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Am I Overreacting? Please Someone Help.

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    Am I Overreacting? Please Someone Help.

    So me and my SO have been talking since January. It wasn't until April that we decided we had feelings for each other and we wanted to take it to the next step. He lives in Tennessee, but travels for work. Meaning he is on the road for months at a time without seeing his family or friends. He works 3 or 4 months in a row then takes a month off. Well, he was off for the month of July so he came to visit me for the first time! It was great, he got along so well with my family and friends, it was wonderful. He was here for 10 days.

    He told me when we first started talking that when he goes home to see his family and friends, he barely texts anyone. He likes to spend that time with them because he is away for so long. He even told me that his ex girlfriend HATED it when he would go home because she barely heard from him.

    Well, he headed home to Tennessee Friday night because he is spending his last week off at home. He drove his truck up here, so it's about a 21 hour drive back. About 2 hours into his drive he texted me that he loved me and we talked for a little. Then, he called me Saturday morning to let me know where he was and stuff and everything seemed normal. He finally got home Sunday and I didn't hear from him at all. Monday he texted me a couple times, just one word texts and it bothered me a tiny bit but I was just thankful that he was texting me at all. Last night, I sent him a text that said "I'm headed to bed. Just wanted to say goodnight!" and he never even responded. The thing that really bothers me is that he was on Twitter and responding to my friends' tweets, which is so bizarre to me. He became friends with them while he was up here, but it's like he is communicating with them more than his own girlfriend at this point?

    I don't know. The last thing I want to do is text him and sound needy or psycho. He goes back to work on Monday and I am really interested to see what it will be like. He told me he had tons of fun with me and wants to come back in November when he is off from work again. I don't think he is seeing anyone else...I just don't know if he is into me anymore and it's killing me. Please if I am completely blowing this out of proportion, tell me. My mind is just racing at this point.

    Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. I am sorry if this post is jumbled up and doesn't make sense but I am desperate for some advice. None of my friends are in LDRs and they can't really offer any insight.

    I'm not going to tell you whether or not you are over reacting, that is something you have to decide for yourself because its your feelings that are hurt.

    But I will say, at least he did warn you that when he is there with his family he doesn't text much because he spends that time with his family. And in my option it doesn't sound like he has lost interest if he already is telling you he wants to come back in November. I can't stand up for him for being on twitter, but it may simply have been something to do to relax or out of boredom and he may not have noticed the text from you. The only way you could ever find out the reason was if you asked, if it bothered you enough that you needed to.


      I completely agree with LATA. He warned you about this, he's also planning on visiting you in November so I see no loss of interest.
      This was the.first time he was home right? If so, I'd see how the second time goes. If he tweets your friends a lot while hes home and doesn't text you, I might just simply let him know that while you understand he wants to spend time with his family, it takes the same time to send a tweet as it does to text.
      But that's ME. That is what I woukd do in the situation.
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        I'm with the first two - I think you're overreacting, if he made sure to get in touch a little on his way there, warned you he won't be in touch much, and also is already talking about the next visit.

        As for Twitter, I'd try not to stress it too much. I've been there, with some social media worry. It's easy to get wrapped up in that. But, he may just want to make sure he's not coming across as rude or dismissive to your friends being in touch with him, or it could just be that checking in on Twitter is also a quick relaxing thing for him. I realize it's annoying when he does that instead of texting you, but it's okay (and healthy) for a partner to have social outlets.

        If the amount of contact isn't quite enough to make you comfortable, could you talk to him and agree on a compromise that makes you feel included but doesn't infringe on his time too much? My SO and I do that. It varies a little depending on the trip, but we discuss what we'll aim for, and remember to have a little flexibility in case something needs adapting.

