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Loads of things in common, or opposites attract?

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    I think that my SO and I are a lot more similar than different. The first time I met his mother, she said that Jared and I are more like twins [meaning personality-wise] than him and his actual twin sister. We both are really shy when we first meet people, but he is probably more shy than me now because I have gotten a lot better lately. We both are very introverted and prefer having a small number group of close friends. We both get depressed somewhat easily, and we are both on the same anti-depressant lol! I have a very broad taste in music and like practically every genre, but Jared is very picky about his music and only likes a certain type. Luckily, I happen to like that type, so we have that in common too, although he often picks on me for some of the things that I like. We also like a lot of the same type of TV shows. Oh! And we are also both indecisive! He went into college as undecided, changed to political science, then changed to history, and then finally changed to journalism. I went into college as undecided, changed my major, and then changed it again the next semester. Honestly, I want to change it again, but I am just staying with it because I want to graduate in two more years.

    However, I am an extreme planner, and Jared definitely isn't. He also has ADD and gets bored really, really easily, but I can do the same thing for hours without stopping. I am book smart and am very studious, but I have no common sense! Jared never made great grades in school because he never really studied as much as me, but he has the common sense to make up for the lack of mine. That balances us out though because we are both really hard workers when we put our minds to it. I am extremely girly, and Jared is always trying to be masculine :P He is Catholic and I am agnostic, but he is more spiritual than anything--I believe--so that doesn't make much of a difference. I will still go to church with him He is also a lot sillier than me because I am very serious.

    Overall, I think one of the most successful aspects of our relationship though is that we both have similar values and goals in life, which I think might be the most important thing of all.


      I think we're actually quite different, really. We have certain views which are really different, but it doesn't create problems. But then again we have similar humour and like the same kind of things (music, films, etc). Our differences make for some interesting conversations. :-)


        Alex and I have very little in common! But we fit together very well and each's traits compliments the others =)
        But, we have pretty much exactly the same hopes and dreams for the future!


          I'd say we're kinda in the middle. We don't have a whole lot of common hobbies or anything like that, but we do share pretty similar taste in movies, books, etc. And we both think about life in a fairly similar way, and pretty much agree on the big things, so like others said, that's what's important. And in some ways our personalities are similar, but in others we tend to be different. So I think we have a nice balance and compliment each other pretty well!

          Good topic!


            hehe i'll tell drew that ya'll like how he put it. the funny thing is that 2 seconds he cldnt even remember how he said it! lol i love him. =)


              I think it's a nice balance. We compliment each other in many ways. We do have stuff in common and there are actually a lot of things we agree on. But we also have our differences. We don't share the same opinion on EVERYTHING, but we're still able to talk about it and respect one another's opinions. We agree on the important things. We both joke around a lot. I love it. We poke fun at each other and mock one another (lovingly of course) and laugh about it together. But we're also able to have talks about more serious topics and actually express our opinion. I'd say we have enough in common that we can relate to one another, but our differences only compliment one another and create a nice balance! =D


                For us it's a good mix. Our interests are very different. He loves math, physics, and programming, while I am a total psychology geek and love to read. The great thing is though, we both love to learn and try new things. We teach eachother tons and he has given me the courage to explore my interest in computers. But in other ways we are much the same. We enjoy similar TV shows/movies/music. We also have very similar personalities and take immense enjoyment in a simple night in. Both of us have similar needs when it comes to our relationship. In the end, both our similarities and our differences are what makes our relationship so great!

