more than I I am very emotional and he is very practical so he always finds a rational solution to my meltdowns and has helped me learned to focus on the positive side of things. He on the other hand, plans out everything while I am spontenous, he always knows were he is headed when stepping out the house, has everything he needs and keeps a list of to do things which he checks once completed. Our trips together he always used to carry around a map and tour guide with language phrases. He has learned to leave those at the hotel sometimes and follow my lead, we have met awoseme people and beautiful hidden places that are not listed on touristic sites, handbooks etc.....of course he still reads the tour guides from beginging to end and backwards before each trip haha

          Even though we are extremely different we want the same things and have learned it is so much fun to do the things the other enjoys even when we dont like it or are not good at it hahaha
          Enamorada de ti!!


            George and I equal out one another.
            The things that we've done and the situations that we've both face, similar and complicated, have shown me that we are the couple that 'finishes one another's sentences'. Whenever I think about giving up, he's all for continuing on. Whenever he's angry, I 'calm the storm'. If I can't figure something out, he's right there. I don't know how to explain it. It's that neat.
            He's definitely my other half, an extension of myself. He's taught me to stand up for what I believe, and I've taught him to be more opened minded and listen.

            ... And we both love soccer. :P
            We are puzzle pieces. I'm the goal keeper, and he's the forward type of completion.




              Whoa, that's a tough question! It's interesting, because I think my husband and I changed one other a lot since we've been together... our personalities kind of drifted together, I guess: I used to be a loner, but now I can't stand being by myself. He used to love being around a lot of people, now he can't stand the hubbub in his huge family and rather stays with a few people at once. He's calmed down a lot since we met, I grew a lot more emotional (often too much). Still, our personalities are quite different - I like going out and doing stuff, he can be really lazy and would usually rather stay home and relax/watch TV, he's more spontaneous while I like to plan things, he's goofy while I'm not the practical joker at all (I like humor and having fun, but not particularly the goofy, childish kind... even though he makes me laugh, I gotta admit ).

              A lot of our interests are similar, though; most importantly, we both love movies! We're both non-smokers and only casual drinkers.
              Most important of all, though, we see eye-to-eye about the big issues in life: politics (gender and ethnicity/equality issues), work (work to live, not live to work), religion (neither of us is religious), relationships, family and what a life well spent means.
              Last edited by lunamea; January 31, 2010, 09:29 PM.


                For the most part, it's loads of things in common. We absolutely love cooking, and enjoy watching Adult Swim cartoons.

                We do have some differences though. I love country music (as does her dad) but she prefers more hard rock, oldies, etc. As I've said before, I enjoy pro wrestling (who doesn't?), but she thinks it's boring/not entertaining.

                I like to think our differences are what make us unique, and our sames that gives us something to talk about, which will make us love each other even more. That's what love is...loving each other, no matter what the similarities or differences.
                National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                  We are similar in many ways and opposite in just as many ways. We have very similar upbringing- Born and raised in Midwest U.S.A., in families with 3 kids (2 boys and a girl). As such, we have very similar values and beliefs and hopes for the future. We also share a passion for travel and connecting with people all over the world. At the same time, our personalities are very different. He is very outgoing, persevering, energetic, and never afraid to fight for what he believes in. I, on the other hand, am more introverted, calm, easily discouraged, and I tend to avoid conflict and try to smooth things over when I see conflict occuring. Though we've known each other for so long that I think parts of our personalities have rubbed off a bit on the other.


                    Originally posted by KeeperoftheAirmansHeart View Post
                    Hehe, so my SO put it this way one night =) We were on the beach when he said, we're like the oppisite sides of a coin. We have a lot in common, a lot of the same values, but we definately see things differently. So we balance eachother out =)
                    this is so nicely put : )
                    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                    ~Richard Bach

                    “Always,” said Snape.


                      Originally posted by Jennifer&Georgex3 View Post
                      George and I equal out one another.
                      The things that we've done and the situations that we've both face, similar and complicated, have shown me that we are the couple that 'finishes one another's sentences'. Whenever I think about giving up, he's all for continuing on. Whenever he's angry, I 'calm the storm'. If I can't figure something out, he's right there. I don't know how to explain it. It's that neat.
                      He's definitely my other half, an extension of myself. He's taught me to stand up for what I believe, and I've taught him to be more opened minded and listen.

                      ... And we both love soccer. :P
                      We are puzzle pieces. I'm the goal keeper, and he's the forward type of completion.


                      That's so beautiful

                      Originally posted by KeeperoftheAirmansHeart View Post
                      Hehe, so my SO put it this way one night =) We were on the beach when he said, we're like the oppisite sides of a coin. We have a lot in common, a lot of the same values, but we definately see things differently. So we balance eachother out =)
                      That's a great way of putting it! I really like that
                      In a relationship with

                      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                      My Albums:
                      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                      My dog Sam ♥


                        I would have to say a bit of both. We're very similar in a lot of ways but we also have our differences too. However, we agree on a lot of the bigger issues and I guess that's what really counts. I like to think that we compliment each other very well .


                          hmm not sure which one we arei guess more the opposites attract even though we do have a lot in common...hes more the thinker and planner, thinks about stuff before he says it and so on, and he dwells a lot on things. im more spontaneous and say things whithout thinking and im rather the "past is past" type of person. so his mind works rather logical than mine, i rely more on my intuition than he does. which makes me a lot more moody than he is, im wayy more often really depressed or really bitchy than he is, cos he stays calm and thinks about what happened. hes more of a pessimist ("im just realistic, darling" ahem) and im more of an optimist. but we just complement each other very well. (although of course somethings he does drive me insane, such as him always considering himself cleverer than anyone else and that he always has to be right, he often is, but sometimes he tells me about stuff he thought out that i dont even wanna know lol, but its very cute anyway and i suppose its not much different to him..i think he hates how im always rather careless about stuff, such as my health). but on the other hand we both like a lot of the same music, movies, tv shows. we both have the same sense of humour and are both very passionate about everything we do (hence why we fight quite often lol) . we are both really really lazy when it comes to work, but both very athletic and a lot into sports (different ones though). i guess we both have the same interests but different but complementing personalities, which makes it exciting. we fit amazingly well and know how to calm each other and make each other happy.
                          Last edited by maja; February 1, 2010, 08:03 AM.


                            I like to think our differences are what make us unique, and our sames that gives us something to talk about, which will make us love each other even more. That's what love is...loving each other, no matter what the similarities or differences.
                            That's so true and well said and I'm happy to say it goes for me and Andy too


                              In our personal case we are pretty much similar, not to every extent or detail, but we share a lot of things in common. And it work for us because we can spend the time together in those things. But I would say there is no perfect recipe for relationships, what works for you doesn't work for the other. In every "type" of relationships there are succesful ones and ones that not so.


                                Originally posted by Mio View Post
                                But I would say there is no perfect recipe for relationships, what works for you doesn't work for the other. In every "type" of relationships there are succesful ones and ones that not so.
                                Totally agree!

                                Personally it's a mix I guess. Sometimes our thoughts about things are different and sometimes the same. We like similiar things, yet also have lots of things we both enjoy personally.I have come to enjoy certain things through her interests like metal, haha. Either way, I'd say we complete each other! Not necessarily by being the same or different, but being 'us'. And our 'us' is great! It's more complete than I alone can ever be. I know what she adds to me is a feeling of belonging, happiness and worth. In being different and the same in many ways, we learn and enjoy a lot about each other. It's amazing!

                                Have a nice day,

                                Adia, you're on my mind and in my heart...

