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VOTE! New Member Titles

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    Oooh. I like that. >.> I really do like the hearts. Simple, to the point, and relative to romance. XD

    And Tanja, if you hit Alt + 3 (on the numpad) you get a little ♥. So it would look like:

    1. ♥
    2. ♥ ♥
    3. ♥ ♥ ♥
    4. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    5. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    if we did it like that.

    Edit: Those hearts don't look as good once they're posted. >.> Just my personal thought, though I do think Tanja's images would work better. XD


      Originally posted by Tanja View Post
      How about rating it with a number of hearts for example? Like this:

      3 .

      Like that, I couldn't add all the images up to 5. lol but you get the idea.
      I like it!
      It makes more sense for me (if we are going to have levels) that it's clear which level comes before the other. That was why I originally said I liked the stages of the relationship idea, though I do agree that it could be alienating for those whose relationships are having troubles or have ended.

      If it's names of famous couples or other categories, it's really kind of subjective which comes before the other. But, on the other hand, if things are less clear in terms of hierarchy, then it may be better in terms of keeping it from being too much of a competition. It may encourage individual posters to be more active so they can move up to the next level, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be seen any differently if you don't post all that much because many users probably wouldn't keep track of what each level really means??? Hope that makes sense!


        noob is a joke. lurker sounds like you're waiting around the corner to kill someone. I thought it was funny, but I have never used noob in an offensive way, I call myself a noob all the time. I'm not a gamer or anything, so I don't use the term the same way I guess. More like short for newbie.
        Read my LDR story!


          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
          How about rating it with a number of hearts for example? Like this:

          3 .

          Like that, I couldn't add all the images up to 5. lol but you get the idea.
          This is perfect!


            Originally posted by Tanja View Post
            How about rating it with a number of hearts for example? Like this:

            3 .

            Like that, I couldn't add all the images up to 5. lol but you get the idea.
            I think that idea is perfect! It is simple but at the same time, effective. I think it relates well and it can't really make people feel alienated or offended or anything along those lines.


              I vote for the hearts - especially since I've now learned how to type them - cheers Veiled_Dreamer. I do not like the celebrity/fictional couples idea - it's too subjective, and perhaps not so great for those in same sex relationships....? But, i have nothing of my own to contribute.

              ---> ha ha I voted too late - I posted this and up popped a heart on my avtar.
              Last edited by woop woop; February 1, 2010, 04:49 PM. Reason: too correct myself of course!


                Yeah the hearts are a good idea (:


                  Haha! Gurl, yours is genius.


                    i'm testing out the hearts right now just to see how it works. It look like we'd be able to have the hearts in conjunction with a phrase. So member rank titles will still be good. Keep the ideas coming on those
                    Read my LDR story!


                      I really like the hearts! Very cute. =D

                      As for the member titles, I like the couples, but I don't think it's clear as to which couple is better than the next... It needs to pertain more to their number of posts than the state of their relationship. LFAD Newbie is a good start in my opinion. =) I can't think of any others though... ><


                        LOL I still like lurker better... I can't think of a time that I've known of it being used in a negative manner, and I've been in all sorts of chats and forums *shrugs* I can see that it does IRL, maybe...Yet my SO agrees with you all on it being mostly negative... Maybe I am just weird lol Guess I will say its a good idea to drop the lurker bit

                        The hearts are very cool, I hope they end up being keepers!

                        I think something like Newbie, Contributor, Reporter, Columnist, Addict would work... In that order from lowest to highest.


                          Yup the hearts will stay. I created them in photoshop. Like?

                          for higher # of posts I've created badges.

                          1 heart = 30 minimum posts
                          2 hearts = 50
                          3 hearts = 100
                          4 hearts = 200
                          5 hearts = 300

                          and then the badges begin at 400.

                          I still want to change the member rank titles. I've already created the newbie title for people with less than 10 posts.


                            I LOVE the hearts!
                            I've been watching this post grow, trying to think of ideas, but the hearts are perfect!


                              I dont know what lurker means but I am not it! hahaha I am "newbie"
                              Enamorada de ti!!


                                The hearts really look great Michelle!
                                I'll keep thinking of good LFAD related titles...

