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Please help :(

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    Please help :(

    I have been seeing a guy for 3 Months and things had been going amazing for us up until a few weeks ago. I noticed he had been acting strange and distant towards me. He had me stay over at his place for a few nights, where we had a really nice time together (though, he was being distant). We went out to lunch which he paid for and then later that day I went home. The next day I tried to talk to him on Facebook and he quickly ended the conversation. I later sent him a message and he told me he was with friends (he only has female friends) anyway later in the evening I told him that we needed to talk and that I noticed he had been distant towards me for some time. He called me and told me that his feelings had lessened for me and it would be best if we broke up. He told me that it's the distance and I deserve better. I've tried to talk to him since and he just completely ignores anything I send him. I just don't know what to do and don't know how someone could just lose feelings for someone all the sudden. A few weeks prior to all this he told me for the first time that he loved me. I am just so completely confused and devastated. Please help

    As much as it hurts, you can't force him to talk. You said you've tried several times to contact him, but he ignores you - I would say you should give him some space for a while, then try one last time to talk to him properly and get some closure, but if he just can't properly talk things out with you, that's his fault, not yours. Breakups happen, and it's very unfortunate, but at the very least he should let you have a proper conversation about it.

    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
    The hands of the many must join as one
    And together we'll cross the river


      you probaly dont want to hear this, but i think he just used you....Sorry
      I hope for you he just has emotional problems, but try to move on

